Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

625. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. OF TEXAS AUSTlN licixorable Villlau~J. Lavson seore* OS 8lxbt.e Au&~ Tesas Attentionr Hr. Frank D:Wear opinion No. O-3937 Dear slrt Re: Do any 0f the lmit~ents OS R6llen's lfationalClub oonetl- tute a lwourity vsthltl the meaning o? the Seouritieehot? ..Yonr ‘iettei requesting the opinicb of this department on the 8bo~e stated queatim reada in part OS rollovst . i. "It‘hsa been 08uOd to the attention or this Dement thit one Hellen of Hoaston, lexasb is OpeI'8ting.inEoueton vhat is lmolfn88 a &lro-ten eh83.uunder the name of'Eellent 'RationalClub. '2he plan operstee mnething llke the old ahainletter raoket exoept that it ia operatdd thron#h the-eals of siembershlpetiEellen's Ration- dWub rather that&tprough a oh4.n letteri A olub Is rormed, ror example, ln Houston, vlth ten~char- 'tef~membere. Rach charter member eel18 memberships to two other.peopleieaoh of the86 tvo other people sell memberships to two more] eaoh of these two eellmembertipe to tvo mom, eta. 'The nsmea are added t6 the lietAn the same way ae in the 0halIlletter raoket. Out od esoh mem@er- ahip fee of 41.00, 506 goes to the Cltibor promoter etnd504 goes to the mad vhoae name ir on the top of the lirt. "Under the plan a8 nap in we ii the ohain la rmbroken and If eaah member eel18 to tvo more members the number one nmn otithe list at the time of the E6?+or6blq page 2 Yilll~m J. Y,,a~86n, tenth progr688lonvould reoelve 504 from eaoh or the 1,024 member8who would then be 6n the list, or an amount of-4512. ‘~II eOIIMOtiOII vith th0 OptIMtiOI8 Or 8Wh plan H6ll6n*8 Olub we8 6 pr6limlnaq applf6atlon, oopy or whl6h 18 8abnittedherewlthj ordia6ry r6- 06ipt, OOm Or vhbh i8 iik6Wi8e dUUitt@d, bid 8poluOi!'8OC~R~BB~COIOredit vouoher, ldliah,6Iitltl68 t)y&uenb~ top of the li8t to hi8 50+ iror 66oh . A OO~ 0r thin ln8tnrment18 d80 6n61086d. We Dl8trlot AttorPej 0r li827b Ootmty h88 re8- - quested an opinion fron thla Department 88 to vhether - any or there lmstrum6ntsoon8tltute8 866tuey vithh the meaning 0r the SecmrltlesAot for the purpo80 0r mlb mlttlng to th e g r a nd ju r y l o c mp ~lnt &sgalEt Bellen for 86ulXQJ ueourltle8vlthout 5 1106Ik86~' fh8 preliminaryapplloatlon blank, ordimry rooelpt, 6#&8p6n80rf8 oomml88lonoredlt vou6h6r u88d by.th8 Eellen~8~Ha-, tl6nal Qub, photo8tatlooopler 0r rlri6har8 attaahed to your aiqta7 m a8 r0uw8t ‘PRRLnmmY APPxmATI0H _ Hourton, Texa6 "Qsatl6menr .'I h6r6With &e 6pplloatianto b6'6dmlttedto the ~e~elln'8#atlonaf Club, and if aoo6$t6d agr66 to 6blde W it8 by-lav8 and rul08.~ Plea80 rind uwunt of piian du8 on m8mbemhlp drive pl6n. Same Qddrera R88ld6nO6 "Oohtpation 456-W "Signed (R-6 f.Xi m D-l-3-N” BonorableHilllam J. Layson, Page f %maton, 96X$8, jhly.16, 1941 "Reo6lved 0r RDWARDBURRHRR 2412 U6ntvorth Dollars Rl!z&Ri'SRATIOHAL SPiNSOR'S OOXSSSIOR ORlWT VOUOHRR 131 Veo8tlan uwh Bonw Plan RmmH’S HATI- OmB 1.001 lieHelp ?iouWh6n ton Reed it Moat-HOW; - Total -' - #X?Eh RSScUtiV6 wfi668t D88 &3ti68, fOV6i t Jpomors Cc48mi88lon Oredit Vowher ror be!%$%r?z- #l.OO# PXQi@n688 Be Provident State Readquwters--Hton, Texas SAVE !wE: 3.8the'&OWOM,'(~ sntitled to Oai+-;L f - 4 w to be paid personally oT brfng & Read- qwrters, r0r Credit. To the Seoretary, State Registbl'6dand NmFp Dlreotor ,Spon8or6dbj RHTmPRIsEs &UlS -88' "molti zhi8 @6dit VoWher pressntsd at &mborship~Drive Re8d- Q3Wt.W"-Of ROn6n'S ~tiiOnrr1Olub e&it168 holder Of this Oredit rouaher to m&e applioetionror memberShip Dev6 ?66 by pafing Sw6, signing appllaatlon- bokrg sp6auoredw a m6mb6r &tit188 holder to two oredit 6cumalselOnvouchersrlth their xmme thereon Vhlah must be used to seoure tvo nev prorpeofAvem6mbers.' 628 Honorable William J. Lavaon, Page 4 "The 6eourities Aot" defines the term '66aurlty" or "SeOUl'itieS a8 fO116VSl 'm t6l'm '86ClWit~' Or 'S~OtWitieS' Shl11 in- olude euy ahar6, atook, treasury stook, 8toOk oertl- fiOat6 under a voting tru8t agreement, collateral : trwt oortifloat6, equl*ent tru8t csrtifloate, free orgtisation 06tiiilOSt6 or receipt, subsarlptlon or reorgeniration oertifioate, note, bond, dsbfjnture, mortgage oertiiiante or OthW6Vld6&6'0f'lndebted- nesa, any form of 00mmerolal paper,' oertiiloate .in or under a piit rhu-iog or partioipation agreem6nt, oertifloate or any lartrum6nt pepresentlng 8ny in- terest in or under an oil, gas or mining lease, fee or title, or any oertitioato or instrument represent- - lng or 8eOurOdby an lntePert in any or all or the oapltal, property, asset8, profits or e-8 or any o~mpany,inveetment oontraot, or any other II+ strument uomnonly kuown as a security, whether slml- lar to there herein rererred to or not. l l l " It will be noted that the ,term 'SeOurltfor "8eo~ltl8s" . lnolude a number 0r instrument8 or things SpeOiflOtily mentioned therein and any other inrtrmnent oomonly known 88 a seourlty vhether similar to those rererred to or not, in the Aat. Ae the Becuritiee Act mentions any other instrument commonly known as a security, we dlreot your attentlon'to some 0r the general derinitSon8 0r the uord "8eOxMties' found in Words end F+hrmes, Perm. Ed., Vol. 38, p. 469 and the following pages I '8ecurltlea ar8 generally defined aa written asnurenoeafor the r6turn or repayment of money or evidence of indebtedness." "3eaurlty is an evidenae' of debt or of prop- erty, as a bond, stock oertificate or other lnstru- ment, eta.; a dooument giving the holder the r&at to demand and reaelve property not in hla poases- aion.' Honorable William J. Lawson, page.5 "fhe t6Zm 86ouriti88 in it8 broadest 86lISOem- br&OeS bonds, 06~ifl~t68 Or StOOk, and other~evi- den06 Of debt or Or pro rty. @hayer ~8. Wathen, 44 8. If.906; 17 Zex. 3r2) “Oenerell~, any r0m 0r *8trm8ibt wed ror purpose or rinrnoingend prcaPotingenterpalsos, de&lgned.rorlnYe8tment,18 8 SOOilPity vlthin Stat- , tat6authoriringinveetigoti&s by Attorno$+'Oenerrrl 0r apparent rraud la dale or reauritles." liebsterdefines seotiity to be something to be giVeri or dspOSitOd.tO&t&k6Oertain the fu.UllUent, or an obllgatlon~the observauoe or a provision ror .the payment of a debt. Re ale0 says it may mean any _ evldenae of a debt.. A oontraot which seourea or olearly asoerteinathe amount Of money due on 'the ' performuce of a certaiawork or the fU!nlsh~ or certain material is a seourlty in law." "The tOEa 86ouTicy SigniiieS~thatvhloh make6 seoqe or oertalni In its properuse it relates to _ peo*isry matters, and often oonb~s 0r a promise or right uneljtended with possession of the thing upon whioh It repoaes.~ St Implies in'its oommon aooeptatlonthat whloh prevents loss or makes safer Dr. Johnson deflms It as anything given as a pledge or sstltion. Dean Svlft uses it as sopongmouaulth 86fety.or oertalnty. Webster defines it as anything g&n or depOSited to 8eoure the payment of a debt or the performan 0r a oontraot,afta bond ror sure- ty, a mortgage, the endorsementof a resporislble m8n or 8 pledge. It is that whloh renders 8 matter sure; an Instrumentvhioh render8 oertain the performanoe of'the aontraat." !EheAppellate court8 0r thie std8 have renderd soy- oral oplnlons construing oertain provisions or "The Se0uritles Aot.' BOnneOr th88e 01888 are, Atvood vs.'Btate,121 S. W. (26) 3 33 Satlthvs. Fishbaok, 123 3. W. (26) 77l; Eadane va. Olark, 1s3 a. w. (26) 197; Culver vs. Cockburn, 127 9. x. (26) 328; llu8eva. State, 132 3. W. (26) 596; Alken vs. State, 128 9. W. Eonomble W~lism J. Lavaon, Pq6 6 (26) US05 Sulta Par Fpvler, 148 S, W. (2d) 249f end Oonser VS. Hnncohk,149 8. If. (2d) 239. After 08l’eiullJ reading a686 O&SeS, 96 d0 not think th& ULy Or them f.UVOlVeS the QUOSti6Zl OOMidOl’Od’ iJX this OpiaioO. lllter owefull~ oonoli9eriug the term “aeOur*k or 8wawltLes" aa dofIned by "The 8eaur:t:aaAat' vo do pot :. think .th&tBny Of the above wnti@Md inStl’U’Uellt8 u8& by )' ~6~~‘8 )I&tiOti%&Ub OODLI) rithb the tOl’I8 •86iXll’it~m OC *se6uritler* es that term is defined by ‘Tha, Seouriticrs Aot.’ Tr?llBtliig that the ror6golng hlly eu8lrer8 .yourini' Your8 very truly ATTORRRY 0RRMU.L OF TRXAS &Qa~~ Ard8llw1ll3ah hSSiSt&llt