Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fionorable Yl;rvin t&L, Co3dssloaer Iire Inpurnnce Xvislon ~0d or I~~USE~OS Ciommi~oi~n6rrr iiuotln, Texts I larfed raleemn d aq3loyeae of er-lnnurance prlaolpal work r in0urtm00 rrm lly, are reqolred der hrtioles 5035 1043, requeetlng t!m opinion n at&ted tharoln reads aa fol- sxchmge tire exe;yt frou aacurtag Ucensea. *tie have had nu:~ierousco:pplaints Oeceusa euch above deacrlbed representatives solicit tind sell Insurance wtthcrrltbelnej subject to the smae regul&tiona acd re- qufrezmnta aa prescribed by law for other tnsurancs a@xlto. It t&is besn our prcretioe to rsgulrs tepreeentu- tires of e rtml~procal eroh:mp,e *ho sollait and sell ia- wrmc~ to the .xblia i:anarullyto be licensed under ,,rt:cla 5GGS. *In 1939, the0 aro.ae itie cjuaetlon of llataaing repre8or&xtlro8 of Lloyda. In thl.8 oan , the rope- lnfmtive8 .were be8ipLLr+ted a8 6eputy attorR#8-b- iaot, and they clalao4 exaaptfon Srom being licensed. Tkio que8tlon wa8 8Ub5dtted to you, and OpifdoA No. O-1010 n8 renC~rodon June 97, lt)OQt&t 8uoh deputy attorneya-Lain-ractwre required tg be 116ensed. "'IQ OoU8ideriA& tht8 qW8tf0A, Wb r~8PWbtiUily dir- 8ot Jour attention to an oplr;ion writton ln 1931, a QQpf of whloh i8 hereto 8tta0b0a. We au0 Invite your aonaiduatlon OX Utlcla 5066, 8eVi8ed %RtUtO8, end rrtlol# 578, Penal Code. It i8 our praotloe to 188uo a o*rtltloat*for agent8 wfm 40 not Irrllolt iFop the publio generally but whose prlnslpaldutie8 are over- 8eeln(l a@ ~upervlel~$ thr aetiritisa of 8gent8 rolioit- L~&&~pom the publics genarallt ar outllnadla Artiole *rlrsMtore, (18 8ubipit tke tollowine quertlonr I nraM dimet Mhrfed UIiOlmO or direst mlaried en1plo~ee8 of rociproaal or Inter- bl8llrWlOe WXChUfl$OS UhO8a &'rfZlOi~l Work la 8OlfeftatiOA of fA8uxaAa~ fro5 the pub118 geosrally, repuirod to & lleenwd a8 provldbd uadu etiaIa8 5085 aa& 50885, of the Rerilred citil f%atIltOU Of %Xf38?'" titlcle 6055,Vcrnoa*8 iicmotat*d C&v11 Statute8, provider: -It 8haU not bc lawful ror any pamon to lo t with inthir iitorte,a8 agont OF otbrrruiao, 10 8ol%oit- lnfj or recofvin6 6iqlic3tioa8 tw lneuranae 0r ant rlri@ whatevor,or in any mwmwto aid la tha tran8- actioa ot the bueineea of any ineurunce Oom&xmf imOoT- porated In tht8 3tipt.e01 out o? It, without first pro- curing (Y oertlflcsto ~of authoH.ty from th Coti~aloaer.w Article 572 o f Vcmxon*s l notsted Penal Code, mite8 it a penal ofrenee for oag iadlvfdual to aollait fn6ur~~cl in behalf of any lnsuraaoe cornyany withouta oertlilonte of ltuthorlty to I sot ls o(Jcmt or oolioltor for ouoh oop~p&a~,of after lwh oer- tU$crte o? outhority ohaL have boon oanoelled or revoked. hTtio1e 8088, VoruOn'o Annotated Clri1 StEtuteo, Qroriaa6 lo ofroot that any psroon who 6ollcito %nouranooon bobalt of any ~~OWXICO eo mp wy 1 6ln & g e nto f the GOSQ~O~. Oo a sr a llyopak- ing , th o lubotantiol pro~ioiono or hrticlo 25086 en 0ontaLned in Art1010 568, VernOll'6 AmQtatod Penal Coda. &otion 8 0r krtlole SOobpb,Vemoa~o Ann.:tated Civil 6ofiw~ the term6 -looal rroorbln& Statutes, omng othcrr tRlnll;a, a@c+sut* and *oolioltor.* Section 4 of raid Otatato p0eae0: "It oh11 bo u6laWul for any perlon or fifl or partnerlhip t0 aOt a0 a tb061 ~OOOrdia& Agent Of f3ollaltor in proourln4g buoiaeoo for aoy Ia6uroaoe Company, oorporatloa, l.@8+ln8umfse4,oxckmn~o, stituole B001pro661, iUOQ6i6t~OJ%,UoyQo or othor Xno~anoo Coalem, until ho ohall hare ln for80 ttm lloonue ;Irsrl~od for heroin.' 36otlon 913or 66lQ 6totUt6 (806tb) ~mrlQe8: 'Wo.prwiaioaoi thia irotohall apply to tm Llfo, Health and Acoidont Snsuranae bwlnooo or tte Life, Realth and daldent 2ep@tmemt of the oomynleo ong'l&& therein, nm 63awsllIt apply to 6nl of tbo followLag, 3ainol.l; "(a) rin~ notutbl full-tim bum 0rrh or oal6irl4.rd trerellag ropr6sentotlveo of ong In6uranoo Carrier ll- oehood to 80 buofnooo in Tern@. *(b) nay actual attorney in faot an6 it8 actual traveling 6alar16d reprsoentutlre EB to buolneoo tram- 4Ot6a through ouch attorney Lo.ieat or osl*rled repre- oentativo d any reolprocul esobon5o or lntffr-laeur5noo %XGhali&Oa&aitteQ to do buslnooo in Tsmo. Inview o r th e l*alflo lronptloa eent4lnd In 9eotioa W,~~o quotedabove, it lo our opinion that hrtloleSOUS, Voraoa*o am&it&i Clrll datuteo, mA hrtlelo 918, Yorrum*o .uuwtatod i-‘enal Code, have no application to the quoation uuder oonofderation. It 10 OUT Surtceropinion that in rf*W Of mai4 Seation 20 tbo oalor- 100 aalooaea or oalarle6 lmgAoyeeo o? reolpracalor inter-lnouranor lro&eagor are n6t oobjeotto Sootion 4 oi Art1616 556pb althoirgh their prlnolpal*or& 18 8ollolt2ng inouru~oa rrom the pub116 gonerally. Stated another war, it lo our oploloa that Sootlon SO lxvroooS~ lzoapt* horn tbr prorlolono of the fo r e g o ing ltatutso thubo poroononaord la luboootlaa (a) urd lbsootloa (b) of Z&Q- tlon 20 of aald utlolr. %erefOxe, tEe que+tloaam quote& @hove, 10 ro8peotiully anowered in the aogatlre. Your0 verr truly ATl’GRUfE~5ElKRAL OF ‘r3S~9 &ir&?fddL ,~~ _,_, A~; .:,le...e.;:L BY ArBell ~llllmo Xoolotant kJ(:&I?