Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable T: M. Trimble First Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Re: Does the extension of the bouna- aries of the city of Texarkana automatically extend the bound- aries of the Texarkana Independ- ent School District? We are in receipt of your letter of July 25, 1941, in whictiYOU reauest the opinion of this denartment as to whether or not"the extension of-the boundaries of the city of Texarkana automatlcallg extend the boundaries of the Texarkana Independ- ent 3chool District. Article 2804 of the Revised Civil Statutes reads as follows: "Art. 2804. Extending .. -. city . l_lmltsto include- district. Whenever tne llinits0s any lncorporatea city or town constituting an independent school district are so extended or enlarged as to embrace the whole or any part of any independent or common school dfstrlct adjacent to such incorporated city or town, that portion of such adjacent district so embraced within the corporate limits of such incor- porated cftg or town shall thereafter become a part of the independent school district constituted by IsuchIncorporated city or town. "If within the portion of such district so em- braced there should be situated any real property belonging to such district, such city or town may acquire the same upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon between the governing body of such city or town and the authorities of such district. "This article Shall not apply where it shall be determined at an election held within such city #ortown by majority vote of those voting thereon ,thatthe territory or any portion thereof to be so Hon. 'T.p1.Trimble, page 2 O-3823 embraced shall not thereby become a part of the in- dependent school district constituted by such city or town, but shall be taken into the c~ltylimits for municipal purposes only, and shall remain for school purposes a portion of the adjacent independent or common school district as though said city limits had not been extended. . . ." It is apparent from the above quoted article that is the city of Texarkana is a city constituting an Independent school district, then the extension of Fts boundarles would automatically extend the boundaries of the school district, The city of Texarkana was first chartered by the Leg- islature in-1907 by Chapter 104, House Bill 743, Acts of the 30th Legislature. Section 172 of said act granting a charter to thedty of Texarkana provides aa follows: "Public Schools - Independent Districts -The City of Texarkana is hereby constituted and shall continue to be a separate and independent school district." Under the above quoted enactment of city of Texarkana constituted an independent school district. However, in 1920, the L#egislaturepassed Chapter31, Senate Bill 9, Third Called Session, 36th Legislature. Section 1 of said Article pro- vides as follows: "Sectlon 1. That there is hereby created the Texarkana Independent School Distr%ct, which shall include within its limits all lands and territories included withln the corporate limits of the city of Texarkana, Texas, the boundarles of said inde- pendent school district to be fdentical with the limits and boundaries of said city and said inde- pendent school district is hereby incorporated and made,a body corporate ln law for free school pur- poses only, separate and distinct from the corpora- tlon of Texarkana, Texas." Apparently, by the above quoted Article, the school system was divorced from the city of Texarkana and there was created the Texarkana Independent School District. Said school district was made a body corporate in law forfree school pur- poses,only, and the'Legislature said speclflcally that it was to be separate and distinct from the corporation of Texarkana, Texas. It is ~quite apparent, therefore, that after the passage of the above quoted enactment the city of Texarkana no longer constituted an independent school district but rather the Tex- Hon. T. M. TrFmble, page 3 O-3823 arkana Independent School District was created as a separate distinct corporate entity apart from the'~municipa1corporation constituting the city of Texarkana. '~~Apparentlg some question arose because of the fact that the Section 1, supra, of Chap- ter 31 provided that the boundaries of the Texarka~naXndepend- w ent School District 'shouldbe the same as the boundaries of the city of Texarkana. The distinction to be known in this case was'made by the Supreme Court of Texas Ln the case of Snyder vs.'Bafrd Independent School District, 111 3. W. 723. The Court stated as follows: "The distinction between a atstrict Incorporated for School purposes only and~a town or cLty which constitutes an independent school atstrict must be kept in view, for upon that distinction depends the Proper solution of the question certified. .A coroor- ation for school purnoses only Is not an incoruorated tits- OP town as .%neci.fied inthe Constitution but is simuly the incornoration of a 8ChOOl distrir Which may embrace the town or city only or it may smbrace a town or city and rural territory It will 6e observed that, by careful use of language, the Legislature, in-creating the Baird Independent School District, preserved the dLstinctlon between the incorporated city of Baird and the incorporated Baird Independent School District. The first sec- tion of the act which creates the district declares that an incorporation for free school purposes only is thereby created, to be known, not as the CYty of Baird, but as 'the Baird Independent SchoolDistr1ct'. Again, in Section 2 the distinction 'LBdefinitely drawn, It is Said that the city of Baird is divested of the control of its public free schools wlthin its limits, and the control of such school8 is vested in the Baird Independent School District. The city of Baird is not an independent school district. Neither is the Baird Independent School District a city." (Underscoring ours). It IS the opinion of this department that Article 2804, supra, has no application to the Texarkana Independent School District and that such ArtLcle would not operate so a8 to ex- tend the boundaries of the Texarkana Independent School Dis- trlct upon the extention of the boundaries of the city of Texarkana. The question is also raised in this case because Of the fact that the Act of 1920 creating the Texarkana Independ- ent School District, supra , provides in SectIon 1 thatthe Texarkana Independent School distrfct shall include withln its .-. Hon. T. M. Trimble, Page 4 o-3823 limits all lands and terr%tOPieB included within the corporate limits of the city of Texarkana, Texas, and the boundaries of said independent school district is to be identical with the limits and bound,ariesof saLa city. The question is whether the intention of the Leglsla,- ture by the use of the foregoing language WaB to define the boundaries of the district as of the date of its creation, that is, was this a shorthand method for giving a metes and bounds descrlptlon, or was it contemplated and intended that the boundaries of the diBtriCt should In the future follow Ipso facto any changes that might be made In the boundaries of the other corporation, the city of Texarkana, so that they ,wouldalways remain Identical. The caption of the original Act merely provides "An Act incorporating the Texar- kana Independent School District" in relating to Section 1 of the Act, and the caption nowhere declares a Legislative inten- tion that in the future when the boundaries of the city of Texarkana are extended that the same shall automatically ex- tend the boundaries of the Texarkana Independent School Dis- trfct. An analogy may be drawn to the Act creating the Rous- ton Independent School District befng Chapter 19 of the Special Laws of 1923, page 317, which reads in part a8 follows: "An Act creating and lncorporatlng the Houston Independent School District, and defining its boun- daries; providing that Said act shall automatically extend to all territory which may hereafter be in- cluded in the new city limfts by an extension there- of, and providing how the territory adjacent to said district may become part of said district; D O D "Sec. 2. That there is hereby created the Houston Independent School District, which Shall include with- in its limits all land8 and territory fncluded within the corporate limits of the City of Houston, and in addition thereto, all lands and territory adjacent to the corporate limits of the said City of Houston, and included wlthln the limits and boundaries of Harris County Common School D1strlc,tNumber 25, as defined by an order of the commissfoners' court of Harris County, Texas, on September 20, 1915, the boundaries of safd independent school dlstrLct to be identical with the limits and boundaries of said cfty, and those of said Independent school district; and said independent school district Is hereby in- corporated and made a body corporate In law for free school purposes only, and the name of safd corpora- Hon. T. M. Trimble, page 5 O-3823 t;iOn and said independent school district shall be ‘HOUStOn &dependent School District.’ "Sec. 3. In the event of the extension of the city limits of 'themunicipality of the City of Eouston after the passage of this Act, the territory taken into said city by such extension shall auto- matically become a part of the~Houston.Independent 3chool District, and subject to the provisions of this Act." Upon careful consideration, it would seem that had the Legislature intended to do more than define the boundaries of the Texarkana Independent School District at the date of its creation, It would have more specifically so provided as in the case of the Houston Independent School District, and more adequate notice would have been given in the tttle that not only were the original boundaries being fixed and defined but that provision was also being made for a change in those boundaries after their original establishment. It is the opinion of this department that the exten- sion of the municipal boundaries of the city of Texarkana did not automatically extend the boundaries of the Texarkana In- dependent School District and that the boundaries of such school district are subject to the applicable laws relating to bodies corporate for school pUrpOBeS Only, In your letter you al80 ask what steps are necessary for those sections which have been annexed to the city of Tex- arkana to be taken in order for them to become a part of the Texarkana Independent School Dfstrict. The territory which has been annexed to the city of Texarkana forms a part of the Spring Lake Park Common School District, We call your attention to Chapter 49, Senate Bill 297, Special b&W8 of the 39th Legislature, First Called Session, 1926 ,. Said Act reads In part aspfollows: "Section 1. That Chapter 31, of the local and Special Laws passed by the Thirty-sixth Legis- lature, at its Third Called Session, 1s hereby amended by adding thereto three new sections to be designated as Sections l-a, l-b, and l-c, and which shall read respectively, as follows: "Section l-a, Whenever a majority of the Inhabitants, qualified to vote for members of the Legislature of any territory adjoining the limits of the Texarkana Independent School District, shall Hon. T. M. Trimble, page 6 dlssiresuch territory to be added to and-become a part of said independent school district, and a majority of such qualified voters sign a petition to that effect, any three of such quallfiea voters my file with the board of trustees of said lnde- psendentschool district the said petition, making a,ffldavltof the facts set forth in said petition, fully descrlblng by metes ana bounds the territory p:roposedto be annexed, and showing its location with reference to the existing territory of the Tex- a:rkanaIndependent School District; provided, that said territory proposed to be added must be contl- guous to one line of said independent school district, And upon filing of said petition, affidavits and de- s,criptions,with the president of the board of t:rustees,it shall be his duty to submit the same to the board, and, if upon lnvestlgation by the board it is found that the proposed add,itfonis necessary and practicable, the said board of trustees, by re- solution duly entered upon its minutes, may receive s,uchproposed territory as an addition to, and as becomlng a part of the corporate limits of the said Texarkana Independent School District. After the passage and adoption of such resolution, the terrl- tory SO received shall be a part of the Texarkana Independent School Distrfct, and the lnhabftants thereof shall thenceforth be entitled to all the rights and privileges as other citizens and lnhabi- tants of the said Independent school district. The whole --, or any P ortion of, any continuous common school district, whether bonded OP not, mav be an- nexed to the Texarkana Indenendent School District rn the manner herein prescribed...." (Underscoring ours) The above quoted statute clearly provides how territory may be annexed to the Texarkana Independent School District. It specifically provides that part of the territory so annexed may be part OP whole of a common school district. You are ad- vised thatthe procedure outlined therein should be followed in annexing the territory which is now part of the city of Texar- kana to the Texarkana Independent School District. Hon. T. M. Trimble, page 7 O-3823 Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Billy Goldberg Billy Goldb‘erg Assistant BG rN:wc APPROVBD AM) 7, 1941 s/Grover Sellers FIRQT ASSISTANT ATTORNFXGENERAL Approved Opinion Committee By s/REK Chairman