Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF l’HE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TExA8 AUSTIN Dear Sir: ..,. ., .” Honorable % W.'Yanoy, County Auditor, Page 2 SMtion 19, Artals statuter, u ammndod, provldu: aProrlsioh8 of this 8eotlon chall apply to aid oontrol in laah '&iunty in t&.State of Texa8 hWg ~~~tiO3.I fir8X0088 Of OM hUdrod Wd 0) thousand Inhabitants, aooordlng to the lash praosdin& Fodrral CBMUS." Subseotlon ~(8)ot,Ssotioh 19 provfderr: "The Commi88lonor8~ ~bkrt of oaah oounty 8hal.l determine annually thq salary to be paid to the oounty treaaurar at a reanonable 8~18not to sxooed Thr8e Thousand, Six Eundred (#S,SOO.OO Dollar8 per annum. * * * * SIbaebtlon (i) of Se&ion 19, provides: Vhora &all bo crutd a fund dsr sash offi- 68s aifauted by the vrorlsions heraof to be kn mm a8 thw .* blary Fund .of aounty, Texa8' (h rt th title,ot the orilorr afloated and the nasi of tit. aounty) and suoti fund shall be kept aoparate aob.apart rram all other oounty fund8 mxd 8hall ba hold and di8bur8ed for tha pu.r~oso.ot paying the 8a3.arref8uoh ofthor, th8 lalarles of hi8 dqmtioa, amil8tant8, clork8, 8ton- oaxaphen, .and inrertigator8 who an authorired to drav a ialary tram said fund Imder the prori8lon8 of thin SMtion amdto par the ‘authorbed and ap- prorod 8xpans.8 6f hl~ otflee. Such fund shall bo dopoaltad In the oounty daporrltoxy and shall be protwtad to tha 88ma extent, and dram the ea+a in- krqst, a8 other oounty funds., l!hoColamirelonenQ court or each oounty arreimd by the provlslons of tM8 S8otian.at it8 rim regular meatLng in 3anu- ary of sauh aalendar year, may determine by order m&d8 and entered in the minutes of said court, that all. Sees, ao8t8, aompelllratioh,salaries, srpensea, do., provided for in this Seotlon shall be pnld in- to and dram from the general fund of suoh oomty; in whloh event sash rererenue, in this SeQtiOn to a sal.ary fund shall bo read as and Interpreted to be 'General Fund'** Honorable 2. vi, Yanoy, Oounty Auditor, Page S Subseotion (k) of hotion 19 proviimr~r -0 offiosr rmo~lring a salary shall na0it0 any ex-offlolo oompewation from the oounty$ pro- vided, h~we?Or, the fhWd88iOMrfl' Court shall transfer from the &enar8~ fund of the oounty ta fq? offiO8PfJ' Salary FUd Of 8U0h OOunty auoh ~Z'und8 am my bo neo8smary to pay the salaries ,and other lqgally authorized olalms ehqrgeable against suoh fund when the nroneys deposited to the aredlt of such fund are inauffioisnt to mot the claims agrkinst it." Seotion 1 of Artiols SQlZe, Vernon's Annotatad Civil Statutefl, reads (18 fOllOV8l *iuo dletriot OffiOOr shell be paid by the Stat8 o? Texas any fees or &mls8loa for any aemlqe pe& ,foxned by hira@ not shall the State or eu~p~aounty m to any oountf 0rri08r in any oounty aontaiaing a pop- ulation of twenty $houmand (IN,000 inhabitaatm or m&m aaoording to the .tiSt praoeding Federal OSMU~ any 108 dr 0omml08:ioh for any 88rvioo by bin perf0rned as SuOh offl.oer; provided, however, that the aLsma8aer Wlfi oolhotor Of tUe8 Shall OontinU. to +~oll.e~tand relii for ths benWit of the Qffiosra* Salary Bind or funds herrlnafter~~pmt#.dadfor, all faes and ~ooamis- aicms whiah~he is ~authorlmd under law to aoll&t$ an& it shall~ be him duty to aooount for and to pay all such monlem -ITed by hial into the fuad or fWd8 araatod and provided for,under the prOV~8iOIIS Of thi8 Aet; provided’further, that the provision8 of this Seation shall not affeot tb8 paymnt of aoats in oiOil oa~as by ths State, but ail~8UOh costs &o pld Ball b8 aoooqnted for by the offioerm oolleoting the maw am they are mqulred under the provisions of this A& to fhOc3oUgtfor fS88, Ot?I8Cd88iOn8and sOt3tS OOl~Wtti rr0mprivate parties." opinion Ro. O-9198 of this departm8nt applioablo t0 a OOunty hlrr5.nga population in 810048 of 80,006 j+habitantm, holds that the oouaty troa8unr hem no authority k, oh-g* and oolhot OOl8RiS81O?.lSfr~rn the oounty to be plaomd in the Offloern* Salary Fund. It is 0~ opinion thnt Seotlon 1 0r Artiolo 39l%o, Vernon*s ¬ated Cfril Statutes, would prohibit the oounty B[onorable E. Via Yanoy, County Auditor, Page 4 trbaiursir from oolleotfng oommi66lon6 from Tax%+ County and it6 varioue opbl-ating tid6. You do not stats in your letter whether or not the ~Commi66lonera~ Court, at its firet'regular qmeting in January or thla year, determined by an order mat&a aid en* tered in the minute6 of 6ald 0ourt, (a6 provideb by Subi eeotlon 1 of Seotlon 19 of Artiol'e 39130, Vernon*6 Annotated Civil Statutes, 6upra) that all fees, ooat6, oompen6atloni salaries, expensea, eto, should be paid Into and drawn from the general fund of the oounty, sto. It thle order was' ,' made then the county treasurer should be paid froathe Gen: '~61 Fund. If this order wa6 not made the oounty treasurer should be p6lQ from th6.Treaaursr*6 Salary Fund (a6 provided Sor by Rubeeotion (I) of S~irtion 19 of Artiole 3912e, V6monQe Annotated Civil Statutes{. Ii th6n wa6 no money ,An :taiq ': fund 'to plw,the trO66UZSX the 66JMi66iOJlOr6' 6oPrt road be authorlsed to transfer fund6 traPitliockme4rf2X~2unilta:tke: '.!- Trea6umr's S&j.aryYundto, pan $he 66hW166 +d other legally ; authorized olalm6 ohargsable again6t the Tre66urW*r~B6la,ry~~. Fun& aa ~roy~de&Sor by EQb666*ioll.(k).of SOot.io6 19 of A& tlolo aDl20, Verhon'6 ‘buiatatod FWl Statut66; ;.':