OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xixmrsble T. 5L Trizzbble uiret stizt'% :~perin9enuent~~of Publlo Blst:Tuctfo32 i?.u%tln, Texas ‘Dear sir: 0plnlon Ho,, Q- Laer r aad reeds-as Sollowsr n Cfm? county be @a&h3 are BT% not oonti.e?;uous to a% Yd,qsyhave been routedto the IJaples EL& .Scho$l-by the Countr Board of Cass County since 19Z34~~RAd-~hBVe not the opportunity to attend high school in Cass CourGy, If tine Attorney-General wo~&d not rule that these pupils could be transferred by the County Superistend&nt of Cass County to tne Wa~l8s Indepandent District. "The Naplas Independent ;ichoclXotrict needs to apply for salary aid, and we need theao fifty-two pup3J.s in order to help count up our teachar-oupil load. I will appreciate it if you vjillget an Ittorney-Generalls ruling for zl6on this question." Arttale 2696, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, provLdes the method ror tramferring students frm one dis- triet 60 another within the sase c?ouaty. Article 2697, Vernon's Atmotet& Civil Statutes, provides tho,method of tranafering students from a district of one oouuty to a &if&riot of another oounty. Said Article reads as follows; wAny ohild speoified itithe, preeeUlng artloU, and its portion of the school C&d; lnay be tranaf8m%d to an adjoining dietriot in akmothePQounty, in the msnner provided in said artLe3.e. It must be aho%& to the county super+ntetendentthat the ecrhoolin the dis- triut in wb.ioQ tieh ohlld relMee, on~.aomnzit oC.dis- tame og Soti& unooatro2labis ad &~.@TQuu~ obutaale,, lo inaa~~8ible ta tmh sh&ldt* (&@a&& ami) '. & .8, .% FIRST ASSI%NT Lee Shoptaw ATTORNEY Gf!X?ERAL Assistant