Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN BoaoP8ble (1.rf.Ulldt?,Peg0 2 also reoelve hIa selmy Lo full durim~ 8-d tsiqporery disabilityto rat. The naoe88uy for ILdeputy orflalsl shorthandraportter 8hall b8 left ontirolywithin the disoretion of tha judge of the mwt." A&&ale l3200, Vernoa*8 hnnotatad 01~11 Statute8, re&t8, la part, 88 follower %ho offiaio5 6hozthmd reporter of wah Judioial DSrtrriatIn U&I State and the offiaial 8hol-thsnl'm~rtsr of any oolmty court, OiwleP sivilor arlxiaal,inthi8 Btate,vhere the eom- pensation of auah roporbr of swh Oounty Court ox@ Sbdialal Di8triot ir not othexwlse provided bgee law, ahall maelve a selary of not o lchowurd Seven Rundmd Dollam nob 1.88 t!ann'&roThousaud Pour Htmdmd Dollar; $2,'kOQ.O0) per wmum, SW& salary to be flxad dotorm$ned~bythe Dietriot or County Judge reopeativelyof the Oourt xherein suah ahorthindreporter 1~ sqp$oyad, in addition to the oompensatton for trankarlpt fees a8 pro- vided for by law. Said salary shalfbe paidmonth- ly by the Gomlrrioner8 Oour$ of the oounty out of th6OeiierelRuu¶ofthe aounty, oriPth0 d.laore- tion of the fJo~88louers oourt, out of the jury fund of weld ootuity, upon the aetitiiiaato of.thB. Judge of 8uoh Dimtrlat or Couuty4ourt. In die- trlots of this State oompomed of two of.moro counties, maid salary shall be paid monthly by the oouatie8 of the M8trlot In propoHion to the number of veaks provided by law for holalug Court in the rospeotlreoountiea ln the Matriot; provldod, that in a Dintriot vhore in auy mnxuty thetemlmayotmtinueulltil thebu8lke8818 dlr- posed of, eaah oounty 8hsll pay in proportion t$ the tima Court 18 aotwsllyheld In luah oomty. By vlrttm of ktiole 2323, supra, the neoe88ltyfor a deputy offioid. short- reporter ia left entirely within the di8oretlon of the judge of the oourt. ~mou a deputy oourt w- porter Is appointed by the ooILl?t, raid deputy reporter &all re- .- calve during the time he rots for raid official shorhhsndWWrtOr the sama Mary and fee as the otfi.oid short- repoti? Of the oourt to be paid in the wr provldaU for thy offlaid ShosthSlid reporter. In other VOl’dB, the deputp OffiOiti shorctband =Porfer . %noPable 0.~0. VU&, w 3 .8&3.1 raaelre the SW my (LB #e offlalalshorthandraporter that he ry be oa~ln2,in perfomln6 aho enties al eihorthaad reporteilr ant'* amountof euah salery sh@l%db@ O~fWtSlan8~bjdiVi~ th0 i~ti.l'JWOdtO tbOf- f&da1 8hwthad Peport;*rbr fbree hwwwa and SfrtY--rim, and th&lallt1p1ylng the quotlent'bythe zluiaber of daya aetm4lly SeWd w th0 dOpUe Offit?b% Biharthud MFC@PtaP.A8 8tSbd aboyo, the deputyafflalalshorthen&msmtsr shall rm3olvm, &ri&q the ti# he rot8 ?OP Stid QfiiStof. ShOPthMd MFO?'tOr, the mame SalarIes 8&lfee8 CL8 th.eofflalal8hoPthMdreporter of MIU ataw%, to be paid in,the m@asF prooidbd for tha offieirf shorthand reporter. mmefore, yoa8M PeBxmotfdly advl8.a that It 18 tha @&SiioIL Of wt;thSt t&O abOY Stitd~*S- hiOn8hOUl~b8'8IWW8tiin &ff+bdJiVO 8Ikd 9.8 SO -@Pd.