OFFICEOFTHEA'ITORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Ifonorable F. E. Mitchell County attorney ;;Ztthsn County _ , Texe6 Seer .Xx-: OpluloriWo. O-3631 Re: %ould ;eutilties end IntereSt on the deiinc;uent ye&m for which judgmrt wee tekcq, con- ~tisxieto BCCrub to the date OS redeiqtion ezidbe included lo the amount t&e cwner of the property mu& :?ay in order to redeem seld property? you have aaked what azzount of xzonog oust be paid by the Judgment debtor to redeem property sold et &to* sale .-to the,.taxipgunits. SpeCif?oaZly, you have,~ln~.uiredii tho redeemer ruet pay pentiltierrend interest bn thd delln- quent yeers tor whloh Judgment wa8 bike+ to the dRt6 OS redemption. " The faote reoited &your letter trt that 1B.a our- tain tax suit -%AL W TEXAS :. '~