3 1 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 0 AUSTIN . H~&able'St&sell Rean ' :, District Attorney Yiaoo,Texas / Dear Sir: Attentlonr Mr. ROY .:. : ‘.. erk of ~03.mnar1 case tha NotsrJ Public has failed his &me under his signature." Honorable Stana@ll Bryan, page 2 Seation 1 of House Bill No. S99, Aots of the 47th Legislature, read8 In part as tollowsa *Notaries Publlo shall have the same authorfty to take aoknowledgents or proofs of written fnstru-: .ments,- protests Instruments .pem.lnitted by lrrw,:t.o be ., protested, administer oaths, a%? t ake depositions, as is non or may hereafter be cohferred by law qon County Clerks-, and .provlded further that all Notariee~ Bublio shall print or stamp their nams under their signatures on all such written izstrucehta, protests instruments, oaths, or depositions; provided that failure to so print or stazp t!mir naxes under their s.ignature+ shall not invalidate such eoknowledg- nreqt.” : By ~v.lrtti~~.‘b~.?eqti6n’.aO,,;;8rtla~e i of :&e ‘State .c0nst~tw&& .titiol:es 2941 a&659&, %&io$S ‘Ann~t.&ed ..; Civil Statutes, county olerke are aade the recorders ot their respective oouatias. krtlcle 6592, Vernon’s Annotated ,Cltil Statutes, provides that the seal oi the county court ohall be: the s&al or the ‘recorder, and shall be used. to .qul;hehti~.atie~, all .his;.o.~~rfioial:,actr,’ .~.&&~dnzire of the rhirder a$ii%iniste&i;~ (First Uati‘onal Ba& v. blcElroy,’ 112 S. b’. 801). The statutes ( Artiolee 1941 and 6591, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes) provide thet each recorder shall record all instnments of wrltlng authorized or required to be reoorded in his of’flce without delpy, a&d in the order in which they have been ds,oslted. It is the duty of the clerk to see t&i% instruments presented fm reoord are properly aoknowledged or proved for reoord, and to reoord all instrmehts so aoknovled@d or. proved ,whl,oh.are entitled to be recorded in his offioa and. are presented to hia for that purp~ose. Be may be ~ooqelled by nmdemm to reoord suoh ah instrmeat . (Hollie Y. Tlkland Corp., 40 3. W. (2d) 63; Texas Jurisprudenoe, Vat, 36, page 418). Upon preseat:tlon of an lnstrumeat for reoord, the olerk must see that it is properly aoknou:ladged; and where the lnatrment hss bean recorded it wlll be gesuxed, prima faoie, that he did hl.s duty in this res?eot nhd that the writing was so aoknovrledged as properly to authorize its registration. Texas Jurisprudence, Vol. 36, page 440. -9. Bonomble Stanaell Bryan, page 3 It will be noted that Bouae Bill !io. 369, eupra, speolrloally provldea that failure to print or at-p the name or the notary publfo under his algaature shall not ~~mid~te smh aoknowledgmnt. As above etated, the duties of the reoorder are ninlaterial , a.?d it i 6 his further duty to see that 1nstruzzent.s presented for reoord, ese properly eoknowlea~ed~ or proved for record, and to reoord all lnstruuenta so aolzowledged w3ic:i are entitled to be recorded 13 his orflce and are presented to bin ror that purpose. Therefore, in view of the foregoing authorities, we respeotfullp snewsr the above stated quastion In the arrirziative.