rfonorableGee. H. Shepperd
comptrolleror Public Account5
Austin, Texas
Dear ?Er.Sheppard: Gpinion NO. Q-%a0
He: Xey the conpensbtionof an
additionalDeputy Clerk r0r
the Court,of Civil Appeals
ror the Fifth Supreme Judi-
oial Dirtrlot be paid out
or roe5 0r orriot3oolleoted
,bythe Clerk of that oourt?
We have your letter of May 22, 1941, propounding
ror en opinion by this DepartmInt the above&aptioned ques-
ticn. Tour request is 85 r0u0w5:
*You will please advise 5e whether or.
not the oompensetiono? en ad~ltlonaldeputy
my be paid out 0r r595 or orrio 00u5oted
by thla Court, whloh are on depoelt in the
'StateTreasury. If this oannot be.done, you
will please advise whether or not the Court
has the authority to retain in their possee-,
51011ret38aufrioientto pay the salary 0r
the additional deputy."
Section 3 or the General Fmvlslons of the aur-
rent Judiciary AppropriationBill declarea:
"All fee5 paid to any 'Oourtfor which
epp~oprletionsere made herein ar to any
or the clerka, orricers or employee of.any
such court, whether such re5s am ror Orri-
cial or un0ff.l oial copies of opinions, or.
for other serPioes or documents, shall be
depositedat the cloee of each mcnth in the
BonorebleGeb. H. Sheppard - page 2
_ _
Ge~eral~~evenue _ _ or the
ena 5na11 De oarrreaas a ._
State Treasury
special aaao*nt
In said Fund ror the oourt aepoeitlng same,
and none of auob fees &all be retalned,by
or paid to said clerks, officers or employas.
Eeoh court employe whase‘seleryis provided
for herein, except porters, shell file with
the Comptrolleret the end of each ?nonthen
effldevlt showing that he has not retained
any compensationout or any court fees or
other fees received by,hin or the oourt dur-
icg that month end showing.that al.1such
fees have been deposited is tke State Treas-
UY. The Comptrollershall.not Issue TV%'er-
rant In payment of the eala'ryof any suc5
emp?oye for any month unless and until the
etfldavlt required herein has been filed
for that mOnth.*
It 1s generallyundersto..d to be the rule that
the L&tgIelattuemay not by a general appropriationbill
repeal or amend a ~generalstatute. It Is not neces:7sry
for us to peas upon the sufficiencyof this section of
the appropriationbll to repeal or effeot Article 1833
of the Revi5e46IvIlStatutes or 1925, whIoh ArtIole de-
*Each Clerk may appoint one chief
deputy. With the approval of the court
.he may appblnt addItiona&deputies who
shell be pbIQ out of t'bereea colleot-
ed by the Clerk, not to exoeed $100.00
e month. gaoh deputy shall give bond
to the Clerk ror the~falthfuldischarge
of,his duty."
Artiole 1833 has been superseded,however, In
respect to the partioulermatter under oonsideretion,by
senate Bill MO. 431, Chapter 2 or the 46th Legislature,
Regular Session, Vol, 1, p. 619, dhioh reads e5 fOllWs:
"SECTION 1. The selerjes of all
State offioers end all State empl.oyees
except those Constitutibnal State of-
Gee. H. Sheppard, pegs 3
Sloere who86 salariesare 5peolSieally
SIXed by the Conetltutlon,shall be,
for the period beginningSeptember 1,
1939, end ending August 31, 1941, in
such sums or amounts es nmy be provid-
ed ror by the Legislature in the gener-
al appropriationbills. It is specir-
ioelly declared to be ne of the In-
tents hereof that the Legislature
shall also fix the amount of supple-
mental salaries hereafter,out of
Court f’eSS end receipts, t.0 be paid
to the clerks end other employees of
the Courts of Civil A:peels',the Su-
preme court end the Court oS Cr&Inel
"szc. -2. All law5 and parts ,oS
law5 firing the salaries OS all State
ofSlo,ersand employeee,.exoeptthose
ConstItutIonalStete orficeruwhose
salaries are speclfioellyfixed by
the Constitution,sre hereby'speolf-
Iuelly repeeled in so fer a5 they are
fin oonSlIct with this Aot. -ItIs
6peoISIoellydeclared to be one of
the Intents hereoi that any end all
laws authorizing payment of supple-
mental salariserrm 0o::rtreoelpts
ana Seea to (-lerksend other employees
OS the oourts OS civil Appeals, the
Supreme Court end the Court of Criminal
Appeals; 'arerepealed'In 50 Ser as they
ere in conflict with this Act."
Thb ourrent biennial appropriation for the
re5peotIve courts OS Civil Appeals epproprle-
tlon Lor the,DeputyClerk mentioned by you, and there
Is, thereiore,no authority Sor the appointmentand
compenaatlon'>S any Deputy beyond the two Deputle.5
epeolellymentioned In the epproprietlonbill and for
whom speoliio salaries have bc.-nepproprleted.
Honorable Dso. A. Sheppard - 4
we trult that what wa have naid au:'iioisnt-
ly anrwm8 your Inquiries.
Very tx1 y yours
a/ Grover Selletis BY %AB Chairman