Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Annnrnaa”S”1L EonoPable Charley Lookhart, Paw 8 In Lehn & Co. Y. Cerr, 4!3S. 707, the Lcwlsleae i3upramrCourt held that a 8tW engino, \ur4 in coauoatloa with a pugp ior irriguting,with a thrrD&er r0r thre8ha, an4 po&tibLy with plorr one harrowa fcs cultivating,a oxop of *iem, aail not 8hew~ to ieve boat wad tar any other papcae thau the sultlYetlgg ale heaostllQ of 8riaorOp *PB a faaai~q utmnmil or iaplormut, rTh0mtgihr 8t3epump em attire pkoor oi meahl.uorp. I’he drewlng mn4 epnaalng of the **tieris a rexmIng opta- tloa en4 one whioh eoul4 not br WO~~She4 tithout the uma of awoh nmablm~. It iB our oplJalor4 that sort l o n Suc h mo h lna ry alone, or 0t1the8 T ufm&t* olilyran an4 ather farslag iplo l~olpt fw the tax in qUe&tiOR. Your8 wry tml; FIRST ASSISTANT By @tz-.4= ATTORNEY GENERAL URLtldl COHMIlTEE