Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Yonorable ~uUan itI Sebler County Attornq, YaaEington Couaty Drsnbaa, texar my 6, lQ41r requesting sed to !a353 a road distrlat de a cortain area, the boom- would not coibaide with any ical ouhditision* of the 6 s ~oti fistrfct to be carved cogm4eeicmrs precincts vtthin b 372 mm3 county Comdrdonwr* Court8 of thr sorer61 countiss of this Stat4 may hore6Ster establish one or tmre ro6d distrlots in their res ctiro oounties, ad ray or xay not l* 01wr s tithin the boundaries and lisdts ef mob distriots, vill6ges, tomi and 6nmlalp61 00~ porations, or my portion thereof, and 6~ or 6s~ not inoluda gswlousl~ croated road dir- tries and polstic6.l subdltiaiona or peoincts that hare voted and ls611ed rOQd b0M.a pW?m%nt to seota.on 62 of Artio'le 8, of.the colsstltu- tion, by entering an order deolarlmg ouch rosd di6trict estab.lished 6&l del’ixdttg the boonlaF ies thereoSr Prodded that nothltq In this Aot 6hau be oonstnwd a0 a6 to pwent the weation of defined road dietriot Rtld th0 is,auanoe of bOad6 Of sald distI'%Ots ia OoUtP tiss having outstaMn& aounty-wide rosd bonds, tua said del'imd road distriots 661~ be m3sted in such oounties ia the luanner provided by statute for the Greation OS def'ined road d&s- trlots and Issuing the bond6 thereof.6 . l’JdrA.atof the 39th Iap;ielatauw (1986) was prseed ismxliately following ths SupPem Court*8 opinion in mavning V. llooper(P. 6.) 70 Ltw &I. 330~ the lAr o h e r Countf cad, and t&e Aat has bmn oaid to be *in c~mpli- UW.3 with th8 holdi (uing v, Falls aormtq;.rs 8. W. (2) 181, 1 Q* p* It is cur ooustruotfoa of the statute that it8 brood l;uytags ~10th3s the Codsslonors* COUrt with power to amate road dlstriots in tha county rithout rospeat rh6t6OmJr tG other edsthg pOlitia SUbdiViSfOnS Of the county, frolt which it Sollows that your quo&ion 6hOuld be asirorcd in tha aSS@uatite.. .~__ .-. .,I-: t&2..': 54, l?*l