Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AtiORNEYGENERAIi OF TEXAS AUSTIN “3. 'Stthe bank 6hotid io~wlo~~s Its pled@ lima upon thlr atoak more thna 6 mntrhs after the date of pledge. oan the bplnk le$ally b&y thirstoak in st the fore- clo8urc srlc? “4. 8tato to bs thut cchsn suoh shwss of bapltsl stook hetto bed. thus aopulre4 tke brinkehdl within six manths eftar~its so- qtisiticin sell OT di.;loEeOf th0 SEX., WUcr t?iO p%Ilalty of s capltal stoak iiapol~t to tkr alxmt of 6hs per mlile of such &are., lf it f.il. CQ a0 8.0. ~max~ vexytruly Aul*unt