Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN !ir. ceorge Ii. aheppard Comptrollerof Publio Aocounts Auotiq, Texts Dear ~Sir:’ 0plnioaNo. 0 WI out of of a 3 of :;‘ub Se rooeived your questin our oginlon on a r80tftt - Publio Safety pay the traveling priated to that departzmat,of 0en sent to Illlnola to roturn this non’s AnnolxtodCivil Statutes, hereby oreeted a De?artmnt OS Publio Safsty of the Utate of Taxas, hereinaSterdesignated 08 ‘the Depart;aent,~in whioh is vested the enforoemnt of the laws pcoteotin3the public!safety and providing for the preventionand deteotionof orlas. . . .” Er. George H. ShopQard,page B Artfole 4413 (4) of aafd statute8reada a6 followe; - “(1) mo Co.3Aasion shall rornulate plane and ~01IoIes for tha eniorOa!zent of the orlminallaws and of the trnffio ahd safety laws OS the State, tha Dre- ventioz oi or5.m, the detedtloa n?lBap:>rehenslon or violatorsof the laws, and for tke eduoationOS the oltle?nsof the State In the Dromtloa or publlo safety and law obaervanoe. ". . . Smite Bill Ho. 427, 40th Legislature,Regular SewIon, page 197, BEZIMbeiry the departnantalappropriation bill, reveala that the La&slatura -de an appropriationto the Departientof Rub110 Safety ior traveland tramportation Said Senate Rlll, at pages 220-229,ln efl'sot ~%%?i‘tIlat ne~bore OS the various state depart&ants,&a enumroted therein,may travel out of the State on State buekess ?urQosoea.tishall reoeivethelr.travelIng axpenaes therein lnourrod. In OpinionNo. X-640, the Attorney oBneral*a Departmentadvisedthe Dsprt&ent of Publio Safety and the Comptrollerof Publio Aocounts that the trip in question wan ior State buainclss purpoBe8. It Is olsarlythe duty OS the Departmentor ?uIjllo. %fetp to enforoethe oriainallawn ?.ndto deteotand oppre- Send violatorsof the law. The Legislaturehas provided that departmentwith an apprcprlatloanlth Wzloh to pny travelin;J expenses incurred in conmotion with We ~orformnOe of these duties. \Teoonclude, thereiore,that the Departmentof Pub110 Sarety 1s authorizedto expend,ltsfunds to pay the traveling expenses3f.a Texas Ranger lnourredIn tha aforamentlonodtrip. Yours very trUl7