Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN -cbManu -- Iionocsblc F. E. Utohall county Attorney Callahan County Baird, Texas Hon. F’. E. HItQhell, page 3 The oourts of Tsxae have held that rohool trustees era public oiflasrr of thir State. See authoritie4 in, atAnIon #a. b2.056, whloh Is enclossd. This depnrtmont in opinion AJ. O-2066 ha;@passed upon a very clmiler mcitter to the one cubmlttsd to you. In that opinion we h8ld that son001 trustee@ are dlequalI~Ied, under hrtlelo 2940, from serving a6 electl.onJudges. In the enme oplalor, we hold, prInoIpolly based upon the holdln ease of Cay18 vr Alexander, (Clr. App. 1 75 S.W. d :;,“” that the prodsione of Article 2940 ware not aendatory lk+~ar l m &footIng the valldlty of an eleotlon unless the eleotlon oflloi8lo?-nftsmptedto exsroire influsnos on.6lcotore or aoted unfairly or:pr’rpetrated. eame fraud where, the puallfloatlons of a uJ0rity of the 414ot10n 0m0ttrs wers,not ah~n4ngbd. we ballire tk+ holUng Ln the oplnlon refrrred to Is apdioablo to your propo8ltIon. A aopy of that OpInlon Is being btt@losed for your &srIrtanor and lnformation,'and~you are referrod to the authorltles thereln oltrd. IOU am, thererorc, advissd that it ,iathe oplnfon of thlr doputment,. under the Snots rubmlttrd by you, that the ~ohool trueiteerleotlon in a oonsol,idctsdeohool dls~trlot Is not nildend TQld, &IIa matter oftlaw, by ~P4REOXl 0r the sl*otlon~offIsIalr likerise being sohool truoteee or beoaueo one of the 0filairl.r. ws a oandldate ier r441,eotlon for rob001 tr ur tsr in the lbsenae of smc proof that said eleo- tlon affloials ittempted to exeroiro soms,lnflu~noo over the elaotore or aoted~.unfalrlyor frnuQulently In perforalng the duties bp080a won them as rleotIon 0rfi0ia. Us are unable to say',under thm ?~otr rubmltted by you, wtbrr or not' the elrotlon was ralld in all respbota or whether the lame Is roldable and we do not pass upon althor of these quortlonm. We trucat that WC) have fully anevered yoiarLnqulry. Xaurc very truly ATTORREXOEW.iUL OF TEXAS A8slrtant