Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

, 824 OFFICE OF THE A710RNEYGEI’lERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ga.roc.MUln -- ., 825 Bmwablo 1. P, Xi&e, ?a* 4 B’r truako am la need OS w- g&~ro? to time but 0, a garage, rcrm’t . A sands vritten orders to 0 to w the tlruoks fmm tima to timw. A makes settlement vith B for the haul&q and dcdwts ~w~vh&h& wdyd0 to- o B’s . 0 files a a-ogmrly itaads~ aeao8at vifR he County ad 9 80 one vlth the Oomty Qlerk, listing t&o $tesu af repa%ra W parts, kf ore the Oounty pav A. W OPPrOltr 0 hm a good olasm agalast the mcasr at111 dur by the County to A mdw the ocatraatsndUsobu agoodalaimagalnst the Balding i%‘spmy, ii fued vithia 90 days aften p~hmlag the labor OPruralshing ths puts. Wo have fowl the faeta rubmittod you to be *athop lnaanrgloto. You mapplosmtsd yaw ori 3n almquest vith IOU addltioaal f8ats fo+ vh%ohw am grstoful. We have not War fwnbhod 8 0~ of the aoatraot betweenA &d the Oouutp, the aaturo of the agroemeat hetvoea A aad B arm a oopy of the ass3 t. we gathe, from yaw fasts that the pets fumished axa r- the lab po#oiomsdby 0 in aufcta tha ropalw aa B’s Wuaka va8 a aeaeseary and nom& Pt of WI. psofomsaae of A’s witten ooatmat rith the PO=r y sagogt A porocaaily wehorimd Q to fumfsh the pmts oad the labor aoowmary te nBks the rspalr, m B’s twuaIi. Arti 5$7&M, Rwised o¶.vil btatutos, 1915, pJ?o- videsj %-atsay PO~W~ flm 01 aorpwation. 88s tmst estato, ?irnlr any Matedal. apgirrrtw. rlxtuwsr mMhinePYhLu\ or borr 30 ally oantraator to? any puhllo lsqwaYMt8 in this Iltate, shall have&lima antheamejs, o~bmls, arv&a’u&ts, dus w t4 boa- due to-suah aantraatozs far suah imjwovesnat8~ grorided, suah perscII, flrpp, aorpom- t&a, 00 stoak usooiatian, shall, bsfaro any pay- mat ls smls to suah aantmator, notify In witlag tb offtaials of the Btatr. aowts. tovn 0~ mwlai- 826 lolramblr II. ?. rmco, rage p &tiole fi’Wb, Iierised Civil Statutes, made: Vbat a0 publlo offiairl vhsn 80 aotl- f&ad In uP2tiag, aball pay ali of said amep, bmds w varrsnts, due said omtNatov, but abail ret&In eaau& of a&id mmeya, bonda or ru#nta to pay maid olalm, ln aaao it is eatablAshad bg $i+wat in a oourt or proper JwiLdAotim. “4 p8woa8 f&m4 01 corporation amtsv$ixg into a forwl ocintraot pith this utrts cw ltr oouatles m sahool distrlots m othet subdiri- rians thenof OY oay rraaioi ii$?i!$b~r~~% ~d*iiitf%:~~tfi:*g ~",moa;'" of the vork p*wldod for in mxoh Any Bsclaa, o-y, OP 0orpoPatim rho has iunri8h.d labw OP matori8ls wed in the omstPuotlan or wpalr of any publio buimng OP pub110 uwk, and goat for phiah la8 not km made, aball ImY t to IaterYeuls sad be mad0 a party to lastltuted by th* 8tate OP any rataiol~t~ ah the bond of tho oaatraotov, md to bma the%@rights aad cl~8.m adJudlaatad la suah aotioa and judgment randwed thewca, subjeot, hwevw, to the priority of the oE$d udgmwt of the Mate or m&.02 + ity. fui 1 esm\POtof the lmJ111ty of t#$ suwiytnrUdbtmd18 lnauffiolrattomj the full amount of said olaimmand dounds, then, aftw pay&q the full maowt due the I)tate OEC mmloipality, t&e P-OP sbmll bo distrlbutod pro rata ammg uld iatenmws.’ 827 In the au. of Thwbor Cmstrwtlan Co. v. win (Oh. 4p.) 81 8. Y. (2d 103, wit of wror dlsmlssod, the aourt, Aa pusing upca tL vax4ous alsism against funda bald b7 the Highmy ~omlasloa, ra%4# n . surflao it to say that only thou l&a'fw labw, matcrUl8, eta,, aan- tamplated Aa srtlale *pa, 5s uero reason- ably a4orsrPjy and pmpw, and fumlshed at jwt aad masmabls ~Mo.8, la the wrfor- awwo of the oontraot in quwtial, oonotitut~ a pwpw ahargo a&at such fuud. Seem ma& 8%’ OaB, 00. Yr Raahrall county laao, vl, 35 8). W. (ad) 690, 38 9. W. fad) lo&.* We des3.m to oall youx attatlas to th oass of Austin rid&@ Co+ Y. ?baka, (01~. App.) 79 b. W. 72d) 677. In this 0bse tho qussticn aross as to vhat a~subamtmator I# plrdar theabove atatutes 8ad vhethor labor performed fo r l s~o~traot~~a~~l~~~,~lthin the terma of Aetioles 5160 and 3472a. “EMahof said a~tiolos, 5160 as uaemlod and 5472a, pra~~idu in sffaot tbrt all person8 supplying * amtmotw ultb Labor 00 mimW in tho prossautlm of publio lagwwam4nts, suoh 88 hero ruder aaasl 70 ratlcm, msy fix a 018&a for swh Labor 01 m8terirl by oonrplykrg rlth ttm pro~~slcas of said utlole. Wail. cue W tusalahos mrtwtil fop the groaeautlm a? swh uwk my t;i* a al&s for tb& value of suah mbtsrials, ordinarily thosewho laborfor maaha fumlrhar of mtwi83.s osnaot f&x 8 oltia against ths ori@aU aaatraatw is the waue of the sw~iou radmdd by thsm in the umUaaturo of swh nrstwiPls. 8t. LouZs, A. & T. q. 00. 1. ~athmrs, n TW. gn,la 8. w. 761 m. itouia 1). w. B. 00. P. Lyle, 6 TOX 0%~. P 3~. 753, 26 8. V. 2641 Haynor Y. Hollmd TUIULOh. App,) 48 a. w. 400. On the other hau6 , sue vb lbbars fati 8 suboaatraator, in tb. pros@autiaa og my part of the vork reqtrtred wder the ovl- gemi omtraat, msy, upan oozwlping rith tb. Hcoarablo 1. ?, Itiob; Pago 5 8tatutu,, fix a olcln far, his wger. Whether wnot caoshaoldbr olvsedu enmterl&lnra, OF au a ruboantPMtw In the promou- tloaofthefluorkn the orlglaal oal- traotw, iu s~t~rrdlfflo9lt~stlm. 3hptlao cue 8t had, the quutlar, w think, dopeada not cad;r m th. ohamatw of work qm- traatod to k xmrfonud br thrt, the alleged but Use aa ym~&a&Tta& auboakt~aPaoto?, PaapumwdBy~ecs oamyllag out of tho 4P F ginal ommaot. The Auatfn Brldgo Oqmy ma tpad,rrobll@iltm to p?otido al1 mstwlalu neoeseary for the auk- l . o wa v*l WE) a n .88lm- “tE:;zt Tt? 3 d &vo purahrrsedthis material iw;aamter&8lmmoagagodia that bualnors, aud In that event thore who labored for suoh ara;terlalwn $.n aihing the gravel oould not bav~ fixed a aloin aplPIt the o~fginsl OCUI- trtwtoP for tlwir u l * l l Weat was aontr*oted rlth to zr’ e, •OW~X, aad haul the Ee was aot engqpd la t&w bwl0888 of !ii%ng ouoh naterlalr arid bid not Curnlsh any of the nwgl~&hi” insturae. He fw- aldmd a0 Fhls labor, was es- 0 r to onabio Au&b Brfd@ Company saatial in-383 te e8rr-y out t&mooutraat la aaaordurae vith the perfoamd at the rll% vhwe the bridge was be* a~stmat0d was of no o a a r o q ma o . l * l ." 8eo also With v. %%a@ 00. ( om, App.) 3 8. W. (ad) 774; r&r ‘I. ~otohstoio (Qlr. &g. ? 60 8. If, s 2d) 892. Opdlnari3y th0 questiaa of vhethw 0P not labor p~bfomtd, or 58terlti.r used in tha pwuoutlm of a pub110 work lu a questiar of hat for the jwJ. Wader BeOar (r* Stew ian~~ (g9. at.) 12 8. W. (ld) W7. IRLdu &ho hudhg za the fw*golng w-8 Ye flunk of opinlc0 lo, OdQ68 Qhioh ** belave Q%ll be you Qith refanooe d th@ 8-tU8 ti th. 8OWit~ me0 th. p-2 lUSti Of Obinu hMbewtia& %hi8 opiaicpdl80u8888 irrdetailre8oap- 8ibildtJ at the pl&liO Offi~OP8 8ftW th.y hW8 hem 8Ol'VOd Qith a notioe o? * .olom ruoh a8 that noted In yew lnQuj.yy. ytth reioreaOe to the 088%~bllity of the oln3.q we cite th8 ewe of Bouthems8 ty 00. Of Bw Yorlc 0, mr8t State Bank, 54 8. Y. (Qd) 888,‘“sa’iv. App.), vrit oi 8FrO%' ref’wed, vhioh ufrr Orwslg a lng h i8 lg u lta r bi& leto t tlx th e liep &laa$ rlth h$8 debt, itwill Ofta Pertit that he must either 8uifoP the del4y 88d apan8e 0180 l883@I hi8 iaaidat t0 t%%hjJ thq fiO!bc)ls alum at a diaoouat emS ruffer the lem. Re 8horSd k ~naltted to W8&1.-elf Of tha 8e- o\aity Phioh the atatute give8 him in the vay #no& beneilelal to hisself, aa& ii he o&a bettw hiatreli Qithout iajwy to the debtas, by @v&q hf la the right to psrteot the lirm, ha rlrigneo 8hOIaldbe permAtted to do SO. lhzl$hY V. iMuu, 71 IQ. 113 36 Am. Rep, Q99; l3.nney P. Duluth 4 Nsnn .455 60 1s. W, Q?, 49 Am bt. ~~."~~, 8bOOt ;. dhiOakett8, 41 &I, &!ll,125 830 EcPonblo Il.P. ltleln,Page 7 1. 4l& Aam. ou. 19150,1113,pu. 71 8prJagu tiVe8tunt 00. 1. #O-t b&Or b mYO8tmt OO., 14 0010. APR. 1.07, 60 P. 179, l&J JloDomld ?. Xolly, 14 It.X. 335,338 &i8tOl Iron L 8t.e 00. Y. Thomu, 93 Va. 3 94, 25 9. X. 110. Pad& our blonded r y a tem l very llbooal polioy Is rOOOlpll8edin the &88-t Of both le@ &id emtable ?lght8. Xi a labopeb om perfrot him )3arUduri(a ltrith hi8 ohln,Qe kaw of nOX'UN8&QhyhO 8hOu.ldAOtb. mitted to M- 8i@ hi8 right t0 mf.Ot hi8 1r *II tiOag with hi8 debt. w 18 +rtiOtiWly trU0 vhor. th@ 8htUte, U in tbi8 OUO, not FOf#iFO dO.8 th. ~o~~~th~olalmto 8Qeutbrttherooornt l l We we o f th e o p lnia that th e b8nk & the uri@ee of Iaaie~ had the right to pWf'Mt the lien by flliag the olalm Qith the rtrrrtehigbmy deputmant.a You wo the-fore a&Tired that, under the vullng In the above owe, olaiw, under Art10108 960 on& $b72a, OM be u8lgned, lf done la a lop1 manob, prior to th8 flllng of 8&W vith the oo\oty or oounty olmk. ff8 hW* b@Q% usable to fiad rPy 8peOlflo 8titUtO*;r r4pulrwent a8 to the fwa to be u8.d In the a8Miwt of olalma ul8ing undw Artlole ~60 w undw AQtlole 547Qa. e7e the ganeml QUle &Wing th0 ~qUblte8 t8 i8 8pplloabl8. We guoto *am 5 PM. Jur., , Q4 ud Q5t “Aa R88imment under the rtatote provldlng that *the obllgoe, OF lmimee, or my written LnrtQmmxtnot negotiable by the lag merohant may tr8Wfer t0 another, by MIigttMnt, 8ll th0 latePert he nay have in the 8ame,* need not be in writing, but may be mde orallyI UJcwloe aa equitable l88igOWJit My M lltheP in Q'rltlIig or by psrol, and alaoe equity cU8regwd8 me- form, no prrticulw Qwd8 or lcind of inStrUmMt i8 neosrury to eiieot thr 88aigmumtj 8ay language, however inid, tMt8how 8a inteatlcnto trander the ohtme, 80 that At rill be the pr& party of the tQbn8fePee, ~111 rot b8 aa equitable 831 Bonomble 1. t. Xleke, Page 8 &8imu\t. Aooordingly 8ny order, writlag or sot thloh plainly ace8 ea bppropri8tlan or a trmd or debt ny amouutto &i equitable l rslga- nat, the tru.te8t belq QhOthW the debtor Qould be jurtliled ln paying the debt to tho lBOP8on.Oh imla tobe g th le88i$ me.* Ifa do not p88 \rpar th. *rlidity of 0’8 olain WUn8t th. bOQw 0-Y QhiOh i8 8 priY8te inOtterktvwm tro iadlvlduU8. Ye trtut that in thl8 mazier~8 have iklly Mmrwed your lnQulry. ToUP8 very truly VEL MAY 8, 1941 ATTORREYOmmhL op EgxAa