Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

w93 OFFICE OF THE A’TTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN h your 1ettQf 0 in 6pilllOtl r4apOnfJe t0 thQ end wfi614n at @tat8 huditor lathorlty to ooln- W4 will diaposo of your seeo.na q,uastion ffrrt. Eta- ployeor ’ expense acoountr we requlrrd to ba avprorrd by Artiole 4366, Revfmsd Civil Btatuter. It ii448 not r4quilw tlmt ol.aimr Won. Fred ft. Donohoo, Flret Aaeletant, %e e an& ecoounte must neoeseerlly bear the elgnature of the head of the drpnrtment. c%oh acprovnl may also be en- dorsed on suoh olaime or aooount by come *other person responsible ior incurring tSc expendIturea. In your letter of Earoh lS, 1941, you gave UP the following information ooncernlng Q8p4rtmental praotloe vlth reepcot to the dutlee of the Piret Asaletant in the state Audito r ’ l o fflo e: "1 em advised that the rlret beelstent's dutlco have alvaye been eupervlelng of audits end handling the staff of auditors and euoh other detail ae hae been 4paolfioally leelgned. ‘The First Aesletant hae heretofore never had any duty or 0rriO4 mlolnlrtratlon other than the eupervlelon and prep@atlon of audit report 4. 'Etriatly adalnletratloe qutise l~blub- Ing the adminietratlon of the PIret ~eeiatnnt'e poeltlon have been handled personall! by the &tat4 Auditor and Brrioienoy kxpert. v-‘e60 not believe the duties thus delegated to anb pcl‘rormed by the FIr&t ~49l6t&nt tran404nded thQ bound4 of propriety or legality In tha least. Under the outhor- Itlee below cited theea duties are proper& porfonuble by 4n rselatant. It furthermore appears that you may have aeelgnsd various omployeee to the dutleli being perform& by them ae set out In your secrond queetlon and that Lou are therefore responsible ior the exp4nd.ltures represrnted by euoh expenee aooounte. If you aoo4pt such reeponeIblllt~ by signing your name to the aooounta the ~onptroller say ieeue warrants in payment thereof. Both carta of your second queetlon are nnmwered in the aff:rmatlve. 6eotion 17 of 8. B. 933, 46th I.egi43.atur8,reade: 'The &tats Jwlitor'e ofifoe is hereby dirsot- cd to eudlt all appliaatlons ror aid after came hate been pasled on by tha Direotor of ~~u4ll44- tlon and when suoh aFplioatlon hea been approved by eald Bireotor, It shall then be the duty Of the Hon. Fred R. Donohoo, First Assistant, Page 3 state AudItor to atprove, or rejeot such appli- ostlon. k:henever there 14 & cllfferenae between the 5tate Auditor and the Department of =;duoa- tion, the Joint Legi4lstIve' Advisory Oommittee ah&l1 eEJu4t 4-e on the requart of either Dspart- ment.* ke pointed out In our Opinion Ic?.O-3287, the a4el4t- ante &nd other eaploy444 In the Auditor's offioe are appointed by the Governor and their oontlnulng to p4rfonu the ueurl dutler of their poeItIone under tha dIreotIon of the First Aeelet&nt slnoe Hr. Xlng’e reJsotIon by the senate h~e bg pw-, In the &b64noe of termlnstlon by the Qovernor. 14 the duty af the persontie oi ths offloe to proored vlth the a&U&g of the &udlte mentioned in 54otlon 17 &bove. rjut, the queetlon of whether the PIret Aaeiet4nt may offlolnlly aot upon, thet Is, rpprote or reJeot there lpylioatlons, presents a different problem. tiehave reaohed the oonolusion tht the First AeeIst4nt m&y not perform thIe funatlon. You advise UC verb&lly that you h&v4 never taken the o&th of office nor made 4n offlalal bond. Indeed, no statute provider tkmt the First Ameletont shall do 40. The only authority for the ropointment of rsaletante in the Aud- itor's OrriOQ I4 found In ArtIole 4413~-G, v6rnon'e Annottted Civil StAtUtQS, reading A4 follow4: *In the event 4aId Auditor shall find It neoeseary to have aeeIetanor In the dleoh4rge of the duties herein Imposed upon hla, he m&y apply to the Govsrnor for luoh aa4istanoe and the Oovernor 14 hereby authorlsed, In hle dIeorrti0n, to 4ppolnt suoh aseIstant or &eeletante, lnolud- lng stenographlo and alerio& &eeletanoe, 44 he may conelder neoeeeary, In order to reo~plleh the purpo444 of this hot.’ The General Capartmental Approprlstlon 5111 is. 8. 427 p. z?e, Vol. 2, Aota 4Cth Leg.) oarrlee an approprlatlon of CJ600.00 per year r0r the .aIr4t AnoIntant fhrte Auditor". That ic the only place the First ~esletant 14 mentioned by name In any statute. hovever you advlet that it ha8 long been the practice lithe AudICor'a Department for one OS the AesIetantr to be dcslxnstcd as Firat Assistant. but, no etstutc anywhere vresoribss or definel, hi& dUtiQ4. Hon. Fred R. Donohoo, ~lra.~t*aalatant, P*ga 4 Prom the opinion of the Court of Criminal Ap~eal8 In hall1 *a. stnte, 129 6. )I. 630, we quote: “There eeemo to be a diatlnation reoognlEed by all authorltloe, and it vi11 be fouod In eve atandarC dlotlonary, between the word ‘aaalatantT an6 the word ‘deputy’. They are not rsoop+re& aa synonymour terma. The word 'aaalatant 1~ unlrar- aally bailned aa one who al&n, helpa, or aaalata, while the vore ‘deputy’ La defined to be a peraon appolnteC to aot ?or another, a aubatltute, a Ualagate, an agent. In the abaenaa of any atntutory prorlalon, the aaaletant never aots offloially for tbe prlnolpal. Ha la not required to be aworn, nor to give bond. HI8 oapaolty la more olerloal than otherulae, rhlla a deputy baa a more enlarged aem- lng, and may do anTthing that hi8 prlnolpel oan do. ‘3ur law wthorlraa and oraatca the oiiioc of deputy aberiif and (?eputy olark, and they are authorized and aapoverad to do anytblng that can be done br the prlnolpal. ’ In Pfeirar 10. Muike, 260 8. Y. 1031 Commlraion of Appeal8 opinion adopted by the %preme Cow&, wa find the followhg~ *It ia obaanee that artlolea 4310 ana 4345, reapeotlrely, require that y atate the leo r eta rOS and the comptroller ahall eaob appoint a ohlef olerk. It la not optional wlth elther to appoint or not appoint cluoh ohlaf clerk. The ltatute la mandatory lo providing for a ohlof 6lerk for eroh. Tha offioaa of ohtei olerk of e&oh Ia thua oreated by ltatute. It la llkawlaa obaorved that the atatutas provide that, in the rbaanoe of the aeo- rotary of atate, or hir InabIlIty to rat from any oauae, the ohisf olark may perform all the dutiar required by lav of that offlear, and that It ahall be the Euty of the ohLef olerk of the ooaptroller to dleobarga the duties of the oomutrollsr when he may be unatoldably abaent or inoapable from slohoeaa, or other oau888, to diecharge said du- tleo. * The full authority o? the oblef clerk8 thus t; ;oi~arlsaa fram the act8 ot the Leglelaturs ~~~~ Fred H. Donohoo, First Aaalat-t, *%O b lnraatlng tbea with auoh authority when the oon- tinpenoies mentioned In the statutes arlaa. There 1~ no delqatioo of authority to the ohle? olerka by the aeoratary of state and the oomptrollar. In truth an& ir, !act, the rcoratary of state an4 the comptroller are impotent to prevent the chief olerks fron: thus parformlng the d~utlea of those ofrlaes In the oontlngenalaa of the statute6 authorlrlng than to aot. %a ohlaf clerks here the came authority to Farform the dutlaa o? those oifloee in thoae oontingenalaa tbst the asoratary of rtate and comptroller have to perform them at all other tlmee-- the authorlty o? the Legl.alatura. Tba chief olark,a are publlo o??loera In the same lanaa and oraatad by the same legal autborlty aa other at.atutory o??loarr of the atate.* The Laglalatura baring Qalagated to the Btata Auditor the power to approve or raJaat the lpplloatlons for rural aid, and the First Aaaiatant nowhare bolng given luoh pouer, ue aro of the oplnlon that ha my not sot in auoh oapaolty. Yhat we b a r e lald above answers your third question about as wall ae we oan *newer It. @a would ray that the personnel o? the offloo may proeeod. under Tour auparri8ion In the maklng of au&to, but o??loipl oertl?loatlon when and I? provided to be made bs the State Aualtor may not be l??lr a d by you. such offlolal. a&r should awalt the a$polntrent and quall?loatlon of a State Auditor. loure rev tnaly ED MAY ATTORNEY GFiNERAL OF TEXAS I,