RoaordM R. A. Kolnrrt, Chrfrmua
Oirll Jnri~prwlmo~ Codttro
stat. Sonat.
Aurtln, Terar
lng to the lrat prom+
goa of the mteral Dir-
ty, to@t%er xith the Corey
hcrcby oooetltutrd & Juvenile
1t till br noted thbt s4otion 1 of Mi4 AOOt, 4xo4pt
for tb pop\ZLatiow braokbt8 sod th el!aoWA Of the 6.t~d rdary
or each of the Dlttrict Zu.i~r on the bosrd, ir Wb6tantlillly
the a- &,, ml010 5139, ReVi8Oa ohi1 8tbtUt6% 192% SOO-
tlon 2 of Rouse 0111 No. 536 i8 a copy of Artlob 5140, Rerl8rd
Iioaorablr R. A. dIllCTt, pbge 2
CiYii St&&CO, 1925, hrd soOtiOn 3 Of HOU8a niii h’0. 536,
18 a copy or a+tlolo 5141, fwircd Clrll Statxtsr of 1925.
tjeotlon )a or IIOUM nil1 1~0. 536 repeala ltwr or
partr OS lwr la oonfllot with raid Bill ad 3eotlon 4 or
raid Bill oortthlm en laxrgency olaufm.
In our o~.lnion, this El11 i8 Wxonstitutlotsl tc-
cruaa it lr in violttion 0r ,rtlcle 3, reotloa 56 or tt.c
Corirtltutlon or fw~j w:.ich g~ovliler i3 ptrt es roilon-0:
“seoticn 56. Th4 Legi~lut'~e Ehtll not, -
except (LKIott&nlaa provided in thle Conatltution,
ptt36 tLy 1OCUi Or 0~6CiG1 lhw, tuthOriZ%t
*. * +
mguitticg th6 nrreira 0r oo~tlt~, cities,
tcwna, vimafs or sobwl dlctrlctr;
w* l 1
lCreating orfloe8, or prercrlblr.6 t!s pxcrrs
fd dutite4 0r ‘0fri0fr6, ln 00~tics, oitlwi, tome,
rlrotlcn or cctxd dlstrlctr;
ne 6 l
::C:6::~Gl County 16 tr.c mly Comity ~kz:c!i CW.Ca K!t:.:.?
the ;opittlon brtchtc c.ct fort:? ln % se Slil KG. 53G u96r
th6 1510 ce.m%. ;:'ir,ce the :Jnltcd ?tbt6S C6tB'iP ia tf.%+n Only
or&t aech ten yews, a!;e bill ~111 be tfl~llc~kle mly to !bLezrer?
Coaity t .r a Ferl-C of sl:.ost ten ystra.
Eooorrblr R. A* Xainwt, Phe5 3
The hot that the RiU 18 5jqdlorble onl to County 18 not nr05rarPll~ fatal to it5 va 1 ldlt~.
85x5~ 0ount;l td Tymn, 128 Tex. 223, 97 8. X. (26) 4t7.
Xouwer the Court in ~etbrmlalng whrthrr 5 l&u 15 8 5p55lal
or locd law will look to ita rubstrtiom ar,4 prsotlotl opcre-
tlon rathertt;m to It8 fora, end the olrrrlilo5tlon uuat
br broth lough to lnoludo a 8ub5tbntlal olass a&d mu5t br,
ba56d 00 ~hbrrotsrirtior legitimht4ly dl5tln&.Ii6blag ruoh
o:es8 frca otherG with r8sFuot to the publlo PUr~GC reu&.t
to ha 5oconpllrhad by the j.roposod 15ci8lstlOn~ In th5 CUIO
of J. h. Klllw vb Thm County oi Kl Pa80, d5oided by the
Suprrze Court on April 23, 1941, (not yet rrportrd) Chlrr
Ju8tlce hloxumr srldt
.. .
*Jlasort to
pulatlon braoketr toor the
p~p080 r axing 5ublo0t5 r0r iegisi6ti0n
or 01~55
la prrdorlbls whsrr tbs rPr584 oi populatlos la
brord enough to lIlOluil6 or 5e&rrgtto 5 5ab5tluitlal
$1~~58 and Wber5 thr pOpUlhtiO5 b5t.r5 50% real
T6btlOll te the rub;oot 0r Icgl5l5tloa ena afrord5
5 rrlr baa18 ror the olsrrltloation. It hb5 be5a
iOgitiSttSi)7 S&PiOYb(L in tiXiLg fW5 Or OiciQr in
oertrla otsa8 (Clerk v. Finley Comptroller, 93 Tex.
178). but 4~05 than it 18 p6rn!fslblr only v&err
tbr 83rsad of po;ulf&lon 18 rubatantlal adi6 Otiv-
rlolrat to lnolule a rcsl alar8 rlth ob~.rcotsrl5tlc8
wtloh rer5mably dlctlngulsh it &X6 otharr a8 tp-
pIi to t33 oontomp~ct6~ Ie~?nl6tloa, rub kirora6
a rtlr ttr:s ror r2.e 0iteidriceti0n. Zexrr Couty
v,. ~ycsn, ~7 e. c. (za) 467.“
Ii EOUSS Ail :;o, 536 n-err to bocoze a ltn, the situ-
tioa with r6r6IeLCc t0 ,‘UVC::i~O BOr.Fb8 WOUld ht 66 iOi&78l
So ocur.ty h&vine a po~uletion or lbas thtn W3x),000
lnbahlthntr would hare a tuvcnllr Board, e x o 8p t l osutty havi~.
l pOpUttlo& OS betwern 66 000 sued 65 060 15h~bit5nt5, Suoh
, a o o u nty, unbr the provldos8 of Xdcle 5139a, Ven;on*r J.nnota-
ted civil statutrr, bate. 1939 ?btb tceialttute, s~eoiaz
Lawr, ?a&0 853, SrotlOn ll W0Uld hW0 l SU?CIIil~ Board
odOb Of the DiCtFiOt ~ll&pQO DO!8rriQIf thlr Bosrd wouaa bo
ODtitlQd t0 lD dditiOD61 Cd~rY Ot 3 $ c@.w pQT UUIUM. At
tha tin. tur law weI, paeeea, 1n 1999, aalvrrtoa COuntl~ war
the only sounty aodD wltbln tbr pOFUbtiOll breiokotr, end at
the p&Stemt c1aa 8lr:CO tl!. 1910 CIOEua, thcro 18 a0 county
whloh oolsc8 within there braokets. Under the provldonr of
tzousr Ml]. no. 536, W.crtm.n County bdne the-only oounty -
hering a populntlon oi between 103,&00 and 105,000 inhabltar?tr,
would htivt a ?wenile Ib*ti wd etch oi th Dlatrict Zuif;ea
on tnlcr fmtrd would drrn an e4Aitlonal seliwy OS $300.00 & l
yea r * Tn omntits oontddnc nom tt&E X05,000 Lnbcbltactr,
3letrlot Ju4pr sortrlng on the Jurenllr !Wrd, Udrr thr pro-
Yid.On Of f&iOlU $139, hQvjea3 “IOil stCtUtOfI Of 1925, WOUu
reo~iwi m dditionrl arlery or -!l,YXLoo: It ~511 be note?
that rooorcung to the 1940 oenme, ttst!. csuntSes rengr $8
population rrwt 106,059, in the 0868 af illaal.t;o County, to
526,961, in the ctm of Kerris County.
Under th tcreeol~. irate we ere 4 tk0 ogdnlon
thtt $8 rlrlo
it tbtt the yayoas oi tbt 8111 16 to hlf@@
out x&mm County ror ape&l letlrl+tlon and that the Bill
18 in reality a loom1 nnd cproltl fzw. lo: fbla reeeon, lr*
br@ Of the opinion tbtt at d 5111 lr utxonrtitutCanal, being
in violetlen of thQ imrloione oi Artids 3, soction56, ot
0~ state Constltutlon.
Very triily yours
-/By Jsa?rs P. Cart
,.,. . . .. ..-...T& : sole tact
._ v_..=.. >.: 1.--.-e--..