Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonomblo Erae8t Ctulma county Attorney El Paso county El Pare, Tour Dear SLrr Your rewert for n reoelved”&id oare- fully eonridered by tblr de uote fmxu your re- Que8f a8 fOlluu8I 8' Court reque8ted amount that oould e Conb8rlaner8~ Court that the there ~8s 80111~ lhltstlon other ttL&?thla cn deputy constaSlco p’ar,and that the MX~E~-, hnt! been a.ll~+ ed at the tine that the Ccuntz placed the Castat;le of Precinct 1 03 6 relay ba8i8, The offlcsrel esl- hV dO"S IlOt li.l!l.tt .¶.Yy hl8t&bb?8 t0 B BLaris~ Of the Sonomblo Enu8t hinn, We 2 aaount Feorlv’ad, a@ I reoall in 1935, but I find n0 prOt181On liElitin&the a?nOU!Lt Of 8wy,Of de- putier as depondiqg upon the mount o? lnoaae. “Hould you pl4are adtlrr 1sevhether or not the 8010 Unit plmod upon a doputy'r ralary 18 Artiale E;r;z;la,l?-a, thoreor, aad if not, vhat ir . ~h0 paptiution 0r n PISO county, fw88, aroording to the 19hO Federal c4Il4U8, 18 131,067 idUSbit8llt8, lmd w.? understand that its preolnot 0rrker4, a8 ~411 a8 oolmty a,CT1- aers, are oaqmuatrd upon a ralary bartr, Arti 39124, %OtiOLi 17, ‘rl4l'IMXl'8 Annotatsd T-88 civil btatUt48, rOti ID fO110Y81 “(a) The tom8 @Precinct Offloerrt u ured in thi8 Act M&Xl jU8tiO48 Of the p4fSOe4nd OonStabhS. 'ID ill 4OUIItiOSin th18 Stat4 8UOh pZ'6OinOt offloerr 8hall ecntlnue to be canpenrated r0r their 8OrYi448 on a f44 bar18 Until the Cf%m%84ioiI4r8' Court shell b6vo detctrmiaodothsrvire in rooordwee Vith the pl’OVi8iCQ8Qi bOOtiOn 2 Of this Aot. "In oountler vherola th4 Cmm1Irslonor8~ Court 8Wl have d~teminsd that pr4:lnCt oftloorr shall be omp4nrated on aa annual 88lary b&818, but vhsrsin they have determIned th8t oounty offloor ahall not b0 80 ooqenasted, th4 GifiaOr8’ h.bSy yuad Of 8rid OOWtJ 8hall b0 COlQOP6d and R&.4 u2,Of tOO8, O-8- 81~8 end other ompenratlon aolleoted by the pre- alnet ofiIo4rr oi ruch co-x&y and doporlted In r&id fund, uad CUCh fund8 a8 may be trmriorred to 8&d fund by the bt’33d8SicXl’3r8’ Cailrtof the oowty. “(b)In countier vhor6 it 8hall have been Cetermined that precinct offlccm rhall be compensated on M annual 8~de.rg ban18 It rtall be tbe duty of the Com- mlssloaerst Co-lrt of much county to fir ths takry alloved to t~.zhofflarzr. Fact ?i raid OffiCOl'8 Shall be paid in mommy a? aritual t31aq in tvelve (12) equal insttihOnt8 of not leas ikEA the t&al 8m earned an Honorable Xrno8tOuina,p4v 3 o~IU~tlan lmo d by hir in hi8 OffiOiti aam- Oity for the ii8081 y6e 19% rad not U4r4 then th4 #!ulmm mount alloved ruoh OfflOO~ under 1~8 lxl8t- w AU@@t 24, 19%. 'In lountlo8 in whloh preolnot 0ffloor.r are paid a 8&U7, U l~ZWtiOtb fW th0i.l’ 84XV1008, 8wb offlOU dO8idig to lp p a int o n6 OrIWOdrputl.8 o r Uli8tUbt8 8hrl1 ti. al.kOCLtiOXl t0 th4 C46d881OA- lr8t Co ur t for authority to appoint eueh deputy or "In COwti48 vhsrein the oounty OffiOOr8 nmned in tbi8 tit U’4 008q?6n88tSd On the bui8 Of M lU%UUd rrlary, the St&a of Tsxar 8Nl not be ahargd tith and 8Nl not pay any feo or oaml8slon to any pre- oinat offloer for any rerrloer by him porformod, but lld offloer ahall be paid by th4 County out of th4 Offloercl'Salary tund rush fee8 and acmaairrl0n8 as would Otbsrri84 be paid hir w the State fOF 8UOh 84r- V10.8." (Undersoorlng ourr) Artlolo 3902, Section 5, Vernon*8 Annotated Texar Civil StatUt88, l’48d8 a8 fO11OV83 "5. In to u ntler h a ving l po ul8tlon of one hundred thousand and 0x30(100,001P aad not more than one huadrod and fifty thousand (150,000) i.nhabitant8, fLr8t U818tMt or Chief deputy not t0 lxooed TVsnty- rlx Hundred ($2600.00) Dollar8 per anUrn; head8 of dopartawatr may be allovsd by the Co85tii88lanerr~ Co*;rt, vhsn in their judgment ru4h ~ovul44 18 jwtlfied, the 8upL of Two Hundred ($?90.00) till&F8 F'3rWUEJ ln addltlon to the amount heroin alloved, when ruch hsadr of department8 raught to bs appointed 8htil him4 prsvlou8ly lsrvod the oounty or polltiti rub- divlrion theroof for not 1088 than tW0 COEttiUOU8 . Honorable Pnert Gulq, pagr I l gdemzr y4U’8) . y - t h OthOr uSi8tUlt8, Hundred ($2300.00) r eo d4pUti48 olsrks not Dollnrr par Or to Th4 8vOifiC prOti8iOiU Of Arti 3120, s4OtiOZI 17, 1. A. C. IL, rupra, vlth reforenoe to Deputy CoMtrble8, vlll olouly oontrol over the senerel proti8len.80s Artiole 3902, deotlon 5, supra, rolatlto to dOpUti48 generilly, irrr0ru u 8&UiO8 of deputy OOnstabler Of El Puo County are oanoernod. You are thorofore ro8peotfully &Svlsed that th4 ram-y 0s 4 Deputy Constable of El Pa80 County, Texas, 08mot legally exoesd the 8um of $1500.00 per mnum. Very truly your8 ATT9RNEfM0IZULOFTEXAS Vta. f. Fanlq h8ht8Lt