Honor8blr Joha 0. Blsnobi
COadJ Auditor
vlotorlr County
‘11otorl8, To188
Your htter Of Fop , requertln6 the
opinion’ of this d8Qartncn II proaent.4 in your
lagulryread8 in part
Iub of Vietorte county
Of 23761, 8ad uadar th8 18W thr
y 8hrll"b8 $l2$.00 par math, ana
OtOPi8 COUJlty i8 &~,000,000.00.
iOn that th4 llt8t?Od@rd COII8U868
t, due, t0 the ?OOt that quite 8
Ulliti.8 in th$8 COUntJ WOXO Dot
OfInV’(118Oa, Wa, 8OOOraing to th0 il8t C?A r8tlCSJ
rrgl8tretlon tbr populmtlon 8hOWOd 8OQO 33000.
-8 0ti1OOr8 Of ViOtOTh COWItJ or. har-
in6 mbbt h8rd8hip8 in Mi!it8idIg d@pUtia8 8Od
olerka, due to thr feet OS the two U. 8. Air Burr8
1008t.d h8r8, hare takrn 811 rv8118ble hrlp mad 8r8
8till 8dVOrtf8ll& tOr IlOX'Ei8LI.Thr Sheriff ha8
Jurt rooelvcd rrri@mtlm of l deruty who bar km
la hlr
Ofti SOT the pad IOVOD JOlr8.
. .
EOnO?8bl4 John 0. Blanohl, page 2
“Would 8?&WMht8 he8rlag frotiyou if the Com-
Jli8SiCSl8r8 COUrt bl8 the 8UthOrity to p8y thin drputr
8dditiOUal oospensatlon, 44 C8puty 4~d rlnmr print
4IDwt .a
Vlotwlr COUatr h4e a populrtica or 23,761 lahrbl-
tent8 rooor4ing to the 1940 Federal Censor. Artlole 3902,
~OI'KiOIl'8 c;lVilSt6tUte8,
.annots.taa prW1dO8 in part2
(1 . . Tho OOnF4tIS4tiOnwbloh nay bo 8llow4d
to tho*d&mtler, Wldlltnnt8 or 014rk8 abOot named
t6r their 8erVi408 8hrll b4 8 r448GMibl4 OIL4,not
t0 eXO68a tbs fOlio~in& 8I?CMt88
-1. In oountlee heving 4 populetlon or tw4nty- *.
ilre t:.ousand (25,000) or 1088 lnhobltents, ilrrt
888i8tUat Or 0hi.f d.FUty not t0 rroeed :~i~t4OAk
t%Uld?4d ($l606.00) bllOr8 per WUltK@;Other &88i8t-
4nte, C8putlto or elerkr not to sxooed Flftarn Fun-
area (#1500,00l b118r8 per annum onoh.'
Ths aaxicum aompoa88tlar of Uir ahlef de uty 4hrrlii
in Ylotorle County oannot 6x0666 El6hte6a ??undrcfl 1$1800.00)
Dollar8 par wmu4. The merlauci eoapensatlon of othrr depu-
ty 8hrrfft8 in 88ld OOUUty @OMot .X080& tha Sum Of ?iiteW
. mb4rea ($1500.00) Dollar8 per aaura 8eoh.
Parrgrrph b of Artlollt3899, Yernc~~8 hnnotetod
ClVll 8tUtUt48, prorluo8 In prrtr
. Th4 COti88iM4r8 Court Of the OOWlt~
of thr'rie;&'8 roridenO8 my, UpOn the written end
8uorn 8pgilloatloaof th6 8herl:f tfctlng the nooersity
therefor, purohrrr w&psOrit for 8 Burr8u cf Crlalml
14mtliloat:oa suoh aa oeaor88, tla43erprlntoard8,
1ak8, 4honloal8, aloro8oop48, redlo end laboretwy
rqulpment, r i:ing anrd8, illlng oablnetrr,tom ~88
and other equipment.,la kreplng with the 8Yrten in
U8* rlth the DopIrtpWnt Of PPblll f&f&T Or thi8 %etO,
or the ualtoa Et&e8 Department of furtloe end/or
Bureau of Crlr.inelfd0atirloatlca. . . ."
Thr Pub110 crfety Dlreator la authorized br Art1010
4413 (lb), Vornon'8 Annotrtd Clrll PtatUte8r
Hoaormble John C. blonohl, pm@ )
. ta 0Strr 8a8f8teaoe. rnd, wbon praotlo-
able, &h&iofk, to 8b0?lff8, 0h10Cm of polioo, und
otbor porn60 aSflosrm in emtrblimh~~ ltiioleat lo001
buroaum of ltlrntlflostloa in tholr bimtriotm.
Cleasrslly8perkiw, it 18 rtatmd in Texs8 Jurimpru-
eeaoo, Vol. 34, pa 531;
“Aa orfisor is not entltlo6 to mny oomp~mrtioa
in mdbltloa to that rhlob hmm boon fired by 18% for
tho prriormanae or the dutisr or hl8 oftioo, own
thouah tkm 0omprarrtloa H) flrod 18 uarosmonablo or
lansdequrntc.Ue amy bo requlrrd by lmu to ymrionu
rp00iri0 lorvloom or dlmo h r r l g e
44ltlonrl dutioe
for whloh no oompdnsmtion i8 provided. The obligm-
tioa to periorm much rorvlos8 la imposed mm 8n ln-
0ldOnt to ths orrioa, an4 ttm 0rrioOr by hi8 roorpt-
an40 thereof 18 doeme to have engaged to portorn
thfn rithout oomponrstion. . . ,"
It 1~ further atrtod in Toxar Jurleprudoaor, Vol.
3&I P* 534:
*A8 tfm bar0 meen, an ortloer is not mntltlsd
to roarlis ray oon:a4oratlon for him orfiof~l nar-
+lomm othor th8a that WhLob has boon prwldod by
1SU. ee ay not rooovor rrom third por~on8 oom-
pensrtlao for the porromanoo of aotm rlthin tho
800pm 0f him 0rri018i 4uti48; an4 lrr00t will not b0
glvon to l oontrmot rhonby ho is to rrcolrr from
the oounty or rrorP third porronr l 4ltCorent, or a
Creator or lomr oonpOarrtion for blr orflolal 44r-
vi008 tban tbst rhloh bar booa promorlbed by law.
But mm to rote wblub 8a orrloor 18 under ao obll@-
tloo to Tortor beonu8o Oi hi@ ofiibiml oharaotmr,
he 8tandm 811doe8 any non-orfloial psrman; ubloh
auoh a prrson may lmufully do ho mmy do, sud ooa-
traots rhloh thr trlleto individual day Qakt and an-
foroo ho may maka an4 o&moo. The ooriud84ionor8~
aaurt may employ bin to perform 8orvloee rhloh lrm
not rmqulrod of him by 18w, and nmy oontrsot to pmf
him sbdltional oompsnm8tlon therefor. p.snay enteE
into agroomontr with prlroto la4lrldual8 to rrador
'uiiorrlmlalrerrtorm in oosmldor8tlan of the pmywnt
or dlrmot oompoaaatloa thoroior; and ho may la r fi l
Bonorrble John 0. Rl~~ohi, pago &
coward lt ho 18 uadar no obl~qrtlon booauso OS
hi8 ottlol~l porltlon to 40 tho partlouhr not
tor rtilob thr rrmrd hsm b44n pro~lrod.* (Al80
800 lutborltlea oltod by Toxsr Jarlrprudenoo undrr
thm toro~olng quotmtloa.)
Tt Is our opinion ttmt any rmrrlommportone by
8 deputy lhorlrr a8 a tlagor print oxport lro *en1008 por-
roraed within tbc roopo or bla OfflO~Bi butlrm. Apparently
tho Lsglrlaturr !atoadad tor thr Cberlft or hi8 drputlar to
portorrp 8UOh BerviOr8 ln their 0tri4id orpaslty, rtui qwl-
iri46, 48 the Leglslstur4 lutborlm44 the Co~88lonrrm*
Court to purohasc nn4 p a y ror lqulpnent tor 4 Bureau 0r
Cf’,;!yalfdmtirio6tloa r0r the 2h0rirr (moo .2rtiolr 3699,
In ilsw or the roregolaa, It 18 tba oplaloa 0r thlr
departnent that any 84rvloo8 porrormod by a deputy rherlit 88
a tiagar yrlnt OXpOrt are psrtorm+d IIIhi8 OiilOiml oageolty
rnd within thr roope ti hi8 OiiiOlal dutl48. Thrrotore, it
ia CUT further 0plalOa thnt 8 deputy SbOTlif would sot bo an-
tltlod to my extrr or ldCttiOnml oomp4ao4tion ror ru& acr-
rloem. A8 Bb0T4 ltatad, t&4 o4Xis~~ mmlory i0r the Chiet
2rputy zharlfi or Vlotorls County oaanot 4xoood %lefitmon Rundred
(8l800.00) Ijollareper yrsr. Th4 maxlnrum oomponmrtlon or other
deputy 8herlttr 0r Orld oounty oonnot 4xoood Flrt44n mndm4
($1500.00) Dollar8 u4r lnmm 404h.
Yours very truly
&doll Wllllamm