Honorable Ameld Iblth
aount~ Attonlej
Hoat@m*ry uount~
Gemroe, .Thar
highway. Rawover,
st%on I ban find no oa8oa
oe 10 to Artiole Wlb, V~rnon’8 Annotateb
1; ' Peaal$bQI$$$d* at3 followrl
ation v 8,on
1. AIZ vehlolss wed for
0 pup118 to an&/or from any rohool or ool-
loge, ahall have a s:gn on the front ana rem and
the transport-
on eaoh rl6e of said vehiole, ahming the YOM@
'Sohool Bus' and aaM wordr &all be plalnlr read-
able In letters not leas than six (6) inohes In
height. It shall be the duty of the operator of
rueh *&hod Bue' vehiale to eee thst ruoh rlgaa
are dt6Plawl a6 above PM?&Ued, and it ahall be
Aonomble Arnold Smith, -osgeQ
unlawfulto operate any luoh lSohool Bue' rehlole
un~eeoluoh li no are 80 Uleplayeii thereon.
Uben MJ euab 8 Sohool &to’ tehiolo ltepo, ev-
cry operate? of a motor rehtole or motor oyolo
lp p tea e h IWO Srw anr diswotien
the lhlt
brrlag rush motor vehiole or motor 6~010 to a
full ltop beforr praooodln ln any direotloqi
and ia event luah ‘8ehool !!u et rehlele ie re-
oOitln(i md/or Ulesharglng paeeengere,the
raid aperater a? euoh motor rehiale or oator-
e~ole rho11 not etart up OP attempt to 9aee
fn an d:reotlan unttl the eald ‘Soho Burl
vehlo Tl bar flnlehed reoalring and/or &ze-
ohar#ng &to pmerengere.
WOotion 8. Any party who rioldee anr
02 the 9m~leloar of Beotlon 1 of thir &t ah&U,
upon oonvlotlon thereoi, be (uiltr of a a&r-
tlemeaac)r, and upon oonrlotloa thereof, ehall
be lined not leee than Ten ( 10.00) Dollare
nor aore thw tire Runtlred ( %800.00) Dollerr,
0P 40!bf1BOd in the 4OUnty Ja%l not to OXOre&
nlaet7 (DO) days, or both ruab fine ml ia-
prleonmeat~provided, hoverer, that if death
reeulte to a~ pereon, oaueed either actually
OP re80telr by a aonowpllanoe and/or tlola-
tiw o? any of the provision8 OS thle Aot,
thoa and in that event, the party OP partlee
80 offoutllnq ohall be puni8hea a8 ie now pro-
vided by law.’
Note thnt the rtstuts nowhere uee8 the terse “high-
tray*or lpublio highway.* The graramen of the oomplrint
lo the failure ot 8n operator to rtop before prooeedllyl whe-
lveP an& wherever a eohool bue stepe.
Permit ua to or11 rour attentlon to Artlole 82?a,
&otion 10, of Vernon’8 Annotated Penal Code, reading ae
f0lleve I
VI0 pereon #hell Dark or leave etadling
any tehlole,whether attended or unattended,
upon the pared or improved or naln traveled
portion a? any hlghway, outelde of any lnoor-
porateb tom or alty, when it 18 poeolble to
park or Irate ruoh vehlole ltanblng oif of the
pare& or Lmproretl or main traveled portion
~onorrble Im0~4 Smith, pace S
of mob hlghwafi pnnldwl, In no event @hall
any pem0s park OF leave l tmdlng any rehlole,
. uhether attended or wmttemled, upon ti;l hi
var nnleee a alear end unobetmoted width oP- not
loom than flfteea feet upon the main trateled
portion o? eald hi&my opposite euoh etand-
leg rehlole eball be leit tar free paee~e 0r
other rehIole8 thonoa, ROP unleee a olew view
o? auoh tehlole ma7 be obtrlaed from a dLetaeoe
OS 200 feet in mob dlreatioa upon mu& hlgh-
%henever any pea00 orfiaor or lioenee ma
weight of the Dopartaent @hall find a
+ehlole ltm&Iag upon a hi&ray In rI01atIon of the
provieione of thle eeotlon, he lo hsrebf author-
Irrd $4 m0te euoh +ehlale 0): nqulre the iirlrer
or poreon %n ohmgo of euoh tehlole to move euoh
vehlolr to 8 poeItlon permitted under thle eea-
ties. ’
Uader thie hrtlole, any operator of a motor rehlole
Inoludlng the operator ol a l0hool bum, lo requlrod, when
parking or @topping, If at all p0081b10, to rtop or park
of? of the potmt, Iupmved 0P main traveled portion of
the highwar. In other yorde, an operator 18 alreoted to park
lleewhere than on the hlghwar properi he 18 d~rooted, ii
poeeIble, to park upon the ‘ehoulder or right-of-way ad-
jolnllyr the hlghwaf. When St lo oeelble to park of? OS
the hi&my proper, tlolatIon of 18rtlole 8276, Sootlon 10,
I0 negllgenoe ptk m. Ben E. Keith 00. Y. Ninor (TCA 1937)
103 B.U. (2dl) 241.~
Am etated by the sourt In Jaokeon v. Edmund (TCA
me), 129 8.x (26) sb9t
‘It 10 a a8tter of oowon knowledge, am
~11 am tho lrldenoe in the inetant o&me, that
the paved or hard-•urfaoed portion of a hlghvay
lo the ‘main traveled portion’ of it. It ie
aleo oommoa knowledge that the &raveled or
oalioh lhoulder to my pave& or hard-rurraord
hIghway lo the plaoe rehlolee usually park for
temponr7r repair8 or to ohmgo tire@, eta.”
%onorable Arnold Bmith, page 4
Yo ua r elo o o sb lng ly
sdrma in o ur opinion
th a t
when the operatoroi a motor whlole approaohera rohool
bus In the ‘sot Of dimharglng parrenger8 Off the “rhouldor”
oi right-o?-way OS a publio hIghvaT and he Sails to brt
hi8 rehlrlr to a rtop b&ore ptooerding,hi8 lotionr viY 1
br in vlalatlon al hrtlole N3lb of Vemon’r Annotetcnl Pen-
al Cade.