Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

161 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL.OF TEXAS . AUSTIN Xonombls T. H. :?sel county .uitoney Ford county ?tonahnno,Texas TW.arrepuoot tot 0 annfully oonoldsred by tkl quo19 troa your nquert a8 follovst e Cearnr end 10th 1 of aald hge 2 as otherulos proyldod hi it& aanatitution pas* nny Isa or opaolal lsu author- lzw the reculotiag 0r 00uat ermr8, oitb, t.~Ung, ~fd0, OT 0OhOOi c'.i& I Ot#, dI in an other oasm *here general 1~ onn b,s mde appli- ~. osble, no looal or opetial law &all be marted. X also roiar to the a880 of f~llor at II VS Zl Paso CauAty I.50 s* (2) paga 1,000 97 s (2) ~a(;@ I&. ~o~asiblon bo, would em 1304oouaty ~uago bo liable to tfao oounty ror tie oocPio&- wsm psld t&era under thin bill? X rofor you to ~ltohena ot ai VS Tloborbm24 Sx (21, pagr 164, also 251 8w page 569) 265 819,page 562, 2 8-J (21, Dam rb. I). . . r” anklor CouAt Tnxas, aooordlng to the 1940 Psd- oral Conouo; &as 6,lU I’nhabltantr and is the only aouaty fn Texas oow within the po ulatfon brroksto Of not lssr t&an 6,120 and not &ore than 3:,180 hhabltents en eat out In tbb above quoted sei$tioa O? II. Be 229, !%rd OoufitJ, ?‘@~a with a populatloa ot 9,575 lnhablt,antb aoaordlngto :ho 1440 ?rdrml C#m8, ir tbr Only county in TeXnr OOoming: althln the population brrbokato of, not loes than 9,400 an4 not cioro tbnA 9,600 lnhsbltants as set out In the abore quot- td OMtiOA Of & B. 229. * Tb OatleOi hAO8OA to :%ith,,161se a, (2) 520, held a elailar *braokot law* allwl~ th oounty coami6doonors of cole=8n county,TOXSO~oortein trawling srpenses on oral- &al bus~nosr @morally and OAbUsioOrlrln OoAAOOtioAwith ooersbaIng oounty roadr, to be told and UnOorditUtloWle 2~ atwe quotsd rootion 1, ala0 alearly uaoonatl- tutioniQ. soo Jamman ve Cnlth, 161 9 Ve (2) 520, Ulllor bt al. *. Zl lreo County, 150 .7*"C.(21 1000, q4 authorltier elted La aaid 06sea. sUOOa4qUWt;OA ir, oAOWSZV~ by OpiAhA !\‘O. $opwtmn%, a cop? o? alah Is enolosed here-