Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

_.- -. . L OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN aue8fe?ram8uBlulsFyltBftoexoeeu moo.ooPer~~ xuwtablutoflnueny 8peouiOrtetute ulrootirsg .a0 psysmatto the AttorneyotherchrnlaUiart.Uin the l'Il8triat abovegmteUArttab. I do iSaul,hcuovor, YoPy QJoclfioia8truotlau with lafdbremce to tho pWnm3atof tlm dirtdab WSmrnay io cowi- tier of 355,000or war, 08 provi&uSby Art- iole 39lsb,sec. 1. %t&r the pr8aost ayaoa~u set ap by our mulltcr,trurorldnal dirtr~atrttomey ~~~~~~~~~~~ aa&leef&lliaDIPLItlIutLtw8lubepa8ulble Artlo ~lR&l, V*mon’r Awmteeu 65*231Rt8tlate8 INma a8 iollum, -- APPROVmm 21, 1941 . AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS