Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN on8 ama tteagted to benoara +I, the Go.. suem? bin In, 6worn In by the,&. Supt. atien on the Bboferm fiorable Sam L. XaTrisOA, paf?e2 Onder krtio1f3 a7lA. ?evlesd Civil Statutea cf Texaa. ; a person la dlequsllfl8d trord serving as a trustee of a oommoi :_ #&&#l d%.8triOt it ha ia not a gamed votI3rIn the dietrlot. ' 0pWonm No. O-425 aril&. O-3554 by this departmut. 1, c CmM.idate WB*'was not a qualltied voter and wae in- &Qiblo for ths offioe. iiomvor, he rsoeived a majority ot !: @e votes oaet et the sleetion. Candidate *An thsr4toro IME nab cleated to the offloe. Opinion Ko. C-2632-A and Eipinlon ~, ~,~0-302& by this depart-me&. Yotea cast for an lneligib3s oaadiaate rust be whether ox not him opponent tara,lnto lo wunt in detsnaining rmsritmd tiarrjorityof the rotao o~rrt. Allan v. Flaklsr, 116 ; Z4%66 36, 9 8. PI’* (ad) 731. Siigae oaadldata *B* wu ebotml but la not allelbl~, ai& ourdtllate =A” ~68 not elaotmj althea$h aU&blo, it ir 01lf aplabn tPat thr;re i* 4 V484nuf ia the 4fii44, see 0plaloi.t Ho. 6-304. ?rrtaining them&, Artiole 2745, sups, protidom AU rseaneisn rhall be filled by th4 Gount;‘&~d or Tru8toes feart+e r8nuslna6rof the term in whloh the va~anoy OOQurs. . . .'- i&ah ot the oplnione by thie departmnt, ~01'&10ml abora oontaia a snore exhaustive Qlsuu6slon of these qaorOloaa. 9!heyrre enaloasd horerrith ?Or pour furthor M'oFsartlan. Yom3 verf tru;Ly APPROVE0 OPlnloN coMwll-rec BYOlN.YI” @