Honorsblr 5. 1. fia8hburn
County Auditor
Daar Sir: opinion ao. o-
it.: Should a
r to l
rp p a int.6
Of ml4 oourt.
l abore ratter
said atdoter provider that an
hall reoeivo certain fee8 for
dome, and Artida 2326 therid
owing proririont
ial rborthand reporter 8i each
JuaioioJ,dlstriat in this State anU the Offb3ial
ahorthaad reporter of esoh oouaty oourt, either
oivil or oridnal, in thir State, #hall rooairr
Honorable H. L. Washburn, Page 2
a salary of $2,100 par annum, In addition to
the ooappclnaatloufor tranaoript fees as
proribs& for in this Aot. Suoh salary ohs&l
be paid monthly by tho Commiaalonera~ Court
of th0 County, out 0r the gbnaral fund of
the oounty on the oartlfloataof tho dotriot
JUaa;O l*
Artiola 232bo of aald l$atutoa proribaa that the
offlolal shorthand reportor of eaoh Dlatrlot Court in aaoh
oounty having a population in lx o o a oif 290,000 shall
rooairoa salaryof $3~600~00 par annum In addition to
the oompu4a6tlon for tranooript fear.
Artiolr 2324 of l6ld ltatutsa provibes that the
offioial oourt reporter shall attend all aeoalonaof the
Court, taka shorthand note8 of 8ll t88tlmnJ OffertM, ~to-
gother with all objootionr thuato, rulings md remrkr
by the Court, pnemne said notoa and mnke transorlpt of
aaid erldenoe upon applioation thorefor.
3b Texas Jurlaprudenoe, Seotlon 155, RaGa bob
is as follaar
The appolntaant of a bputy who 10 not
within tho oonatituti05al ~lalona, and whloh
10 not for a partloular bur tlon of tlma, ia
ooextenalvo in &ration with the tumre of MO
offloer appointing him, and, unloaa sooner rm-
mred, ho holds until thr mplratlon 0r tho
offloar*s term, an& oeaaea to ho14 at that
tlma unless ho is reappointed.*
In the oaaa of Trinkle VS. State, 127 9. W.
1060, the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, in paoaiB&
UpOn the validity Of an indietmOnt signed a8 fOrmtIM
by one C. A, Green who wae alleged to have been a (Ieputy
sheriff at the time the same was signed and roturnod,
Honorable H. L. kWhburn, Pago 3
held that sold Croon was not a deputy lherlff at sold
time under the SoUowing faota, to-wit: L. A. Eatoh
toatlflea that ha was ahorlff aad appolutod Green
daputp aherlff on #ommbar 2&e 1906; that Graaa quall-
fled as luoh and had oontlnuod to lo tas luoh @for
alnoa) that ha, Latoh, was raaleoted *harIfTin Norom-
bar,~l908,but bi4 not raooniaaion Graan as doput?,
and that Onan has boon sotin undar the ort~inal
lppoint5mit. Tha Court of OriJnal Appaala hald
that Grean~a appoiutmant as daputJ aharlff OeOOed to
be sffeotlra at tha end of tha term of sold Latoh
as aharlff.
In the *a00 0r Finbla ot al vs. rlallowag,
2b6 S. w. 681 the Court woo 800 L with the d&t of
a 6eplltrPUbliO n-r to rotaln his OffiQO MdOP
g~~~~~t~ub~,~~*~f~~ $,g:
anothor bputx. The ti0U.t hold that #B id
was not for a partloetar duration of tlma, and, un-
lass tho oommioaloa of said deputy woo ravekod or
otharwlas auaullod, it us aloar thet ha would oou-
tlnua ooextoaairoly in dumtion with the term of
offioe Of WI public waId@ar.
Xa tho oaaa of Tamall vs. Sparks, 135 6. 1.
519 tha Suprama Court of Toua was dosling with the
right of,the than Attorney Canare of Tens to ontar
into a oontraot ulth one Johu L.+Torrrll to patio=
lagal lerrl.oaafor tha State of Tana for a ltatod
oampanaatian. ILi holding that said OO@.O$'~ORtwas
lagal, the Supram Court mado the fo'o2lOw~ atatamnt
which is l
&@iOObh hanto, to-wit:
aDoea the egrommit betwean Tarroll end
the AttorneyGanaral, Lightfoot, OOufar UpOn
Terre11 the cfflalaJ.oharaater of Assistant
Attorney 5eneral? If the effeot of that
Eionorabla I%. L. Washburn, Page 4
warn to oonatltutrTwroll M
offloor of the 6tate, then his appointment
ULd OOntinUMOO in Offi WOad dOpM& UpM
the oontlnuauoe of tho tana of the Attoznry
Go no r awh
l,olppOiIitO& h im,
ana hia, authority
tarainatea when thr Attornoy Oumal qualifl04
for his auooeralng trrm and Oororrror Oampboll
want out of cffiaa by ruaon of th eluoo~aalon
of the pnaont governor.*
It la our opinion, tharefon that when Judge
Allen ZE. Nomay ooaaod to be Ju&e of .& llyth Dirtrlet
Oourt tha offiolal oourt nportrr thwetefon appointed
by him as offioial oourt npfktor for aal& Piatriot
Court alao ooaaoa to ba luoh OfflOial roux-t ro rtof.
We are not pcti.1~ UpOn w &ht ha Yy hare r o trclg-
aorlbe lvldauioe and eolleot faoa thenfor! in oaaoa ro-
port04 by hia during the him0 Judge Eenm~ .waa upaa
tho banoh of said Court ‘8s a Dietriot fu&+ It fo
our hol&ln& that the tXmmiaa~eN* Omurt wo\ilb not
ba authorlsad to approve a ol.aisD for aaUx for tha
parlob of ray auoh vaoanoy .Sar the offiol8 I ahorthmul
nportar appOiak#d by the Judp of rid Oourt.
Trusting that this aatlafaotorlly anawora
your lnqulry , wo 833
Vary thly yeura
Jaa. Uo.Baasott
AF'PROVEDPJG29, 1942 Aaoistrnt