7s9 ‘-
Honorable I’ax Steroke, Page S
9. That tb,e manawasnt or the Authority
Is hereby lnatruoted by the diraotoca to notify
all employee that ttiie right to oolleotlre bar-
gaining la reoognlzed. w
The Aot oreating the Lower Colorado 9lrer Author-
ity oonferrr pouer upon the Boar61
*(rn) To appoint oftioerr, agents and llaployeer,
tvr;.yoribe their Qutisa and to fix their aompen-
Item 1 ot the Rerolutlon does no rare thq doolarr
the present policy of the Board uith napeat to the pament
of *ages. It merely embodies the attltutlr which t&o Bmrd,
hae adopted in respeot to the matter of fixing the soapma-
tion to be paid smploy~eo of the AIO.hority.Thie ir olrarlf
within the power of the Board un&er Seation %P abevo quoted.
Item a of the FMolutlon merely ltilrmlar that the
pnrent. pollog tidopted by tha Board Is to raoognise the right
of fto mployee* to organIt aad bargain oollrotitel~. No
attempt Ia made ta bind the Beard, lrnrooabl.y, to a rtated
course of aotlon oalaulatra ts d**trof or h~palr tho free
:& exerolse QS the $&I-ant and dlmorotion ot the Board in re-
” speot to the perfonnanoe of fte dutlm. (See our opinion
so. tM6125)
You are adrlre~;~thb~~~,,,ln cur opinion, the ‘*doptlon
of rush Reedlutlon is ulthln thd’pouer oi the Board.
YOUCI very truly
, /- -
I?. w. Yalrohild
18, 1940