Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS % AUSTIN -c.Ilrsn( -- HonorableRouer P. Ralney, Realdent The Unltarsityof Texas Austin,Texas Eear Sir8 opinionNo. o-2962 Re: Ume of umxponded balance in total salarieslp p r c p r ia te4 l to supplementitea appropriated for purchaseof equipmeat. Your letter of Deoeuber6, 19-M, requestrthe opinionof this mtwnt upon the question vhethr an tutexpended balaaooof $6.600.00la the total appropriationfor salariesuade by the Forty-sixthLegislatureto the Unit- ersityof Texas,Medioal Bmauoh,for the ffsoaLyeu 1939-1880,vaa availablefor use during that fisoal year to supplement the $12+00~~ itea provided for the fiscal pm? 1939-1940fo% *Clido and lrb&oy for cencu rerearch.. .~.ealarie8. operatingeepeaees.and equiWeat, aad expended for additional eqnlpaant for the oamer allnio end laboaabow. The fixnotion of an approprirrtioa ie to met apart a eutdn qm oi noaey to ..~bo.expe&ea.for;. outah purpore. /.:. .a .a& :a~c.,.of.:~a~JPUIO*ltti:;;-:-;’ umeyt apprcpriated for one parpow may not be upeaded for amthe? .oad different purpose. Vs flnd no sathorlty ooaferred a-pea the Unirurdty apt Terae to expend ncneye appropriated for ssluiu to myplmsnt or WgBWt the aaouut appropriatedfor nupplissor equipaent. ft is true that authority is given to supplomeatra3artesunder eortaiaolrcumtancea,vith certain limita,and from certainfundr:but the authorityto supplementWier is not involvedin your laquiry,aad we thereforedo not dlscum it, for ycW letter makes it clear that you wore not confrontedvith the questionof supplermnting a salary,~butwith the questionof aupplementinp: the auouut- appropriatedfor the purchaseof equlpueutand mpplies. The fact that the Couptrolleroarriedthe $12,000item PIIone MWt%nt upon hii bookn, or the faot that the item 18 listed in the appropriation I the other spsclflo salary items.does not affect the question. bill.tith You do not ask, and we thereforeaxprersno opinionupon, the queetion whether the $6.600.00unexpendedbalancein the total appropriationmade for salariesto the MedioalBranch of the Onirersityof Texas Vas available for uee during the fisoalyear 1939-40to supnleuenta salarypaid from the 1:12,000.00iten proridedfor EClinlcand 1nboratox’Y for canoarresearoh. . . t~lariea,operating expenses, and eqnlment.N Yours very truly ATTOW RTVW, OF TEKM RMFS,ov AX'ROVVDDRC 14, 1940 BY (signed)Richardv. Fairchild. Assistant (si,laed) &ala C. vc,, tTTORREYGVR?VRAL OFTRXAS