Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN mw SArst quertlan sbmrsdbe anwered in tha ckfmmfb- i&vu, for the iv1mving ma8mIvt m&rrmlEnf;lAmevvvrv-eoll~t~ wo2msdvr8ppvlnt- od by the bv#aw'4Ollocto~, xwvertbelvro, vrmah dvpxt&av are oppi5ors tskummvi?s of the 8omt7 rPada *v Buts, vbom vvm= ~Unlqatd @utePfeea earnedby th4As+~e~~~~~~s . AMlc1e aElPi,avvr WT. statf! vf Parr sueb a deputy is not dWT#ent fromrbat it vvuld bv it him appoix&mentV~ madebiWvtl~b7 tie Ckm&mlonerv~ Court 6i t&o county r&ber than by th0 Avvvvsvr-COllvvtvr. It ie Dlrrgatha duty ot amb vftiaer emplcylag a de@lty to pay anlab d8puty but of tireottwont roes of dtLcs $be.ollount t8 vhiab hs ie entAtS& Mba the pco*idenv vi the appl&Mb1r 6fatutes* 3vr. cir* stat., Art. 258811. If is furthor pervaded in the Istiicrlejuet o&ted *If the aurrtmt fvea of iswh kW%ve oallvotvd In amy yem be mwe than the anmantntmded ta psy the smouate above opeclfled e~wgl vball be domed esoess fvev, ani? shall be dlvpovvd of 1x1 the BBDII@ herainnfter proridod .* The 0~0~s iatq.wm of the tegialoture tca6 to pro- tidv a FSMNM far prying anob deputies, atad f"?mtbvr to prvv%de that vu& de&aat7 or depltfw rsfe mtitled to leak Pox' p*g"aftaf to the fees oS off%ae collsoteil by their superior during the flsoal year. mlis, we think, is 0 clear ia@ioat?ion of the rPtatut%. Honorable Ben Je iWin - FWge 4 Whether the deput7*s ealaq 1% peiQ~amntbl7 RJJ it aecruee~ or .iO'doSormtd until the end of the f%- cm1 year, awerthelses, if there am fees of oPf'&ce Croashich payngmtaan be Wse, MO ols;Lmic a just om against SUJ% Pew, aad should be roaognS,xod and pdd therafrcm. mctudaent0 0P on ofrice may corn and ge, but the offlae rUnctions so leng as there is an iBe\oribent. There 1s no reason utiy the deputiee* salaries ebtmld not bo paAd POP U&r samloes duly perporrmd out of Seas of offlc~ovbleh you my JWO QB bopl, merely be- aau0e ~uub foes hrre be4n oolle0t+3d r?Jr*3 suicoessor in oifiatl to one WbO e!mployQd lauQbdaprtp. Xfmr aaeond que&dan 1iJ~~Ioe Snoul~ be onerered in the afZimatire, teisauss, olsarly, &&~defaultkug ofil- car to the extent *at he had fuudu in his paseesaion orail- able &O&&U have pa&d au& funds to the deputy or dequties. In ocher aerde, a fuithf'ul c2imbarge of h&e dutise requlrod :- i.. -