--=z ,
Honorable Charles Z. ~au@-man
Chief Clerk, Departnent of Agrioulture
Austin,.Tcxe’s d
Honorable Charles 2. 3au@mn, Page I!
*a. Any lot of fruit beloc the TO-
qukemnts of U.S. Co. 3 Grade shell bo
olearly and indelibly brflnded,sta~pea or
printoilwith the uord *CULL* on the rlna.of
each fruit In letters not less thao three-
c&hths (3/8) of an inch~high.
"b. Any lot of fruit below the re-
quirements of U.9. Ko. 2 Grixioof Claosi-
ficatlon of ,this grade, but meetin the re-
quiramnts of U9S. 'Eo. 3 Grade shall be
olesrly and icaelibly branded, stacpea or
printed with the words ~i'Z.RDGRXIZ' on the
rind of each fruit In letters not less than
three-sixteenths (3/X) of an Lnoh high,
.- PO. Any lot of fruit branded, stm;ea
Or printed *Third oxide* or 'CULL' QO re-
quuirodin this roCulat.Zon,shall sho;fno
other uric,
“a. Any lot or frd t which 6hOW8 at
least seventy-five (75%) percent of the
fruit in ioaividual contalnsro clozrlyner's-
ed eccoraln6 to the above designations nhcll
be deemed ns con;lylng with these regAation6.
In order to allo: for variations iriciaentto
proper graainC and handling, hot nora than
ten (lo;>)pcrcont by oousztof the fruit in
any contolncr my be helm the Eerconttlto
requlrea to be olearly mrkea, providoa the
lot as a v;holeaverages seventy-five (75;;)
peroent or more.
Honorable Charlea E. Baughmn, Fage 3
Civil Statutes) are hereaftar sot outi
'"seation 2. Th0 lnspeotion in the State
Of Texas of all grageSruit,and oranges; ana
the grades and olarsific~tions thereof, shall
be UIld8l’ the dimotion of the Comiasioner
of Agriculture of the State of Yexas, hereln-
after known as ths Conltssioner,
YIiootlon3. The Co&.ssioner of Af;rioul-
ture of the State of Texas i,ehereby eqo+wered
and dlraotcd to enter Into coogerntiyo a-e-
fie5tswith the United States De.partmnt of.&-
riculixqe provfeing for the insgeotlon of c8,p-
tain citrus fruits and u5der the tcram of said
a~eezxmto, the Comissiooer of ~&.cu~turc
shall &dOgt tho offiaial U. S. Stan&mdn for
gra&efruft and orer?(;es as aoolied to the Jtnte
or Texas. The inspeotion &all be oonducted
u5d8r tn0 pOliOi8S outlin8d by the United
States Dopmtmnt of Agriculture under said,
COOF0r0tiV8 agreozents. The Coxfdssiooor is
enpowered to establish and erforco such trades,
grading rules, and regulatiors in addition to
those established by this Act as he say doem
mcessary on citrus fruit, which shall not
conflict with a5y provisions or"this Let, alter
a thorough inveotigation has been nade of the
needs of the gartlcular citrus fruit for which
gxades, grading;rules and ro@.xlatlonaare con-
ten>latcd. The Comissioner shall.cause to be
published in one Fublicstlon of @noral circu-
lation in each county affected by this Act,
the rules and regulations promlgetad by hin
under this .:iCt;such jx'olioationsshall be
once each week for the three w-aeks;Iriort0
S8ptsfiIbber1st. Grades established i5 aWard-
anoe with provisions of this .ictchall not be
Jnodifieddurirg the current shi>plny,season,
ot the citrm fru.itfor ?rbichthey are astab-
&iebed, t3xCQFt as Oerolnsftor providoLL
mrk nr:of ccrizlr.citrus ;'lllitS nn sot out in
this Act, ar.dit is borcby nldo hi3 ilutyto
enforce wme. The Co.3mlssfonerShall CBU3O
this to bs subllshed In som he-tim~xr of
general cirk.Lation in tho torrl&~ affoct-
ed by the rul.ooand regulatlohs w~Ach ho
has promlgutod. Only in case of gotest.,
hearinzs ohall bo conducted at places an5
at tkms to bo Oetomlnad by the Comis31onar
or his t.gmt, aSter gublloatfom OS rules an8
regulations have been promlgated, at r:hlch
all iotereated ?artice r;lLLham a rlcht to
be hear&. .&Starsuch >ubllcatlon amI pubU.o
hearing, tho rulas on& rogulntions shall bo
final, unlsss wftton potent by ah interost-
ed parson or partAo shall.bo mde to tha Con-
f&aslonor OS ;il;ricultnrs within thirty (30)
&aye after ewh rules an8 ro@entlocs hwo
been publiahwle IS the Corxiaalsnsr after
the haarirs OS protest3 rotuees to nodlfy
such rules and rafulations the lnters3tod
poraon or partloo shaL1 have the right to
a;:-pealto the Diotriot Court of Travio Coan- :i
ty. f%2~h%BlElLOWS)
w~otion 5. The Co~~iseionar 13 hweby
authorlzad to proffiul.gato
sue!:rules and ro-
gulationn relative to prop2 mr%i.2g of oon-
talnero, tho lssua of certificetos OS imqoct-
ion, the tagclns OS bho vehlole of tranosorta- :
tlon, nn3. such othsr rules and ro~uLatlon8 n3
he dems mcassary SOY the lra~rovomnt CS tho
nothod OS mrkctir& of al.1oltrus Ssuitr OQ
prsvido~ Sor in this ;&,*
T:hoabove quoted oectione of the Act oan laaw no
doubt but that the Lo::i3latuxchas oxgraoo1.yauthor2zod the
Cox.21lss:onorof i,grioultu.so
to promalzato ruloo and regula-
ti~0ns.reLatin.gto tho Wwkrln(; of!coztaln 0:trus frults.w
iy0 are unrble tr,dotcot in.Regulatlon IGo. 12, a3 r,ucte3.a-
bova, any ummmocablo ororclse of this logislati~o mamlato,
Kor do ~:a bellove that C. 5. G23 conotltutss an
w;oonsitutlonai dolscatlon of Mom:: by the io$slaturs to
tha Cor~csiamr OS .~~riculturo. The Act preacribcs in cf,-
dotall, the dutina and zo*::ar3
ce;:tisr:a1 OS the Co~mlssionor.
P ~~~ COTnegcohi’arrodupn him to pramlqta so~uJ.ntlo!~s
beenacureSully clrcumscribocl,and ?uy bo ClerCiooC 03l.yKlth-
in the rostrlctoa linits and Sor the csgross I;urSosr,adelin-
Honorable Charles
sated In the Act. Our Courts have many time aaactlmad
legislation which confers rule-f3skfngpours upon aWnis-
trstive tlQxlOiQS. As boclcred by tha S.upreF,a
,Court of Tex-
88 fA %A <OdO V. Jonas, .?t3 Tax. 33, and quoted =ith cg-
provsl in G’l3rien v6 A2zemcn, 112 Tar, 254, 247 3. a. 2701
“The Leglslaturo my Srant authority
as well es EiVe?ccmxmds, and cots done ..
under its authority aro as valid 38 it
dons in obodlence to its oomt3r;ds. Ror
,4213 slhtuto bhose conplcts e;cccution
and ay;lfcat Ioh to tho subject-tatter is,
., by its provisions, nada to depend on the
assent of som other body, a delegation
of lcgis~atlvc wfer. The discretion ;
goes to the exercise of the po:::er con-
ferred by the lax, but not to make the
law Itself. The lag!,in such oases, may
dt3peni! for its giracticnlSffiC1SAOy on
the act of som othcqbody or fndivldunl;
at111 it 1s cot derived fron such act,
but frocr the le&slative authority.”
To the sam oftoot is the hold& of the Ser,i&oaio ’
Court of Civil ~~~jwal.sir Tuttle vb %ood, 33 S. 7. (Zd) I.051
(writ of error refused), wfiorelnJudge Stith, in the o;ition,
*It is true, of course that the Let-
ielature cannot delc&:atoto an ndAnistra-
tfve board the por;erto,make a 1s:~prescrlb-
inS a penalty, but it is oqmlly true tbnt
it is con~etant for the LeSlslaturc to au-
thorizo a comfssion or board created for
that purpose to prescribe duties or nsaer-
t&A conditLons U;On %hioohan ax%stIE.~lasr i
may ograttr in ikqosing a penalty ei2a in
effoctuatioE the purposa designed In onnct-
II-$tho lay>. It 1s in.pursuance of this
authorLty tbrit railroad oomxisslo~.s,publio
Utilfty CO~,.XX~SS~CAS, liVQGt3Ck 8XdtEry
~or&ss~on.g, health boards and llko ngenciss
exeiclse tyir $uqt$ans agd adninistor :icd ’
enT r.e lo.f5 gp sf n, to t air suveral do
par cants. In their very mturs such laz?s~
must bo Ploxiblo in ardor to ~$ve the&Q
practj.cablcappligtit&onto the direrso CO+
ditlona v&ich exist *$$hin the several
Ho&able Charles E..Baughmu, Fags 6
Tho purposes sought to be aoconplls!md by K. B.
625 and the regulations to be yromuJ.3atedthercundor ELZ~
W3t Out in SeOtiOh 1 Of th:aAct in the follo+hE +peljoJ ’ ~,
"Section 1, In order to provlde the
neans ahe:.cby producers OS certain citrus
fruit, and 011 intereGt@d partlos, May
sacuro pxmpt nnd efficient insseotign and
classiSiooCion OS grades of fruit at ron-
tronablo cost, and bocaune lt is hereby so- ~
co&zcd that the otanckrdlzatlon of tha
oitrun fruit industr;tby tho proger grad-
ing and clasoiflost!.onsof citrus fruit by
prompt and eff’lciont insgeotion under OOE-
patont authority is beneficial alike to
grower, ah!&er, coxier, receiver, end
oonsuzmr, in that it Surnishas the gro:ier
and the shipper Frlm Sac10 evidonco of
quality md condition of products, it
gunrnntaeo ths carrier and tho recoivor
of qualtty.of produots owried aad raootved
by theizan2 tm3uro3 tke ultimte ci)a3i113or
Of tbe quality of the prodwits gurchnssd,
this act is pasaea.*q.
The foro3oing declaration of pur,3osecertainly
mbroces a legitlmte and proper sub&et for legislative
action. Ths succeeding sactlono of the Act irppearto Fro-
vide renmmble anU ap;rsprlato mans fOS elfeotuatinq tho
Btnted purp0333. It is dmbtless Sruo that the requuirczests
Par gradi&? -ati mnrklng of fruit lmposo;~obli~atlonsand ex-
penses upon tho ~rower6, packers and &h&pors kich did not
exist before. Such is tho inavitsblo by-product of all rc-
gulatory lsgislctlon, But if tbo pur~osoo sou&t to be
achieved by a stntute are conducive to the ~USlic wolfare
so 3s to brlp!:it v&thin th3 brssd field of ths 5tatels
police po-mr, ar.dthe .&am edoptsd are sensorable, the
Courts vii11not strika do-m the statute as being a taking
OS propsty without duo proccos or co:~ponsotion,because
it hposss addltisnsl obligstions and m>enses upon'thsso
to xhorn it aglies. This princlpla vfasn?tly stated by
Chief Juotice Iwler, ogcakix for the United :;tatcsGurJrc-le
Court ln ho Rahror, 140 U. 3. 554, 11 Sup. Ct. (355,35 L,Xdr
Vh%lopovferof the otata to lnpose
ahA burdens upon poraons und
. .
Honorsble Charles E. Bawhnan, Fag 7
property in consermtion ana pronotion OS
the ?ublit health, good order 2nd Dros>erity
is a :owor 0rft;tcollymd elwsys bclonsihg
to the states, not surrendered by them to
the ,-enawl ~overzcnt, nor directly restrain-
ed by the Constitution of the United Staten,
and essentially excluoive.~
Laws desiGned to elitinato fraud nhd promote fair
dealing in business have been conslsteotly upheld by the Tex-
as Courts 03 p.valid exercise of the police 2owsr. Thus in
Rash linrdxareCo. v. Korrfs, I.05 Tsx. 217, 146.3. 3. 074,
the Texas Suprer,eCourt suste.inedthe constitutionality of
the bulk onlcn low acalnst the contention thct it viof~.tad
Se&ion 19, Article I OS the TestisConstitution, :lzcod XI
unreaoon~ble burden u?on JW rchanta. saic?the cowt:
The Lo&islotxwe my In the exercise
OS tha police poxcr m&ate by .reeoonable
roquireoenta the businass transootfoco of
the citizens, Xsuston 2 T’. C. Co. v. City
of Dalles, 90 Texan, 396.”
fin Benry v. State, 260 s. ::'.
lS0, the Ciurt of
* Taxes in holding valid an act reg:let-
CXidIL61 ,fQFCdS 01.
ing the profession OS amounting In this Stnto, osidl
*The authority of the state govern-
nent to glsoe restriotiocs upon the exercise
of InnSul voo2tisns is too well settled for
“The seleotion of subjects of’ such le,;-
isl&t.icn2nd the nesno of rogulstion cdo2tcd
are #mrily subject to legislative declaim,
an4 tho yrcswqtion of validity and .reasonn-
bleness obtains ,in o. judicfal irquiry unlc~~
the contrary is nade to a;pzBr.*g
The case &nvslvin,q 5 statute ClOst nearly f+3lotOUS
to the one here under consi&xstion is 2 Tarto ‘White,198
S. :;,503, whwein the Cmrt OS Crini~l Appeals a??roved 8s
a valid rxcarcj.csof the police 2oxor, A statute requirirq
every &uier to tak9 and ;rexrve thrvo smples sron cvcry
bah of cotton zinned by hi& ~oonusc of its ~ectiJ.i~ra;?-
Ronorable Charles '6.,Baughann,Pose a
plicabllity, we luotc at length fron the opinion .of the
Court in the :.&itecases
'*'i:ea demostratod that
there niw evils oonnec%ed wl.th the are-
paraticn cf cotta for market, e.ndthe
mrkstin~ of szme wMch affect tho st.lte
ss a &ole--the @?mral public welfare?
If so, tkm under the scthoritias c:?;otod
by relator the state, in 303kir.~ ncdor
the pollca rorrorto correct and roasdy
those 0~i.1~1, xs~ld not ar,dcemot be
held to violztc any pro-