Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFTHE A7TORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAR AU8TlN QUAl.DCZ.I(ucn AlllQID~o(uu -.~f?A iv.0 !-/o, /j.l, 4 as .’ Honorable John R. Bhook i - Crhlnal DirtriotAttoraoy 6an Antonio, Tan8 Dearslrr Tour letter oi so 0, roqurrtr ea opinion tram thlr department upon t ted by fOU 68 follorr: *Does Artiot 6834 ouaoewat lr aa offlolel oao oi' whloh tho pub110 aad a11 oftloialr mar take notloo, wo arm laoloring a oopy of thin opiaioa whomin those oarer aro tull7 di8ausrod. It tollows th a the t lpplioqtion 0i population brroket rtatutol to tho oity of saa Antonio lo oontrollod by tho POPa- tion of the olty an dotoalaad by the pollmiury lnouaoomeat of the 1040 ooamm. ~o o o r a ia to g thla la a o uno ea theea ot, lt7 Roaor8blo John 9. 6hook, m&o 8 ti 6aa Aatoaloha8 IIpopulation of 555,145,@a& rinomA?- tlolr dt45e, vemoa'o AnnotatedCivil Statutw, rppllor .. to oltioa hwln( I populatioa of more thaa 540,000 lahabl- tratr aa& lamr thaa ilb,OCO i.abbitmt#, your qoortloa18 rooordlngly lamorod in tho riilrutlrr. Yourstory trulf ATTORHETOEIWGL OF TE.XA6 A~PROv~oCT 8, 1940