Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF 'I'- Honorable Ii. A. CUea, Page B You are thintore edtls~d that, by euthority oi the Stats Boar4 of XJduoatlon, thsro amy be ozpan4.4 orrt af the appro,&.atlanof the balanas in the t&ate Toxtbmk nutd ruoh sum o? moneyfor irdght 011use4 textbook8 ln a&dl- tion to Chat opea?fioatlp providedbJrtho Legi&urw, em imy to tha Stata Boa-4 aT Iliduoatlmappear to be a~o*ioary for that pur300th Yourn ralty’tmll?