OFFICE OF TNE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS iionorebleD. C. Greer Dear Sir: i4tb4r or ~0~4mr 9, f this Dopartmont upon ration of m4toz rrhi4148 44 of 8ale in another e4n (LOU, wail6 thm dl In Sootton r)#aboto quote6 4 oporatrd unQ4r it8 own 44 in BOW oth4r Stat4 for ct (b) when a sombinatlon of nb the other, both OS whloh in nnother~Stat4 r- the 4n year; (4 1 It ‘yuQation1-b i8 444u4raQ a, woul.6 the )3.00 i4r bo payable on the g the lnotirspower, as well as the 74hi414 If iiu4etion l-a $4 answsred ln the artlram- l be any conrlset behrsn S44tienr 2 4xd S oted Statutes ineofar a8 a paareng4r-typ4 "(2) Consldsringthe fast that srery rehiole at on4 time or another has been eoU, re-4Old or tmded, under what ciroumetanaeswould the paynmt of the $5.00 t4r apply if either Queatlons l-a or l-b 4r4 armwere in the negative? Eonorable D. C. Greer, page e “(3)