OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN am&WC.- -- 6, Ay-~;$?-A-~~ P cT 301~ art K. Rerron ccunty Auditor Aroher City, Tsxaa rion. xlllard L. Thrwt; County.AttOriaeY Aroher City, Texas . &mron, County Auditor and in Archer County, Texf45, "I. ~uestlon. Am I rrqulrd to place the nenm of h'ellir l?avl5 ae nomlnrr or thr rmmooratio Farty for tha otfloe of DirtriOt Clark oa the Ooosrrl Elootion BallOt? : ; : . Hon. Bert X. Brron, lion. Eillard L. Threat, pa@ e “2. ,:.uooticn.Am I m&rod to plaoe the zxmo of Garvay ::eluglnns nonines of the Derwcratlo Farty for tho 0rfiCe Of Dintrict an4 County Clerk on th @morn1 zleotion Ballot? . . ." ':;e are llkowlse in reoaipt oi a oommnloatlon from :Ir,Threet, County Attorney of Aroher County frcm whioh urn quot8 a8 r0liowf3; "f!mre were a3verel votes tabulotod for Dlr- trict & C.mnty Clerk in thm July Frbry, aa a joint orfica, which said votos wore counted and c+rtlflad along, with other nanem, to tho County Clark. should the County Clork plaoe the name of tb3 ncmlnec for the ,!ointcfti~ee Of District k County Clerk on the Cendral Flsotion Ballot?w In Opiclon No. O-2591, to Eonoroblo 2. D. Allen, Distriat Attorney, Mohita falls, TSX~R, thfo dup3rtmnt ruled "that ths attempted ncnlantioa by tho voters ot krchsr /c- County or ii28rroach ‘ap.dJsck L!erodlth to thd office of County clerk and xrs. Nell10 Davis to the GffiCe of distrlot olark w%a in acch CGE~ 1Peffeotlve 8~ a zominctlxi to any ,,i&:>.:::i ofrloe sub:eot to being flUed by the votero at the fGrth- cotinr,~onox11 olaotlon* and tbat tho attczpt of uovon ~voterr of Arhier County to no*&atr Carvey Xelu&n to the one or- iice of county nr?ddlctrlot clerk by wrltlw In both tb3 t:tlo or the orfioo and the name GS such ptreon vm likewise inerrCOtiV43 86 4.3 nG?SfnatiOn Of t#UCh pWJOn t0 the OmOe Ot OOuaty and dietrict olsrk Of Archer COWty, Tc)xM.~ Copies OS thi8 opinion are being enolormI,‘hrrwlth, for your lqformatloa. i It iollows iroE the ruling thus 1~53 that these reopeotive atttmptad nominations aro or n0 roroo an4 dr0ot and the individuals involved should neither be oertliied by the County Desocratio Zxroutive Committee aa.the ncmlaees or the defoorntio ,mrty aor their aamem~plizosd on the &en- : era1 elootlon ballot. As dobisred in our opinion No, O-%391, the respoo- tive ofrioe# OS oounty alerk ml district olerk of Aroher Oouaty &~a nob efrtarr rubjeo0 te bein filled by tha qual- . . - c.’ - 409 ,- Con. Cert X. Fiorrcn, i?on. Xillard t. Throet, Pa&e 3 lflod voters nt the forthocnlng gczoral eloctlon; In lieu t;?uroor, there is only the one orriO 6.ioounty and dlo- trict clcr\l to be flllod. In the abeonce of legal noa- lneoa thercfor, mnifoctlr only the title cf the office MT be printed on the gmeral olootlofiballot, Iro tru&t tha foregoing will clmffy ths ancmlour sltuatioh existiN in your oountg with roferonoo to these lxtters. ~dvortl~ to the epooiiio quoatlons oekcd by Xx. Throet, County Attoraay, and i!r.Rorron, County Auditor, quote4 herolnnbovo, we quote as follows from the caao oi Couoh et al v, FAll, County Clerk, et al; 10 9. :7. (cd) 170, 172 (error diemlsrod)I "So is it contended by appellants that the duty of tha county clark to publish'appollantr~ N--- nccos aa the noninoee oi the Ropubllcon Party for the offices thoy sook, and to print those name8 on the orricm ballot, was purely mldotorlal in its chsrsotor; ,,>,>,::,.:::;:::::: that the olork 18 clothed v;lthno disOrcti0n in the matter; and that upon roooipt Gf Fer;u&on's OertiflCato, the duty we6 absolutely mndotory u?on the olork to publish appellants' napiB8 and place t!m on the .orrlolalballot. %'oover- rule ells contoatlon. The olerk's du tp 1s to pub- lish the zmoo in the oortlrlcote, and print them on the ballet, w>:en these nar~o6ara of lcaadldatee w30 have recoivod the necessary votes to aorzlnatef then (article 3129) and when thoee ntmor *have been lawfully certified to bin' (ortlols 3132). The or- rlolal ballot shall omtain the names of those only *whoso n0min9tione r0r on slootlvo 0rric0 hay0 been duly aede and properly cortiflod~ (article 2970), and *no naz.eshall appear on the official ballot except that of a condldate who waa actually nominated . . . in accordance with the prOYisiOa8 Oi.thia title' tartiC 29781. In view or those movielone. and a# a preotioable'&attor basidee, it ib Olear thit the county clerk must not blindly ,publlehand prlnton J&&j,& &e t 90 . ;;I” ------ -..- . . . _ . .-., a10 E;n. Eert %. iiorrcn,?Ton.Killed L. Threet, l%ge 4, but cud pr0c3ea cnutlouely satlerylng FXK?SiY ns to the authcrlty uf t;:g siirzxzcljrtl- The Cutp ot the oounty olrrk in th e lituatloa at hand 1s thus fully not out.. Your8 YSly truly 33: ob