Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

346 ganordle 0. 3. s. Ellingrral, p8@ e *f would llka to how whetherthis is aorraot, whetherI have a rQht to restor.his lost time and dlsohargahim from this instlttatlon.And if so, whether,we owe him $SO.OOin oash an+ the prs- sorlbedolotihlng.~ or n tha lltua tio n Yo ur lnta r p r eta tio Is o o r r eet. miashof the oomp@nantquostlonsembodiedIn tha last para- graph of your answer should br answeredin the aftlrmativa. The questions involvedare oonoludsdby ~our\,opln- ion no. O-li?Sd,being Confermwe opinion 3094, a aopy OS whichwa hand you harawlth. -' diik%AN!- ATTORNEY GENERAL w