Hon. E.R. Wright,Superintendent
State Sohoolfor the Deaf
Austin, Texas
oear Ear: OpinionNo. O-25@
Rer Whethera personwho receiveda oouree
of nursingtrainingat the State Hoe-
pita1 %t Sai?ltorlmIs a graduatenurse
of the ap~oprfdt%on
zri;in the xneanlng
We have your letterof July 22, 1940, which reado as
"Xn the appropr?Btion
bill for sleemoqynary
In<ut%ons,the bill pra.@deeior two graduate
nursee. The law iurthern&m fea?thprovlslonior a
state Boaru of mursee Hlralmw There is a group of
hospitnlswh%oh me aStilistci%th thla Boata fey the
purpareof tmln3.ng numm .'Eha
State Eloapital
Senltorlm 115net affllktcrbwith this arganlxatlon
but plwpoeea to train nuraezi.
~"Couldap%rtgwhohae qualffledbygr?kduat-
ing frontIAL6 hoapitalat Sanltorlum,Texosl be consld-
szud a~gra8uatenurse as the tern is appliedIn the
appropriation bill?"
We believethat the phrase "graduatenurse as used In ths
appropriation b%ll for EleemoeynasyInatitutlone"was used in the a8me
sense as In Article4518 and 4518a of the Revlaed'Civil
Texas which read ae follonsz
All specialhtmpltalsapprovedby~theBfMrd of
Nurse Nxant~ers,andgeneral ho pitale,whfch are equipped
with not lesa than twenty-five9Q$i)beds, amI whioh have
a Ually annual averageof not less thtLOfLfteen (15) patlentr,
and which tetiahthe oouree of study presarlbedby the Board
of the State of Texas,aYe hereby~ cqn-
of Nuree ExBrainerii
stitutedduly qualifiedand acmedlted nursingschools. A
generalhospital,aa the term Is hers uaed, Is a public or
private1nstltutLonwhere men, women and childrenare
Hois. B.R. l!Mght, Pegs 2 O-2564
treatedfor all klnds of diseases,bodily in,jurjr,
physloalderamlty by means OS both medloaland su.rg$caf
treatment,and which maintainsan organizedstaff of
phyalaiuns and surgeonsllaenaedto praotice medlofne fn
the etate oi Texas.
No person shall be eertii'ledas a graduateof
an such nursingsc,hool unless such person&as had t&ee
(331 full years of w-k and study in such schoolunder a
ra&istereUnurse, two (2) year8 of whfah murrt be eontln-
uous In the s&o01 of'nursingfrom which bhe has graduated,
or two (2) conMnuous~yearsin a spcclalhospitaland one
(1) oontlnuaustil.Zyear in a generalhospital. And maoh
graduateupon praurntingsuch cei?ttifiuate to the State
mardo?NurBC~ shall upon the papkent or re-
quired f'eesbe entitlwl to take the examlnatlons presurlbed
by the StateBoardi 8nd u$on making the passinggrades
prescribed by the Board, shall be entitledto reoaive
from aald Phard a certtiloate certifying that auah person
le a graduatenurse end entitled to practlaeas a regls-
tersad~m.rsein the State or Texs8."
These Statutesti conatrud in our oplnMn8 No. O-882 and
SupplementalopinibnBoo,o-88211, copies0r which are anelosedherew%th,
requlrathat a perron must have at least one year*8 trainingln a gemal
hospltalin ordee to be entitledCo be aertiriedas a rtkglateredgraduate
Xou state that the Wite Hospitalat ganltoritmr is not
affiliatedwith tha &ate Board of Rarse l?xamlners.A person receiving
his entiret&Wnl.ngat th%s hospitalla thereforenot ellglbleto be
as a registered graduate nurse under Artlclete4528 and 451aa,
Civil hitatutes,192fi.
It is OUT opinion,tiherefore, that a party who has graduate
from a coursein tiurslng given at the State Hospitalat Sanltorlum Texas,
may not be conaidored GB a graduate nurse as that term is used in the
eppropriatfon bill.
Youre very truly
APPROV6UAU(f9, 1940
s/ EroverSeller6