Yre. Zloween Meebb, R. II.
State Board ot ll ILB@W@pa~
1035 YllU BSiiO Ls
San Antodloy Tn@r
Dear #In. Mrsoh:
Vher since it
has been orgtlalsed It hem
been the practice of the BQar(l POT the..
varloua members to write the aroesblary
ezamlnatfon q~eat$ow to bs eablPatted to
oandfdetes Par re,gf8tXWfoap %0X t&s
laet few yasw tan orgaafsabPa* K&mmae
fh0 mtmarrli x&q*0 or J!Qlrs$~~ awoatfon
hM bWWk$&&@ib#t& WMl%WbfQBQSWdtiOBs
oa varkaue subgots
!? for submiastop to
aanddPdatw &i?F tcagfstzytfon ae &Mdoata
nmrsea all over the United Sbab99. some
o? the d4reatOw of sohools of BtWSfng
tn the State or Texas are urging upon
the Board the we or these g~cb9t9onfd~
" &dUaation where they are graded by a pXQ&@ss
used by the League,, IIIOtheF WOT+iU?oA
payment of the required fees, the Board of
Nurse Examiners of the State of Tefaa
would receive the q,#estfonshavine n,othfng
to do with the fraatif~3
nof w9'tb
the gradin of tM answe~s,,~
of Texas On :
$radeg greeorP&?d,by the Boerd, shall bb
entitled to receive from said Board a
oestlffcate certifying that such person
is a graduate nurse.and entitle& to
raotfce as a registered nurse in thdr
4 tate of TexasOO-..w
Article 4519, Verno&s Civil Statutes D pro-
+&de9 $A &Wl'tBS fOllOWS$
l&a. Ib1owuenMwsh, Paas 3 (V*363)
*a .,,Agrade of Qot less thbn @aYOAtJf OA
any one eubjeot shall be required to
paea the exam&nation. The examlaatlon
shall be of $uah ahnsoaot+r aa to deter-
me the f~~ae~8 or the a,p u4ent t0
pmatios pm~melonel nws f a& If the
sesult of the examination be aatLsfaatorg
to the board, a aertifioste @hell be
iaeued to the ep Uoant, signed by
the pFesfdent anx asaretarp and st-
tested bp the asel of sat4 WaPd,
whilrll aertitfoa$s shall q@alPty the
psr#un rsoelrltng the same to ptVIctiae
~)*iMefWlonal aur&kg In tat0 @babe.. .”
h ArUalu MN, Vbx%aa’8 Civfl Stat&es
prov,$w# QbalA3-3e*;t board may mete such by-laws and
rules ag nay be naeeseery to govern its proceedings
and to aam tnto effacrt t&e puzpoa* of th$a L*w* it
is agptawha that the Le@$~eLa;tff~s, In dael@M,qg the
age-7 tba *Board of EWtve $raWkex@ iA%iMaad just
whet the name kmpllee; t&it 5r, tb% Abe &wkFQ
should examine the appltrreat8 @or rag$@tete~ad !&NM
licenses, prescribe the examinations, detena(ne ChWt
the examinationa are of auah character as to aaoetiain
the fitness of the applioants to praatidrs profesaiozi-
al nursing, and to supervise generally the nursing
The Legdlelature, in awet&@ tha Ward of F&z&e
Bxaminers, delegeted bo asbh Board eePk?&n t~otions &Ad
In ad6ition gay8 it thu pumeF to %ake auoh bflawa ati
rules as may be nsceeeaxy to govern tta pmaaedlnga and
to aarry In60 sffbot-bite pl;lrpose of thde law.* ObtSolls-
ly, the ,lar 1188 eOect6d to regulate the profeaaion o,f
nuxsing, and 4% w,as tnfamded that the Board should b.e
the a&may to eag Out th@ adtinist-Eation of suab law.
Mrs. Eloqpm Yesobs Pa&r 4 ( V-B85 )
the subdslegatfsn le valid. Where the
statute is efleat~~an.the .qwtstfon or
mdelsgatlon and %I@ $elegetPon wee to a
single ersauttfm m.#di 4t fs almost
universally hW3 Phat the legfelaturs,
understandfng fib& fmpacse%bPlfty of per-
sonal perf’tamp, ‘~plfedly aathorieed
the delegatfon of Buthorfty to subordinates OoO
By rsferrfng to the eat4re a& gcmmn~ng the
prore8mf0nor WS~R ft nil.1 be notsd Met nh express
proviaiona are aonta !tas4 thex84a aat~~sslP~~yp t&a Baard