Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ArCORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Fonornble Fe P. Remlo, tr. Coanty Auditor 3lller county kqstend, Texas Soor 31a Eoue bwdEn of expn8e whloh it bears. *In the rim 21~~00, reef3 r0r assess are borne by the benerel Fund. Brm-Ii-= t o aoqountlng taxes atandpint this erpx~~s ehould be borne by all thr rim38 hi the pr020rtionatesm0m 0r tr.0 baaerit reoelved by eaoh fudd. me ret38for oolleotloa of 4%; . mnorablo 9. P. Xerma, Jr., Pago 8 tares nro borne by all the funds. sinoe thr ool- 1oatorTduote hla rsos end de?oolta the raxnlnder with thl County Tro-surer ror dlatrlbutlon by that OttlOCir t0 all the rLUd8. ThcrerorO, by tho sane token thnt oo6t ot ool- leotine taxoa lo borne by ell tha runde thot rep- oaivo bszsrit fron suoh oollaat~ona, why should not, and why oen net, the ooet OS aasraslng taxeo be born. / by 011 those funds in&sad oil oharclng thst oont to i ths General fund whloh moalves only a acurl ~ort;on i or tte benefit? , “Our prsasnt praotlos ia to advanoe the asaeooor i run&owith wkloh to bear tbs ooet or noeaoalng, and i IItthe end or the yoor, pay hln the ameren0e betwasn mt4 due his ccd the amount advcnaea. This La taicen 1 iron the Geneml Tund, amountln~ in 1939 to !W3SS end 80x8 oentn. Is lt Lcqol for this (Lqount to bo ohor@ to $11 the rwaa aooorcin~ to .gooda3oounting pmotleot *~lao, in roferenor to the paynent or our X8- trlot Court re,~rter, a eldlar eltuotlon sxlats. Ins salary la pnld from our General Fund. mom the aooountlrq standpoint this ooet should be ohargetl to th6 Jury Rml just as nuoh se the Tapmant or a Juror C!hOUld OOZI6rAVEith0 JUI?ymd, iOr both OOfItO (Ire brinitaly cOUTt OOB t8 l 18 it legal to ohsrgb thlr oost to ths Jury Food?* Art1010 3933, Vernon*8 Annotated Clrll ntatutrr, naar 08 r0ii0w28r I Wioh kxwmsor of taxse ahsL1 reosloa tho fol- lowlnc ooqmnnation for his servioso whloh shall be eetlzistad an the total value at tho ?ro?crty a~~~ensb4 OS followat For nsatatalng thw Stab and Cswtp Texo8 oa all au:8 ror ths first Two Xllllqn Dollcn (~2,000,030) or leas, five (0) omts ror raol: On0 !?undred 3ollsrs (:loo) or prfqorty tm~tmmd. On all RU:U in exoeno oi 'a;0 ::llLlon riollars (?2,000 000) and leae, than Fiw Ellllon DoolLars (~3,000,00Oj, two mid One-hdr (lib) .‘, osnta _.__ ,_on .___ saoh-._0% -A 3mlred - . .._ . . . . DoUar8 ($lOO), - en4 4'.~ -.-- b~..~ -a- on---.all Bonorablo WS P. Berma, Jr., Page S two an4 one-fourth (2a) oents on eaoh One Run4red ~orlare ($lOO), provided,that la OOwtle6 lh whloh the po~ulatlon doas not exooed twelve thounMb, five hunersd (12,500) lnhabltantb, the mseneor shall re- oelvo on all U~ZS ror the flrat Four xllllon Dollar8 (:4,000,000), tho aurnof five (S) oento for oaoh One Hundred Dollars ($1001, aua on all 8umi above mmh enaunt the iae shall he ~5 above stated, oar-hali of the above oo3gonsatloh shall be pal4 by the State and one-half by tho oounty; for aoaeeolng the tare@ 011 all dralrm~o dlatrlots, rend Olotrlote, or other polltlool subQlVlOlOnS or the oounty$ the Asaeesor shall be paid ttpa-tltths ot one oent for eaoh Oae Numlrad Dollara p;dog the aoseeredvalw of euoh blatrlotaor 8ub- . TrovldeU thnt in oountlea in whloh the populstlon 1s not more than rorty-two thOw4nd (43,000) nor lens than forty-one t!-.ouaand,--fifty (41,050) inhabitants ao- oordlrqto the reoedinz Wnlted States Census, the Tax hasocmor &all te pal4 for assoaolng the’ tama, in all dralnwe Motriota, road 4lstrlot.o or other polltloal aubUlviulOns or the oounty, two (21 oanta ror eaoh on0 Hundred Dollara (X00 of tho aesesood value of auah Uletrioto or subdlols 1ono# pm~lQoU furthor that swh oon?oneatlon as le gnld to the imeasor ahoU be pro- rata4 tmonr, the ~nrioua drainrice Ulotrlats, ma4 alo- trloto an4 other ~olltlonl anbUlvlolonr or the oounty, aooonllnr; to the value or the property .aeseoseU la each Ulatrlot or othor politlonl aub4lvlalon, an4 for assassing the poll tax, five (5) oento for aaoh poll, whlo!i shall be paid by the State. The Comlselonere court ehall allow the ASsoosor or Taroo auoh sum8 or mney to be paid. ncmthly ?rm the CountyTreasury as my be neoossary to pay for olerioal work, takingnmms~- mnts and mklng out the tqx roll6 of the oounty, but ouoh 0035 60 alloncd to be deduoted iron the amount al- low&l tha AWQ3nOr by tho Cmlssloner8 flourt ahall not oxoeod the omponsatlon that nay be due the oounfp to hlxofor awosalng. “It la rurtherhareby provide4 that rmn an4 after Janwry 1, 1954, in the oouhtlss havlhg a pulatlon of mre than rwenty t5ousan4 (70,000) &bltante aa- oordlw to the last Dr*Oebl~ ?ed;ral b.*ol, tb* Tax I . . 458 ::;r.oruble :s. 1:. :1erzuJ, Jr,, Fnge 4 Colleotoz ehnll edvnncs to tho Tax ~.c,osnaor, out of ?tota taxes colleoted by the “ax Colleotor, mueh slms or r,oncy to be ;rlid ~.cokly, 40 my 56 mom- ans'yta ;I?'t?.Q sa&r!ea 3S 8d(? Te: :,fi~t?~~Or, but SW;? EUZJ n>~ll not total, before t’s al:r,u%l tax rolls ore subAtte4 by t&n to the COm?trol!.ar of I ublic AC”OSnt.3, more In one yenr thor. 6!Vl 0r the azti.?tt.s ior oald pear hereinafter ~mvldsd ror. . *In oountloa of t?-8 01~:~ last mant!3nca on J:tnwr:r 1st or eoob year tk.o Anue53or0r ta.xao c!:sll sub-J t to the Com?trollcr of Rrbllc ‘$xOUDt8 rnr. county m5.f tor an 0st:c:;nto of ntate roes for a10 seaalng tame for 0~14 soar, which, lf o;FroveJ by said Coucty r.u/?ltor amI ~314 Cor;:tnller of i%bllo Acooucto, e?!all authorize the payiwrt Out Or ztate toxcs 3f t?;a aalarlnu in the aext paraaragti herein- obovs frovlaeu; ~3: nt tt;e t 120 the ~r53e960r0r taxre, subAt. b:!s tax roils each year, he ah011 be pal4 auoh ,/-Y belwoe due him from: the :tclte ES ahall be Eetenlned by t!:o oalC Cor.?troolier of rublio Aoo ,unta ax3 County AuCltor enc? auoh bole.-ce ohnll be :aid out of .Ytate taxes ujon Theawarrant or the Comgtrollw of Publlo :.coounts drawn upon t’:lo Tax ColLeotor. ‘It is not the pur,?ooe of thle Xot to ohnnge the safssy or T8x Asomssors ae now fixed by law.* krtlole 71t;la, Vimcon* Annotated Clrll Ztatutw, ?rsvlEer that: Fcreaftor, G-xmaver the t-or48 *ecseeadr*, *mace- twr of tficcn’, *oolleotor~ , *oolleotor of tares’, or *tax oolleotor’, (4116uoctd, elgher 111 ?\rtiolo 71% to 7;29 lr.clur!va, of Tltilo 122 3r tt:o 1325 ?t?VlS4d !xvll :tstutos Jr Tcxro, ! nol-;djr;s 011 nnezdnents thereto, ns wcl? nn t>e revise4 ode of liZi, icclctC.!rs till t,i:fmkn.-,ts, belr..4mwn a* 11-e 1-2.3;?evi3aa Clvll "tat.Jtez,!of ICXl.:S, s5m sknll be o~?llofiihle t3 64 :.cz:. or.0 t!-~e .off:ae or ofrloer or aIif301;5or a,:4 colleot- or or ttixati, n-C shall be no oonotrUO4 03 to naooznplfeh ~:.a ob:eot ar.!! ir.tent .9n4 00rcy out th0 >.:rpae or ‘:cotl ~0 14 ar.4 1.5 0r krtlcla 0, of t:,e ?L:ea conatltu- tlon, BB‘tkc sar.0 wtib v.ondsd 311:?ovembcr 9, 1938.* t cl m3onblo PI. PO ‘imnJ8, Jr., PaGo 8 It that the populctlm is to be noted of mller cow&y ia leas than 20,GOO inhabitanta aocordlnq to the lest federnl OQRSCGfind t!:.a tax=oPsocGOr-COllCOtO~ iG OOXi- ;msotcd on a f40 bosln. In this concootlm, it ohould be ~o!nt.eE ov,t, t%t fats Cue the s~ses~or for his ssnioea 00 such nre not ;r.ylblb out of the ~enaml rune, but muoh fear are payable out OS the t6ee of effiott. Artiolc 3937 a~ccltloally prP?ldoe that: * . . . Tha Co.mAnolwwmt~ Corlrt shall nllm the a.momor of tame suoh 5u:~o mount due him for aemos1.r.l: tt,n bounty tax of t!14!r oour?ty, to bo pnid out of the first r,onnp rooeivo~! rrozi tke colleot~~r on the rollo or that yam.- The above cuotsd povinio~ mGk68 ft ?e?feotly olser where no ::may io eCvenc4C. out of the oounty treseury to th4 ~.'GCX~OF"to 2-r tar olrrioel rmk, tnk!Tc U.~G@SS?lGntG fir.4 mk!riq out trio tax rolls or the oolintyw, wbloh the Co,mlo- eiowro~ Court ie cuthdzed to do by hrtlole SW, t?xt the 86~~~1 rum for vlf?lch t?e ammsnmnt Is ~-(?a oech baar thlir po,70rtl3nate purt Wthe coat of tnkiny t!la a:~BQf$U- * :iCLtG ar!C nlridnr: out tho ter. rolla or tfb oountp, th:i6, for I t'o rosaor, that onoh ooato er4 ">ald out or the rim noslop : TooeivsCfret the oollcotor on the rolls %f trst yenr.* PI . ..e *flret cone*? r4celvoA* 1s mr.4:: 00ih0t4a for en& belor?xlnc, to the ree~eotlve fund4 tar w!.loh ths eaacsemnt Uaa :xiCa ,:%Ifor whloh tho amefmor I4 p&l a oom@eion a0 ~rovldoe for in oslc Artlolo. ,- 460 mmroblr W. P. Rem, tr,, P8gi 6 . I I To our mind, It in eqonllg olew tb~.t where aonet in the trenoury to the dredlt or the generel fund ie edvanosd to the aaso3sor. for the purpoeea enumerated la hrtlolr 3939, t?.at said ~enerel fund should, to the extent of tmoh ndvanw- ccnt, be r0k2burs4a *out 0r thb unit mom reoelvad from the 00llcotor on the rolls ot tk8 -+T---daid ;*aar. Suad WllI then hove borne lte proportionate pert of ~the aost 02 eeeee- rant, beoruee the Vlrst noney reOeiYadm 1s a OompOaitOfund proportionately oontrlbutsd to by all funde for abose benefit the atmosozent xae tide. Thereforr, your iiS@ quoe- tion18 res,?eothrlly nnowerrd in the 8ifiI'ZU3ti+ee . hrtlolee326,Vemon*r hnnotatrdclvll Btatotaa, reads na follonar The offiolal ehorthencl reporter of eaoh judlalal~diotrlot in thls Sata and the oftlola aborthand reporter ot nny oouuty oourt, either olvll or orlx.kc-1 In this Ttcto, shall rooelvea - eal:.ry of tvio thoueand one huzdrod dollars per annuz-, in &Cltlon to tho oomgonscitlon for tren- eorlpt fees 88 p-ovldod for ln thie Aot. %ld salory ehall bo peld nonthlg by the oomiseioa- era’ oourt of the county, out ot tho ge.?erol fund or the oounty, upon the oertlrioate or .the dlatrlot judge.. rn judlolirl dlstrlota OP thlr Stnte ooz2;iose1Iof two or more oountles said ralerp ehnll be ;lold monthly by the oountlw or tho distrlot le praportlon to the nu=bar of reekr provided by inn for holffln~ oourt ia t.he reapma- tlve oocntieo ln the dlatrlot; provldtd, that in II dlotrlot w!:4;*eic in any oountp the tern map don- tlnue until tke buslnocela dlapoesd or, eaoh ocunty ahnll pny In pro;ortlonto the tlrie001.M la aotually held ln sooh oounty,. lialler County 16 in the Oth Judloial Distriot, Mloh 1s OOlll~OE04 ot rmr oo!:nt.~es. Artiolo 2326(d), Vor- non'sAnnotated Clvll Stetutett, provldeathe nalary for the oliiolol ckol%k:and rogorter In eeab judlolhl dlstrlot oom- poml ot four oountlee in this State, whon the populntlon of sala iour ooontlee tot,al in the agnrsgate, In exoem oi 135,000 popu~latlon aowrdlng to the last preoedlng FedwaX cen9une nod waioh alono ooastltutbr on0 or taoro ~udloial dia. Eonorable Ue P. Eonno, Jr., Peglo 7 tr lo ts l The oountles Ooiqmaliq the Qth’JudloInl Metriot 6re i*lk~ San JuOiIlt0~Xont~ozxwy, rind Uller Countlas. Ike total popuLctl~m of tho four oountlas ‘la 1048 thaB l:;O,O::O lnhnbltanto; themfore, Art1014 szm(a) , *upra, doon not aa?ly to the Qth’ Sud?clal Dl4tSlOt with refetimioe to th4 ohiry or the ~offlolal ehorthrsd repoxtar~ 56 are of the oplnlon that ;rtlolo 2326, eupra, $4 e:plIceble with rerorbnoa to the aolarp OS the ofiloial short- har3 re;ortcr of the Oth Jud?alal Xa$rIot, u;hich 1aoluUer ‘;‘dnCr c0I3d.y~ 6Ed the Btdt%te 8~p6OirgbCllYpOYidBf3that the oo.zpxaatlon :of the oi’il~lal ghortlyiacd reporter ehoil Abe aalc out oi tte’ &nerkl fund.: ,\lso,; ApZole g%3(s) provideit tor 06rt:dir1exp?.?iEO~ Cd tke p)mXXr ,Of 2,ayzent thereof to otfidlal ~!:orthm:d roportora six! G@ctg of’iiolel akorthand re~tii3rm or t!;e dietriot oourts of th3 State of Taxas, oonpoaad of nore then one county, FE& thi4 statute ala0 provldeei that ruoh expxm5 shall be psld~ out ‘or the geaeral aa. Tharefore,, you; are rogpeogfully, advleed ‘that the salary or the ofilolal shorthand re>ortor aunt be paid ram tte cenoral fund and no part of tho muno eon ho 14g4lly ohergrd to th4 &my fund. Truatlng that.~$,ho fmegolng fully anmmn your in- Wry, we or*