Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Wm. Queen khuokle, page 2 (0.2477) Il.3 bve been unable to find sny legal objeotion,to* person*% i"!':c:' : attendings barber sohooland a beauty sohoolat the same time, provided satisfaotoryhours could be arrangedwhereby there would lm no oonfliot in attendanceupon said sohools. You are thereforerespeotfullyadvisedthat itis the opinionof this deparbnwt that if B person oould completethe requiredooursesof instruotionof both sahoolsof one thousandhours (1,000)eaohl8thiasix months,and-s not otherwisedisqualified,said person would be eligible for both BeautyOperator'sand Barber'sexaminations. Very truly yours AlTORXEYGEXEFWLOFTEXA9 ,,, By /s/W. J. Fanning ,%I. J. Fanning Assistant WJF:AW%egw ~OvEr~JuLY9,194.0 /s/Glean R. Lewis APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BYBWB., Choinnrn