Honorable George W. Cox State Health Officer Austin, Texas Deer Sirs Opinion No. O-2471 Rer Should en individual employed by the State who wes celled for a period of 28 days 'train- ing es a reserve officer in the United States Army be el- lowed pay from the State for more then the amount of 12 working days which would be termed es his vacation? Your recent request for en opinion of this department on the above stated question has been received. I% quote from your letter es follows: "Should en individual employed by the State, who wes celled for a period of twenty eight days training es a Reserve Officer in the U. S. Army, be allowed pey from the State for more then the emotmt of twslve wcrk- iag days which would be termed es his vecetim? "Captain Chester Cohen is employed by this depert- ment es engineer on stream pollution end is nom in training in San Antonio. He has been assisting cur Engineering Bureau during the time he is off duty while in training. "A letter is enclosed which has been prepared end simed by Mr. V. M. tihlers,Director of the Bureau of Sanitary hhginoering in whose division Captain Cohen is employed. This attached letter offers to e degree an explanation of the services which were rendered the department by Captain Cohen during the above mentioned training period." we also quote from the letter of Mr. V. M. Ehlers, Director Bureau of Sanitary %ngineering, addressed to Mr. P. A. Kerby, edmin- istretive Assistant, es fcllcWS: - . Honorable George W. Cm, page 2 o-2471 "In response to your inquiry about Mr. Chester Cohen's activities during the month of June, please be edvised that Mr. Cohen informed us upon his cell to military duty that he would be only too happy to keep the stream pollution work going while on duty putting in extra time and continuing to direct the stream pollution studies. "At the beginning of the month he esssmbled the equipment for the mobile stream pollution laboratory located at a convenient place in San Antonio end also instructed hh-.Berreda in his duties on cclleaticn of samples, records, end the like. Ee spent one day in Houston with Mr. W. C. Geuntt discussing with him the work that we have underway on meet pecking wastes in that city (see copy of his report.) "Gn the 15th of this month he ecccmpanied Mr, ?:. J. M. Berg, Superintendent of the City Sewage Treet- ment Plant of San Antonio, to Austin for e conference, Earlier in the month he conferred with Mr. J. 5, Bsrette on the program of solving the sewage problem of the -hvcLaredo8 (see copy of letter). "He checked the arrival of all laboratory equip- ment . He transmitted e pictorial survey of the mobile stream pollution laboratory. On June 4th ws referred to him e ccmmunioeticn from Capt. E. T, Norman steticn- ed et Kelly Field requesting assistance in the rehebil- itaticn of several of the Army sewage plants in Sen Antonio. On June 6th we requested that he acnfer with hh-.Terre11 Bartlett, consulting engineer of San Antonio, with reference to the Nixon water supply end on which he gave us a reporb. On June 5th he trans- mitted photographs end flcr diagrams to accompany en article on textile mill wastes.' Section 12 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas prCVidsS8 "No member of Congress, nor person holding or exercising any office of profit or trust, under the United States, or either of them, or under any foreign power, shell be eligible es a member of the Legisle-- ture, or hold or exercise any office of profit or trust under this State.'" This provision of the Constitution is qualified by recent amendments to Sections 33 end 40 of Article XVI, adopted November 8, 1932. These sections reed: - - Honorable George R. Cm, pegs 3 “Sec. 33. The Accounting Officers of this State shell neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the Treasury in favor of any person, for salary or compensation es agent, cffioer or appointee, who holds et the same time any other office or position of honor. trust or profit, under this State or the iJnitedStates, exoept ea prescribed in this Constitution. Provided, that this restriction es to the drawing and paying of warrants upon the Treasury shell not apply to Officers of the National Guard of Taxes, the National Guard Reserve, the Officers Reserve Corps of the United States, nor to enlisted men of the National Guard, the X:eticnel Guard Resezv'e,and the Organized Reserves of the lJnited States, nor to retired officers of the United States Amy. Navy, and Marina Corps, and retired warrant officers and retired enlisted man of the United States Army, Nevy, end Marine rorps. “Seo. 40. No person shall hold or exercise, et the same time, more than one Civil Offioe of emolument, except that of Justice of Peace, County Commissioner, Notary Publio end Postmaster, Officer of the National Guard, the Neticnel Guard Reserve, end the Officers ReserrreCorps of the IJnitedStates end enlisted men of the National Guard, the National Guard Reserve, end the Orgenized Resellresof the United States, end retired officers of the United States Army, Nevy, and Marine Corps, end retired werrent officers, end retired enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, unless otherwise specially provided herein. Provided, that nothing in this Constitution shell be construed to prohibit an officer or enlisted men of the National Guard, and the National Guard Reserve, or an officer in the Officers Reserve VW-pa of the United States, or en enlisted men in the Organized Reserves of the United States; or retired officers of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, end retired warrant officers, end retired enlisted men of the IJnitedStates Army, Nevy, and Marine Corps, from holding in conjunction with such office any other office or position of honor, 'trust or profit, under this State or ths United States, or from voting at any Election; General-,Special or Primary, in this State when otherwise qualified." We quote from cur Opinion No. O-2426, as follows: "It is clear that under Sections 33 end 40 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, end the departmantel payroll affidavit interpreted in the light of these acnstituticnal provisions, en officer in the Officers Honorable George W. Cm, page 4 o-2471 Reserve Corps of the United States may hold in oonjunc- tion with that offiae any other position of honor, trust or profit in the State of Texas. and may receive salary or compensation for the same. "You are accordingly advised that employees of the Board of Insurance Commissioners who are Reserve Officers in the United States Army may continue receiving their salary from the State of Texas lrhile011active duty during their vacation, and under the circumstances described you may make the payroll affidavit required by the Comptroller." n . . . . . "You are advised that this Seotion of the Departmental ,ApproprietionBill must be strictly complied with and State employees are limited to Twelve days' vacation, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, without deduction in salary." In this connection ws call your attention to that porti.onof Section 2 of the Departmental Appropriation Bill, Senate Bill 427, pacts 1939, 46th Legislature, dealing with vacation allowance for State employees, which provides as followsr "Vacation Allowance. Department employees shall, without deduction in salary, receive not exceeding twelve days' vaoation, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, on which State offices sre olosed, for each State fiscal year, suoh vacation period to be mutually agreed upon by the head of each department with his employees, provided, that employees belonging to the Texas fiationalGuard may have their vacation at the time of the meeting of the an- nual enoampnent. Provided, that no employee for whom a salary is hereby appropriated, shall receive compensation while on vacation unless he or she has been an employee of the department for not-less than six oalendar months preceding the vaaation period." We are enclosing herewith a oopy of our Opinion Iio,O-2426 for your convenienoe. We call your attention to that portion of the Departmental Pay - roll Affidavit required by the Comptroller of Publia Accounts to be made by the head of each State Departient, whioh reads as follows: I'*+ + and that none of the employees on this payroll *re receiving salary or compensation, as agent, officer, or appointee who holds at the same time any other office or position of honor, trust or profit, under this State or the United States except as prescribed in the State Constitution.' Honorable George W. Cox, page 5 O-2471 Seotion B of the rider to the Departmental Appropriation Bill, under the head of salary and other provisions, p0 147, Senate Bill &lo. 427, Acts 46th Leg., 1939, reads in pert es follows: "No salary for which en appropriation is made herein shell be paid to any person unless suah person actually discharges assigned duties, hvery month the head of each department shall attaoh to the payroll for his dapar+8sent en affidavit, under oath, stating that the person8 listed in said payroll actually performed the duties for whioh they wers being paid. The Comptroller shell not issue warrants for the payment of salaries listed on said pey- roll unless this affidavit is filed with him, Eeoh de- partment head shall number aonsecutively the salaried positions in his department for which an appropriation is made herein (either out of the Ceneral~Revenue Fund, fees, receipts, speoial funds or out of other funds available for use by said department) and opposite the number of the position, he shell set out the title of the position end the name of the person employed to fill the same, This ststement shall be filed with the Comptroller, who shell, when issuing his warrant to any employee in pay- ment of salary due said employee. number the warrant with the seme number that is assigned to the position filled by said employee. Every department head shell notify the Comptroller in writing of any changes in personnel in his department. This provision shell not apply to seasonal help, end shall not prevent persons drawing their salary warrants during authorized vacation periods," Employees are required to perform the duties and render the services as required by the heeds of the various departments and tihen the head of such department makes the affidavit es above mentioned, stating that the employee has performed the duties assigned to him then such mployee would be entitled to his compensation as such. It is true that employees are limited to twelve days vacation exclusiva of Sundays and legal holidays without deduotion in salaryj however, this is where the employee performs no duty or renders no services end is errtitledto his aompensation notwithstanding that he has performed no duty or rendered no serviae. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, we are Yours very truly ATTORNXY GISNhRALOF TEXAS AW:L1#:wc By s/!ArdellWilliams APPROVED JLKY 11, 1940 s/Grover Sellers Ardell Yiilliams FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL ~Assistant This Opinion Considered and Approved In Limited Conference