Avwrnv~ TEXAS
lbMrbi8 K. D.Btl,~ t
“rrnmtb Omml8mlmmmn'Comrt pyma
the 9mf.m 0rti0am 0f 8 00onttu
uluy b8mlm em outllawl in tlm Ottromr*m
Sale7 Lmw, the Ccmualsmiomxm~ Come hmr no
mo th o r lty
to lt 6 malnot OfflO*?' l*la r y
at lrsrtha the to?al mmm lsmmd am ooapm-
UtiOB by him ill him offiolml tm&uoltyfor
th6 flsul ll@1938 8Jldthet the Qmdmmiom-
la ’ o a ur Ets M authority to 88t 6 p lwino t
Salary at mom then the auxlamm
mount rilmra mtxh orrlrcr Mdmr lmrr alat-
1~ Ausmt t4, 1935."
swtloa 6 of Mtlof* 39l&, vwnon'm AMmt&tma
cwi tmttttu mad8 •~ r0ii0tt8t
*TheComlorlon+rs.' Courtai osohoommty
ln'thmStat0 as Tams, at ltm rimt rqplu
mertlag im fmnaaxy0z lmohoalmn48r nrnr,
m!imll by order aabe and entered In the mlautrr .
lmh ooaxt, dotaraim rhothor prwiast mffl-
oars OS ruoheoant hoopt Publie velsherslrd
rogistmrm oi vltmI ltmtlmtlom)lhmllbm 0-0
mat@& 00 8 8mlmxy bash mm PrOrldmd for in tlxh
Aot, or whatherthey shell noolrm mm oow their
&mnmbt10n, Suabtoes OS osrlo*am me bs uxmu
by thanin thr ~srtazmum of the d oxlam ot
thou orfioo8, and it lbmu bo thm4mty.
mrtb *
ooanty al** or uoh 6Owtf to iomrd to tbr
wmptmiiw 0i mbii0 ~0oottat8 of tb 8kt4 or
T-s on or b&on the 3lmt day of Jwttq (I
arrtltlm~ oopr of mooh older . . .“
ssotlon1% of Art%010s9u0, IImrnmn’mAnmotat~
GlVllstmtmtmm rraar in prt mm ?mU~rnl
'(8) T&rt&d 'PmolMt 0m0.?8* u.
WOd La thf8AOt MW jUSti Oi the pa00
mna momstm~lmm. \
"In all.oountl6s in thim ?3ww lwh p?m-
olmot orrlauw mhmlloontlaw tm w mmapmq-
8U.U for tbmlrmrrtlmw on l ior bemfm ant%1
thhr uvmldmmlomm~* emurs8bal.l
othmndmr io moooxdawrwith the prmr!mlomm m?
8mmt'lmm 0 of-thisAot.
, ” ..lI
s@otloa 15 of rhrtlolm
WA@ ~smwn~m* umrt La wuutlem
ha * l g 0p eia th ll
a t & u th d wu ty
.__ .
P ’
t-boammd (80,000)labrbltmmtm, mmmom to
tb lsmt prmomU&?mUmral ommmmm lttb
flnt reaular motlng lo Jmmumzy of lo h m-ml-
aa8r yur, MY gasa mm oramr proridlri(rot
mompnmrtloa of lll oouaty on& prwlnatof- '_
a smlmw bmmir. . .*
flow8 ollr
1. hrb bean uarblmto lmmat.a OaDr ot the o La-
ion rsfrrmd t4 ln yourt.0pull-y;honn~r, u* we ulol#Pag
homlth IIoUPJof Our ODilliOll SO. o-1116
ion so. 3045)for youreommlono~.
In tin of thb rormgdng ltmtmtom mad th e
'ammtlono4Coafrrmnom Oplaloa mm arm r up so tfully
thstlt is theopiniono? do tht'lt lo not
pmomlblmt.emompenmoto 8 jmotloeor tliapmmoo on l smkry
bar18 in aoantlrs'h@rlng a gopulrtlon
of lamm tkmn twenty
thommmnd lnbrbltantmlooordl~to the hat praoodlag YmdmrmL
ommmuo umlessall tha proolnot offlom~ la #ml& oomatr lra
006ip6ad0a aa 6 aolrrybaals,and the oodmmloamrm~ ommrt
ln said oountytutaper*& mm ordrr providltg for tbs oorpaa-
mutlon of 811 praolmt offlosn 0% th 000Wty On l s8lm7
bmmlmot the first regular wetlng in JmuMrf oi tDI omloa-
dmr yur ln questloo.
rlwlt1ngthat the 'fon&ag fullyrnDI)Irn~
wo am
Yours Y9xy frul?
BJ tslenou)Ardmll fllllmm8