Xmmnble &nrb Oawlsum, Jb., Dlwutw, Pegs 3
sunset, end nighttlm. shsll well at asy othw
spsoirlhB.wa Mist. vlth mlp.st to peAe.trlsn.
OY 0th~ eara w by ~0n 0r e+m~ OP bisa,-
v8y aon&~ons; end speed shallbe"&0 eontrolled
88 msy be neouswy to araidooll$dl.ng with 8ny
pwsen, whl8le, w OtheY oaweymee sn OP snter-
?9t18 StateRl@nmy Caulssien slmllhave
to detelp-
s!!?zi% the nuxlmml,wa.onuble end prodant
h0meibero~ # Aot, takag inbo uon-
siaer8tionthe width md dcaditiola 0r the pave-
-t and 0th~ 0-ati308 02k8wb porti01~0r
saldhighw asvellssthsastbltrsfflathere-
Oh 5!hfdLYerthe 8tnt.IiQkv.~casris.lon
8hm bt8m end rir th r0t8 0r 8 8d at
E 8. nto
I.uulmm hexanbef0.e set iOrth
ln this Aut end shell dsolwe the wxlmme, rsuuma-
able uxt prudent qmed llmla thereat by iprcwer
arde~ 0r ta 00tw88bk3 gnt*nd OP it8 swim*,
.ll$h rate 0r md shsll beu0.a erfeoltve and
qj@mt@e at mAdpo%at Qa .aoidhi.ghv.~.llbva
8ppropr%stesqp8 gmug mbioe thereor 8m
ersotsdunder ths ords~ or ths Cossrissioa
sttshintsmaotion OI?'po.twi0r th. hQway.
Bmewble Bomw Barrinn, Jr., Dtreutor,?age 5
~0~79i0r~~diC0d8 0fta8hrk0r30~88,
lplg :.u snoabd no seed u maso all Be..260 Aot. of
the 431r4bgl.laL, E&J;, Page 545;sd 1*. oaptionedthe
Aot mwTA .*sr~3aw8r
. *&,,&
@sndlng ASMole 791 of tlk Pansi
Codep;wrldimsthat~otlon 8,orW
biole 827A, of the Aot. of 1929, 4l.t
Ln~slatwe, 2nd W.lad Session,ma -.-
.72,.,@apSer 42, as aasn&edby the Aa~s
~Silan age go7, chsptw 2a2, nlat- ; ,
zng oe-kw8pe.d of'rsotooY.h%ol..,
w pot:~iy t0 ru0 trol8 w
al?iwrnbi.18. oP.nt.~ c the f%sa
:. :depwmtkt 0r ant bay, tanr OP
vlllsgaresposdinsto o.ll.,nw te
:paliae'pdral.or physisisnssnd/aP
ubulsn8e. ee.DQndlugta emrgenay
oalls;end proridingthat lmorpweted
oities snd towns my by o.dgmoo..g-
dealwhg en w.rgeney* ’
"8eatlan1. wta mai0 793 0r the bd
Code so 88 to h.sesftePr~~sdas rfonav8*
* ‘Artiale
79l. 8eotlon8, or A&ala 8&A,
of thy A&Sor 1929, 41st &sgislsture,Snd Oslled
session, Peg0 72, Qhaptor42, aa muendedW the
I&osabIe Ykmw Cwrisea, h., obnotw; Page 6
kr tha a... of caua. Ye uamll, 101 vex. 574, llo
s;w,42g,th0 ~QWWS~OUP*~~~A mtd.w~i~ 0ff80t8kr~
it roe tmadw8t~sn. she aawt uidc
"a + 9, The qwB.tbrl is, hea*y*~raglg$~
’ repeslsd by mxb.eqwat sbtut..?
sag seotlon0r the bat last oited %8 88 r033w8: pxki
m8 83td pa8 0r &VB ia -0t uith th0 p~0timi~1
oi this ht we hereby repealed.‘.Lou. 1905, P. 166;
hvs amaa that tha Loglelaturehad Inamlndthat
lra.to bo repaold, the 'eo'lrt.
i ..-
Rww8ble mslw 2awl.w, so., l2lwewm, Pqe g
law In row at the 8Ws of the ~eege of an Aot. speasa Y.
mm&le~, 1Q Pes. 443, l@C 8. W. 5971 Cole v. State,106 Ta.
47a, l?O a. tL.1036.
mngeney w tin0 of peril vhem Urea or tae praservatf02i 0r
pope* we at stake, tha ragulatlw 0r 'speedmust yield to
she urgenayO? the oocfi.ion.
a tab008800r ttur P, 8th 0fw08tvbginia (c.
shouldhavstbs rightof.uarat intwueotions,
wmhbldnettobe toahdwal&flowwhows
pumtZngawhl6le tlfu-~trenrportisg .
lntoXtoa** lfQuw. mm ,oour$
rwm8n gaug to 8 rb or peaoe orfhtrs pursu;
S.ngaridzula,but it aarthlnly twuldnot hma
k*n Intended that pedb8t~lans rt street f&or-
seotiomsshouldhaw gbm rightor way over suah
rfrema or 0rriaw8, or thetrtm cr offiaers
tmdo~aw2ial~tan80~ &otildbe lfmltodtos
speed or tventy rive tiles, OP requiredto slw
dovn at i.utwswtions so as to hew thatr tohtolee
u?wlerooatrol.&a& a uonntrwtion would randw
. _..