Honorable Ward o? Fardon & Parolrr
Stat6 or Texar
Aue tin. T-ma8
Thl.8 ~111 l6k nOw
May 25, 1910. It qqa8l-rr
tion i'lo.1450, thr Gorr
rCplir#ion of the balano ntanorr o? ;rr1trr
Ranrrn an4 H. w. BaW6, a aaalupa County or
4 the punlaharnt OS 01w
408t8, U814$ ttW tOllOW-
8 t&at art tha tina th6 Boar4 of Pardon8 &
that the Govrraor remit the balane8 3S thr
no obJection to euoh action had bean
mfide; but that 8inoa mob tIma, ta, psr8ons bare m&o4 that the
Governor rwoka the rsinirsloh or thr bslanae or the jail ron-
UpOn thir 8tat@ Of fmOt8, YOU ask tU0 QU88tiOn82
1. Dasa the Governor hers the ,right to riwokr ral4
Eonoreble Board of Pardon8 & Far~laa, Page 2
rmiias ion?
2. xr_I)0
.L Is it moemary that the Board raoomwn4
that it be revoKaa7
A perdon la in effect 4 dard, to thr validity of
~:hiOh delivery i8 seeantiel, and 4slIvrry Is not complete with-
out aaceptancs. %unnIoutt vfi. State, 18 CT. &p. 496, 51 ADI.
Rep. 330.
Upon aoaeptanoo, an unconditional pardon may not be
revoked axcapt for fraud. Ex psrte Rice, 72 Grim. Rep. 587,
162 s. w. e91. Upon the dellrary and aeosptanoa of 4 pardon
to v&loh is attaohad oonditionr subsrqu4nt, the pardon my be
revoked only upon a breach of ftueh conditions sub84quent. 3x
parta Moe, aupra.
Kherr 8 pardon, however, is I48U4d in toma prorid-
lap;that It 8hall be rffrotlto only upon tha performmar of a
eondltlon preosdent, the p@rformanOr of thr oondltlon praoo-
dent oonstltut8s thr aoorptanor of the pardon, end the pardon
dose not become. effsotire until suah tlas an the oondltlon
precedent has been performad. As we construe the Governor *s
proolama tlon, in this lnstanoe, the remission Of thr jell 8411-
tenor8 is not rffsotiva until ruoh tfpls am the prironera hare
eatlsfled tha court corta. The 8stIrfaotIon of auoh court
COBts 18, thoreforr, a oondltlon prsoadsnt to t&o validity of
the remlmrion of tha jail meatanoas. It 18 this psymaut Of
the oourt cost4 which oonstitutas the sooaptance on ths part
of the prisowrs of the rsmiseion of the jail 8antOnOOs.
That this remlmslun Is pradlcetad upon the psrform-
anea of the condition preoadrnt, that the oourt ooclte rhall
be aatl~fled by the prlroners, 18 apparent when wa tranepono
thr lsnguage used In the following manner:
” . . . . wow, thrrefoPr,
I, V. Lao C*DanIel,
%varnor of the State of Tsxso, by virtue of
the authority ranted in me under the aonstltu-
tlon ond laws of this State, upon thr reoom-
.nandationa hsrelnabovs eited and for the rea8on8
herein set out snd now on file in the office of
the S‘scrstary of Stats, 40 hareby grent unto ths
seld r:altar Wsnsan and fI. W. sLlor8, provided
t&et thsy have satisfied the Court ooste, a ra-
:~lsslon or the balanoe or their jail ssnteno48
. . . ."
Ronorabla 3oard of Fardon Q i’sroles, Fags 3
“a understand that the proclamation has been de-
llversd *& the priaonere. Ge are not advised, however,
whether they have paid the oourt Costa. If they here paid
the ccurt coate, the Governor may not at this time revoke
the rainlsslon of thslr jail santanose. On the other hand,
if the cLourt costs have not beart pal4 by the prlrroners,
the remisslon has not been aacaptsd, and may be revoked et
any tlma before eald court ooets are pI4.
In reply to your eeoond quelrtion, you are edvlred
that the authority of the Governor to revoke 4 pardon la not
dependent u>on the reco~mendetIone of the Board.
.:rtlcla i,, Saotlon 11, of tha Constitution apeclfl-
oally provides that:
“The Governor shell have the power to
grant on4 raprl4va in any capital caee for
a period not to exoeed thirty deys; and ha
ahell have the power to rsvokr parolee and
conditional purdone.”
The Constitution doe4 not mke the authority of the
Covernor to revoke parolee and conditional pardons dependent
upon ths racommendation of the Board of Fardon and I’arole8.
Your8 vary truly
Richard 1’:. FairchIlU