Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE QF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonomble H. w. iillen Diattriot Attorney &faai1t0n, 40x88 prefm8rlonal aall8 to whioh are oonusmieato being lhblb durtbt’ with Interaational Dio0iona.r~ d.Wwr the *one who txavol8 fro18 plnoo to plaoo.” d, we thiak thaw 1~ no awbrtusirl dif- in the prbmat atatate and the A0t iarolve4 is tho 0680 or xdx*tQn vs. Ytafo, S? 8. w. ass, ether than tha -06pticIpI 08 tO “dUltf8t8 praO@iOil5& frOrP abOQ t0 p&O. in the Oo\urty at tbrrir reDi6bi10#’ p(n bab~&%Od in 8&d iutkalb 7049 ( 3) . awi the opinioa of the court or OrLrilul kppeab iioonorabls 8. ii. rillen, Page 2 In that oi;rse, yie quote: w+ * * In regard to oaou?atIon ttaXe8, artfole 5049 Of the i2eViillJd Stat- utee of 1kWd providea: ‘From every phy- sician, surgeon, ocullat, or medioal or other apeelalist or any kind, travelling from place to glaoe In the ?rraotIoe of his prore8sIon, an annual tax of fifty dollare, In eaoh oounty where he may praotioe his ~rofeealon,~ ehall be aol- lected. + ‘), The tCt8tiLWllyehOW8, In so fer us It relates to this phase of the case, t bat a?pallant lived at Nevvasotrr, in Grimse oounty, and that upon one oooa5.oa n ooupie or gentlemen from ¥, In Efrazo8 county (an adjoining oounty to GrImea), want to NavaBota, and 8OU&ht the servicer of the ap~llent a8 a mdiaal 8peQiuli8t. iie being ab8entirOa, &Va8Ota, a ZW#lO8t wae left that he should attend the call or these gentlemen at 3ryun upon hI8 return. Thle request he complied with, and aedo two appolntmrnts eaoh month to attend cases In him line of praotioe at Bryan. It may be ooaceded that twloe during the zsxth eppell~t*vfsited Bryan e6 a ‘IPadIoal s~aIalIst. We do not understand this erpreeeion, *travsllin6 rrom plaoe to place,* to refer to phyleloiane, 8urgeen8, medical or other specialist8 nho are mu- wratsd in the atcitute, or to relate to those who hevs an offiao or plaae or bulri- neas, &z&dattend ~~3118 in their profession at other and dliferent plaoes in other and different countlea than the plaoe of their location. As we underlltaad this tam, *travelli3g from ylaoe to plaoe,’ It refqrs to those parties enumerated In the statute who go from place to jQuce traveling over the data, pursuing their oooUpatioU, oelllng, or grofeasion In that manner. irrewould not be ilnderetood aa holding that a ;)ereon may not hiive an ofrloe or p&ace of reeldenoe, In asich he yursuse his oacupation, hut some ~rtiouLr @int in the &ate, end not be faemabls to the law as a truvaler, -- that is, Honorable H. W. Allon, Page S one &alg from plaoo to plaoe pW8uillg hi8 occupation; but In swh o&38@, to b8 a tmveler, pureuing hlrr oooupatlon in the Itate, br Isuet trawl from p&co to place, yursulag hia voa&loa In en itlnorant mathod. The 0~380 before UP is not within that oato- w=Y l HUO th8 jhJ8lOhU3 01: 8NOiili8t ha& two placer of buelnaor. Part al hi8 tlmn ho 8pent at one, end the otlnr put OS his time at ths other, plaoe. ThiO 80.8 DOt Oa=J with it tha IQ- OS ltinaraey, or travolln( from plaO0 t 0 phO0, U8 we UIIdU8t%Iid t& amanlag oS4t~+hi:ntuza, within thm putMaw OS the law. Without the sxooption ln the statute, it I8 quite clear that the dentist to whom you refer oould mt ba o&88@& 88 an itinerant subjsot to the tar. tie think the exception wa8 prsant to meapt osa-tala p8raon8 sromthe tat, that f8, iti.AUUtt dWltilbt8 OOniiIb~ thsir hOtiTitiO8 tO thr OOlUiti.8 Of th.ir re8&iOOtiYO ZeBidCUiOQ8. It was not lntmdad to raoh out and bring within th 8tatUt8 thou whonauld not bo aS- Sected by the 8krtUte OttiSWiee. A8 we uabr8tan4 the seetr Srornpotir lmtter, tha dU4ti8t b @288titXIi8 ll@t~r~OtiOiJ& hi8 QWte88lfJi%OUt8ide the ooUntr & hlr re8idrtXOa .rOept in ro8QOn8. to 8~~01f10 Oau8. In our opinion ha la Mt a0 ltlnuent dOatl8t 8ubjeot to the tax ana we atnewer your puutlon ln th dsir8wiite. FIRST ASSIS':'ANT Glenn R. Iawl A88irtollt ATTORME'LGENERAL