Honorablr Fred Uorrh
county Auditor
Polk county
Llrlagrton, T-8
oopy OS a O-en
Pipe Line corpo
OI and erected telephona
e publla ronda oi Polk
hose new looatiaue. 3omo of thaar new
rtw yards from thd old looation8, but
* wetaneosoeary.
About Daawabor, 1928, meld OOrQOrotlOn preesnted :’
Polk County with an aooount raprersnthg the OOI!& neO~at3itated
by tha above mentioned work. The oomt&ai arm’ Pourt pasred
an ardor that the i3am be paid but tn6 a*d“i tar ramad to
rip the warrant, and to data fh0 8OTporatlOn &8 not reOeiVed
., -.
c 32
Honorable Prod Horrla, Page e
my compensstlon but now demands the eooount be pald.
The preaont mmaJealoners 9 oourt at a rsocntnertlng ra-
eolndod the fox-marOrder OS said oourt pasrrd by their preda-
ose6ore orderin that the sooount br paid. Unasr the nbovo
aantlonedfaots ycur orlglna1lngu&y prosantrd the rollcuing
mPleaso abvlsa, as to your oplnlon, as to nhethrr
X$~o~~nty maa Bhell Fipe Line Oorporstlon anything
And in answer to the abbvs in our original Oplnlon
ao. o-2408, it was hala in effsot that the oo!mIsslonors~ oourt
0f Folk RN&y had no authority t0 pay the olein.
Under tha,iaats &&ted in the orl~lnnl requeet It
ma arsumd that the above =rontlcnal
oorporatloa #OS ocaetruot-
ina and rumin@ its 21~0 lines under axlstlngpub110 roads.
nowever, under the aatual Santa Sresented to this Depertront
the said oorporatlon hod right-cl-uey deedo for ell the pips
line laid in Polk Oounty and the new blgbwoysorossed the
right-or-way ot the said corporation at several dittsrant
plaoea, due to the oonstruotion of the new hI&hways, the aor-
poratlon was foroad to lower and ease lta lines in oo~nyllanoe
with the Stats rs@.atloas and law, end at no point alone;the
pip line did the now highway usa the old highway right-Of-TfCW.
It la a rundameatal yrlnoiple ot law tbat pxlvnte
propertyohall not be taken ror a publia uee wlt.hout lddquate
oozi~ens~tlon, And that no peraon ehan be deprived Of his ?rO-
party mxoept by duo ooursd OS law. Werefore, vre axe of the
opinion tb?rt where ths state has permitted auoh oorporatlon as
above mentlcaed to ersot and oonotruot its ll~nes under and
l o r o a c pub110 ronas, and where tke oounty requirestbe addl-
ticnalrlp,ht-of-wey ior new highways or pub110 roada cvor and
aoroea the private property of the above mentioned oorporatioa,
the county would ba llnbla to sold obrporntlon for thr srpenso
of aaslm said lines and burylnl: thein et a proper Cegth. Y:o
Wink that our Opinion No. 0-2274;end tha authorities olted
therein is opgllaable t0 the quastion here Under OOnSidaratiOn
and w~oiotm a aopy of the sane ror your oonvenlsnor. our orlg-
1~1 OpinionUo. 044OII 18 harobywithdrawn.
Trustingthat ths foregoingfully answarshour lm&rF,
APPROVEDOCT 9, 194Q ; Yours very truly
tiLLA& .w