Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXA% AUSTIN -- 888 “This artiole shall not apply where it ehall be determined at (ui eleotion held within such ofty,or,town by majority vote of those voting thereon that the territory or any +rtfon thsrsoi to be %o embraoed shall not thereby beooms a part of the indepmdent rohool distriot oon- aticutsd by 8uoh oity or tom, but shall be taken into the alty liarits for olunialpal purposas only, ana shell rszaein for ooh401 purposss a portion or the acijaa6nt indep%rident or tmororaon sohcoJ ciistrict ati though said city lFQit% had not b8en sxtendod.* As this departanmt held in opinion No. O&10$, ths trwteee of P oonpllpon soho% diotriot have lega authoorfty uxder oertain %irouimtanoe8 to %aploy M attor- ney to repreeent the distriot. The deter&mmt au to tih% sristanoe or authority in auny paxtioular oam is whothar or Aot tha &att%E iS one ml&tiAg to &#hool afiati% whO20- in tha intsre%te of the eohocl are involred, ea dirtbnguieh- ad rMi the personal iAt%X95t5 of the tru%t%ee. Arrlfagton v. Jones, (C.C.A. 1917), 191 s. 5. 361j aaraing et al 'I, Rnymondvville Irrdep%ndent 3crhool Dirrtriot (O.O.A. 193Is) 51 8. W. (2d) 886; Orares and EIoutchena Y. PieaoAa Ed Indepacdent Sohool ljlutrlot (@*&A, 1922), 25435. G. 698j Stewart v. Hewton Independent W.ko01 Dirtzriot (Q.Q.A. LO$Q), 154 S. S. (26) 4293 84 8.C.L. SO9j 3V ‘26X. Jur. 945. As stats& in the Arrington oafs33 *...It ia provmm3 that the trusteea 0r the crehool dietriot, aa (a body Qorparnto, laay ooiltreot and bs %ontraoted with, ,%ue OF be %u%d, plead or be iinpisad5d in tiny ooimi;,;f thif state of aomp%t5nt &ris- artiole 2&S!, Vcmon'r SayI.%%* statute:. Aad. the tmLste56 Of the ,%oh,ool clatriot aim11 hav% tiiemanagrurant and COAtrOl Or th% pUbliC3 5ObOOl Or th* bf8- triot. &xtlales 282S and 8898, Vernon’s gnjrles* Statutser Thtrre ia ne authority exprssely given tw trustees to Qpiplo~ an attorney to brfu~ a suit in b5hnlf Or truetees a&,Il& a teaanac to Oari a teachins osritraot. $ut having the ~BW%P, a% trust%%% ham by the term of the atatuto, to oontraet and to 8U5 ad bs EU0C in CiiO courts, the authority r;nth% HOnOr4Dl6 8. C. 3ta&e, Jr., IFag. 3 part of trustees to 05p1oy an attorney to lnstltuto and prooaauts an aotlon in their b4half would exiet a5 a'naoessary lhoident of ths powers to aontract and to 4u0 am3 to uuma64 and ~oontrol th4 affa&rs *nd inter4at of th4 publie s6ho41. mat* V* iivsn 4t al., io Ark.,891, 67 3.vir 78&; 6 Th45poM on Cosp. (&I. 1894) g 7361. For the statute doss notmab it the duty of the county or d$.stri& attomsy to sopresent the trustees 'ln legal roaeodinge, In whioh they are intorortod. 3ill44 the trustees hav4, aa w4 think, th4 power to employ an attorney to reprosant them in 14gaf ~rooeedingr resp4otihg 4ohool affairr, the authority would exist t4 wy su4h attor- ney rsasonable ooapenoatiiaa out of the ep44ial malntenaca~s school Rind In ths managemsnt ana aontrol 02 the trustbaa. Art1014 3773, Yarnan% Saylos' Statut4fi....4 ita,believe it ir 014av that the affalra of a eohool distrtot are lhtipacrt4lyinvolvsd in a @oatrovony arising wit or stops taken under Arti 3304, aupra., by a siuhicipality constituting an independent oohool dlrs- triot. LBocoovor, the L4glaLIture aoht4aPpLateU that jwmtloiabl4 leeuee would ari44. A8 statsd by the Court in WashFngton heights Indspsndent Soho J&&slot et al V. Oity of r’ort Sorth (C.D.A. LiW3) ES1 3.W. 3U,,wrlt dismissed, in Interpretin&A&lo14 k34, Oo5plst4 T4+as dtatutes 1939 (whiah Artialc is now tbs s4oma paragxmph of Article 980'5, &viosd Civil SaWtea, lQ86)t Y'hle pa'ovision 4irldsnt2y adaus to authorize the abjuetrsnt of quiti be- twesn the two authorities voluntarily as OP bv a sltuatioo 4xistl&, and thfa amexation in no manner resulto in taking 0r property without 405p@nsatbon.w (Underrooring ouw) ,. _,,. : ; 890 Eoonorable 2. C. Staglo, Jr,, Fag4 4. Oonoequentiy, It is the oplrdon of thin drpartwnt and you are rsepeotfully advi#pd that ~t$s truetaos or a ao- rrohool dtstriot m&y etaploy an attorney to repressuit th4 dietriqt fn a 0,ontrvvsrey ariohg out of aorion taken by a m~iaipallty aonsiituting an Independent sohool disttiat gwauant to Article .2804, blevised Civil 3tatutw, 1925. swh attorney say bs paid out ot the apeoial maintenaaos oiwitsol of the trueteea. v*ry,tru1y yours, ATTQRXXY’C+IsIU iW TXXA3 i