‘7S8 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Boaorabl*I. Pr~dedd CountyAuditar,Calreatonr:ountty Calraeton,Texae Deer stir oplnlonFio.01a3eb Est Texeblllty of dated b%ay 13, 1940, or thle hmrtmaat on oh0 faotor in arri to ba placed o that you had beetle 83, 1939, fottltary ty Attorney Of Bra- eerrrlag the t aluo of tha inat the lease owmr regsa-6 pajmrsnf ml&h% be OutrCend- 759 the oll paywnt should equal tha fair market tmlue of~tb full leaoehold astote, usually a V/8 working iaterast, w&n aoneldered aa bea ire% and olear of any oil payx~nt. It IS our opinion that tha o~inloa in the &uin- tan% oam OOWWB YOU?? queetlbn,and that ar? outrtandm oil paynmzt .shouldbe assaaaed againut the oil paysmat bolder ror the r&m datermlmd by tha tax.assaaeor under the statutes to be Ita, taxable value, end that tha lease owner shmld be am@eSaed by tha tsx a8mmor ior the +&MI of tha full leasehold eststo, which 18 usually a 718 workinginterest less #e reltta d~terrfnra to bo the taable valua oi t&e oil paptbnf or oil pay?Wtt# payable out ol the leasehold latat6. iieare snoloain~ lmrer-ilth oopy or the opinion ia the Quufntam Ga.116. Tru#tln~ that this f5atlsfnotorilyanmwera yciuzroqueat, we am Yours reTy truly ATrOmm (r;IEAFERBL w 9!lims