Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

, OFFICE OF ‘T’NE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .~ AUSTIN :a-c.NAm -- opinion the pol- n the staSS ore *technl- Siciont ~teohniaal o perform the duties tisfaotorily,‘ant1a required training oan 5 of Title 89 Of the Revleoa Glvil wmning Library anilnistoriobl Oom- Viea(Leof departments and library assistantsehall be requireClto~havo teahnicrrl~ library trainlug; and hea& of bepartn;anteshall have llad at loaet one year of axperioncoin library vork prior to nppointment. Clerlseehall be requuirtito holila ~V.plom3from D firet- class high school aocoxxllngto the starkl- ards of the Stato Board of ~Educationor the University of Toxos, or to resent satisfactorye,viW.noeof eclucstfanal training equal to that pravi~%~Iby such hw sahool an& also to proscnt eatis- Saotory evidence of proficiencyin etenog- rapby ati typewritIngor booklce~ping.~ Semata Dill No. 190, 40th Legislature (General loupe46th ~eg.,rag. 88s~. p. SW, Vemonls Tes. Civ.,Stat., Art. 4413 (30)) in sea. 1 providost *That from IUS¶after the effective date of this Act, in every Stato Dopart- ment in this State, all honorably %l.s- charged soldiers,88ilor8, mm306 and marinas, from the Amy 3rd N3vy of the United States in the late Span.%&-Amri- can ana lW.llipineInsurrectionWars, and the China Relief IWporlition, anilthe late World W5r, wheroin the United State6 of &m-i03 tan:2 the Allied Notions were eugagod in w0x ngainst the Inpmial Govern- mnt of Gemauy and its allies, an& who arc 3xul~UYO bcon rosidantc or citizens of the State of Texas for 3 period of ton (lo) yo3rs next preceding the clrrto of rrp- plicdion, ati are cowpetont 3rd fully qualified,&ml1 be entitlatitomprefer- ence in appointmnts, cnrploymnt,ancl promotion over other applicantstherefor; provided, however, that no such prafer- 433x42 ohall ha oxtezdoiito such 6oldior5, sailors, mrineo, am2 nurocs izhoare ra- oeiving from the Sfate or Pcdoral Gbvern- ment zanymonies totaling Fifty ($60.00) ~ollas5 or more by reason of disrtbilitlos incurrccl during active service in the l&y, Nwy, &larino,or Nurse Corps, or by reason of Old Ago Assistance r;syr;ont, or any other Social Security monies provi&ed by liw, an& the peroone thu3 proferrcil shall not be Bisquulifiocl Prow holrflnl: my positionhercinbofor0xmn~ioned on account of a:;o,or by reason of any phyei- ability does not rond0rhimincomp0- tant to perform properly and capsbly the dutias of tbo positlon applioil for! and vhen such soldier, sailor, nurse, or mnrino shill1apply for np- pointmsnt or cmploynwt under @is Act, the officer, exeoutivo hsad of such dapsr@rmt or person or persons, tlons of s&d soldier, ssilor, nurse cud/or marin for such position or plsco, snd if the applicsnt is 0 p0r- son of good moral chsraotar snd can perform tho duties of said positi@n applied for by such person as herein- above povided, said offiow, exccu- tive hesd of dnpartmoat,boar& snd/or oth0r parson having:the appolntivo powr, shall appoint enid so1di.or, ssilor, nurse, or nnrrinoto 6~011 posltfon .snd/orplace of on.ployncnt.D Senate Bill X0. 190 Is not 3 statute of quslifi- CatiOnS or Cligib~lityfor appOintmcnt; it iS a pUr0 prc?for- ential ststute as batocan applicants,who are eligible snd qU8lifiti. If sn applj+nt of the favorad class montionad in 8. n. NO. 190 is not qualifiedLInclar Artfclo 5446,Of fho Bevised Civil Statutes,henot only is not antitlod~to n preforenco5.nthe msttor of cppolntwnt, but ho is not en- titled to appointmentat all. The fair ox3aningof the preforencoin EmployrwntAct is that amongst applicants, all of,mhon axe coizgx3tont and qualified,tlro tbo 0stant requiredby tho statutes roust1x3grforonco van to thefo favomxl classca. Th3 statutes prf3scribi~~quslUYcai.ionsfor om- ployoos rlrstbo construed in connectionvith S. B. No. 190, the Preforencc;of &nploymontAct, so ns to harmonize and g%ve,effectto both Acts without destroying either. Trusting that this will have snsrwoil your quos- 251 &ss Fannie u. Flilcor- raga 4 G, tion satisfactorily,WC are f $ 'i Vory truly yours i/ 5 ATTORHEX GGNXR& OF T-k ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS