Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Gilbert Smith aounty Attorzmy Joasr Oounty Amon, lk+x%r Daar Sir a Raoeipt LRJlokmwl oeat data requeeting t touahing the above mat letter read@1 tual baokground to your a in th6 oaiieof COLLIM Artiol. 7047, provide@: 0 VENDBS OF PATWT HEDZE\ZS. celling patent or are, end no trave2- til said tar la M) ply to aowm3raiel rm, or eelsomen mkiag eal.sr or eolloi&g trade for merchanta engaged in the ralo of drugs or medioiner by wholrrale.* Under the Collinst aam, as ml1 a9 the aaa8 of 909 Boa. Gilbert Smith, paga 2 llIEW Y. STATE, 103 S.W., 859, there would seen to be no doubt of the application of this statute to such sit- uation insofar aa the contraot between the traveling vea- dor and his company, and the method oi sales by the ped- dler, is aonoerned. Presumably, you are oonoermd about the qu%s- tion of whether the fact that thr traveling person sells not only patant medicima, but also soaps fly sprays, extracta, pann, utensil8, eta., rauld rdsre the appli- oation of ths statute. Our research reveals no ease in Texas directly resolrlng this Question. The ease oi SFZD Y'.STATTE,155 s.3. 524, howemar, involved taats d6soribed as follows in the oourtta statement oi the sass at pp. 524, 625; *Appeliant wad ooaricted 0r the orrena 0r being a traveling person pursuing the ocoupation of selling patent and other mediainee. 'The erldenoe unquestionably shows that ap- pellant had Q two-hors% haok on uhioh was painted Watkins' Rtmsdlest; that ho travereed Coryell County, eelllag thesa remedies end Watklnst spices, eta.; that thi6 was his regular oaoupatioa. Ap- pellant htili testltled and statedt *My mm is A. T. Shed. I am the defendant in this 0888. I understand what I am being triad for. I am prin- alpally engaged In selllug extraeta, spiaes, ila- rorings, noape, perfumes and other toilet artioies. I I sm imthe employment.of f. R. Uatkin8 Xedioal Company, Xinona, MIM., u. 9. A. * * k *$2ross-sxamfaatioaof the witnses A. T. She& *I sell mediolnes, but I sell only conditionally. I rpead more time talking up soaps, Spice8, eto.1 but at the same time I talk up the medlolnes too aad oiter them for sale in the way I havcitold you.” , In ariitiag the Judgmsat OS oontiotion, the aourt took no cognizanoe of the hota as shown pertaining to the sale of produots other than patent laedlclnes, and said tit page 526 0r the opiniaar *In so far as appellant ia concerned he 910 Xon. allbert Gaaith,page S had eskablished and was aaxrying on a osrtafn liao of bueinesr wholly within the state, and 8uoh a oleae of business and ououpation oan ba rogulatsd by the &Ate, ior the.@eat wslght of authoritp sqports the right to tax paddlars ehere the law does not diaorlainate bet-en produots of residents and non-resideate & * * l was bolng prosecuted rar pm- *rl,opellant suing a given ocaup6tion - that 0r peddling pabat and other nd.i.ciae#. And eaoh sale would haye a tendenoy to prom that he WMI so engaged, and the court did not err 1z.1 permit- ting etidenoe to be adduced oi Individual aale8.R There ts the came impll~&~o~ in the case of ~.W&W~,Y. STX-%, 152 3.q. 168, fro;nw:;ieh we quote Ps titer the sr~lraticm 0r tLs lioezxs:zh: t*eklmony would e&or that in trarel- ing he only Bold pepparu, apices, OoepB, and flavcrlnize, at the same time advertising the reme&iea, but wourd not 6011 the SW rrom the aegoa. Without BOER erldeaoe thet he sold these remedies ehlle aatiag a8 a traveling sale-, the judmnt oannotae suatalned. It is evident that after the ezpiratioa of his license he oon- timed to drive about the oouatry in the Vattins wagon, but there is no e~idenae that ho zaadea aisle of aay oharacter oi medloine, aad under these oiromoteacer the rerdlot of the jury WOS unauthorized. * * * * The propoeition ir latirely sand, in uxr opin- ion that a person who is a traveling Vendor of patent mediaims is liable for the oaoupetlon tax Lsgooed by As- tiole 904'1,Subditiuion2, supra, notwithstandinghe my also 5011 other ?roducta la aonnoet:.m therewith. &oh ic ooneoaant with the statute itreX, and with t&e aams olted. ncoordlngly, you are reapeottullyadrlsad that in our opinion the individual deearibsd in ywr inquiry, Is mbjeot to the ooaupatZon tax Imposed by Subdirlslon Izof Article 7047, supra. Hon. Gilbert Smith, pa@ 4 Trusting that vm have satiefaatorily~swer- ed your Inquiry, we remain ZCStob