Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Charley Lookhart Stats Treasurer Aua tin, Tars u Ucer Xr. Lockhflrt I Attenthr.: Xr. ii,. I.:Ol’X’lG ateVen Gplnion t;o. G-2l.80 Ilet; DOeU 8 lil!ititHltll bank iA liquidation have the SULN? leGa statue a6 e llvvl f!ational bmk 80 OD to ex- empt tho doede of trust thereof fro,% tho tex yrs- vidsd by iirtlcle 7047e tla ti:smded b2 2, ;E. 21+, 46th Lo~,:islsture? #!e bee, to aoknowledga raouipt of yxr letter of April 4, 194.0, rubmitt&& for c ieghl opinion the r0ii0iag oe8et “ThC Liquid,atin@ Qent for tha State Rstiane;l Sxkiakof ;an Anton&o, Tsxrre, whioh is in voluntary llquido- tion, wfshee to file for reoord 8. dew3 of trust exeoutsd by the PC& II. IXallwag Cumpsi~ggiven in renewal and rxtenslon of n note for $215,GGO.O0 payable to the State Katisnal B8nk. The .origl.nal dead of trust was first iLlad for moord In 1923; the lset r,enawal artenalon was filed in 1933. Would a Nationel Bank in liquidation hnvq the same legal otatua am a live ~qtlonal. bank 80 an to exempt the *farerasntlonsd instrument fr~mthe tax provided by Art1016 7047-e‘ il.A. 0, a,, aa e&ended by Senate i3111 ntm- bar 24, 46th Le~gisl.srtu.re.~ honorable Gharlay Lockhart-yphcc 2 Netl~~al banking: aasoolatixis, 88 lnatruw-i- t,aalitl.e# of the Zederal ~overnmunt, nre exomptad frza the etamp tax lmyoaed by L, N, 24, 46th icgiolctur~, regulnr sseelon (Artiole 7U+5e Vernoa*a AnnotateA ...ivil c;tatuter). This exmption is as broad as the nuce:dty for reglatratlon of mmrttgne,eor l&n is broad, and cx- ista in all aat-.,a where the dosooiatlon finds it neoes- mry, or thlnU it proper to raelater or rcoord the ih- strumeat. The faot, therefore, thet the aseooiatlan la Ln tho proosas of 1lquldatl:~n aan mnke no dlffcrence. The feat that an assoolation la insolvent, or even actual- ly in the process of llquidatlon, does not dissolve the oorporate sxletande. It la et111 sn lnoorporatad aaao- olatlon. (~3ee Hoes ;uo,iy,oeOil Co. vs. ;;tate of Texas; deofdsd by the i;otirt of Civil Appeala Sor the ‘i’hlrd Ule- trlot, end not SE yet reported). Your5 very truly 0010 tipear AseletaAt