Eoaornblr Wad&w &no
Dlrtrlot Attornr~
30 hate r0r rap1
mQurotiJlg8ho oplnioil or
8tnt.d Question. Your r-8
an the Coator
rntfmt er on*
ldjo3.nbq Gammon
tha8 I get your
0 transfers to the Csn-
iot Deoauseh&h water
08~ his how, 8o the
ohool Distclot la whioh
ob dlstriot the pupil
a add thr centsr In&Qen-
I for nine mntbo. The
rs to pay ttit1on ro% th6
Oonter Who01 run8 but thr
sohool yaw.
fionorabls&mAlow Lane, Pagd 2
*Under thia faot situation is the Canter tide-
pndant Sahool Dletrlor alrth3xizedto ciargs tuition
in exoeao of the zoath in the event suoh math tui-
tlon ir not sufflolszt to briag t.% ~~~11~sannoy
allotted an6 tm.rrfsrtaC uaith it sup to the butge8re-
quirem~at rot eaoh ?upll of the Center 3ohool?*
Frau the raots stated aDove, we essxe that th8 tram+
r0r of the saholastlo in ;uaotionuse otfeoted by vlrtuo or the
pro~ieions of Artioles 36954099, %vleed Civil S!atut@s, 192S,
and ;hat m question of tr&n&Zor of a sotolastlofor high sohool
pUQO56S (rhardn the C#fitAlg diStSht dOe* i+Ot~ffOtdtb 84UiB
opgottuaitlesas the roos:vlng dirtriot) lo Involved. Se also
asaume that both tb oandtig an& teos:viq sohooi,cil~triotsare
looatad Fn the sagl)oounty.
Q1 thS ba~iir Of theMI r4IOttJ YOIU pU6StiW IS WMthw
the reoe,lring
tnatrpndentsohool Uatrlot prayoharga.tuitionto
the no.?-rf.Wdent soholatstlobased on the pro rata oout of main-
taining the lnde9endent aohool Clatrlot lsrrothe portion OS
sohool hnd8 of tha oo&xa eohool &i&riot trandernd to the
trrdegeadsntsclmol Aiatrlot; or, on t&a oontrary; may the in-
dependent rwhool diatrlot oharge tuition oalg for one raonth
(the porlod auoh independent aohool Cistrlot~6 Wrm uo~adt the
ocG&oa oahool dlatrlot's)T
Artfolo 2696 in the aerlssd Clvl2 Statutes, 192%. as
az%Gad, Aots 1935, 44tb LegislAture,Ctinptar201, 3oa. 1, p.
4.38,raa4.aan followsr
"Any ohild law~lly enrolled in any dlstriot
or lndosndent distriot, i8a~by ordw of thcroountl
suparictentant,be traaafJrradto tho fuwolki#atoi
any ot4er diatriot or independentdistriot in tho
samo oountp upon a rrittsn apglloatl~a~0r tha prent
or giardlan or porron having lawful ooa~301 of suah
ohlld, filed ulth the oounty superintendent;2rorided
that any Cl&riot or indepecde~tdistriot Ming dis-
aotlsfleb with any tramtar oade by thb ouunty super-
intcndent may tagpal fkom such aotion to the oounty
board of truatses of said crountlwho ahall have the
right to aimul and oanoel the transfer allowed by the
oountg auporintfm?ent.
*Tha,applloauta&all state i.asaid agplicatlon
it is his boaa fide intsutlon to cent said
otlildto t!iesohool ts w;=tohthe **nmter ia asked.
"u&WI the CelTtiiititlOA Of th4 trMSfC4r Of tA.lty
cfiild,loom one diotriat to mother distriot, by
the oounty su~orintendant of tba aounty Ia whloh the
okild reaidss at the tlma or tha trantiar,.thestate
Departcisat of Eduoatfon sballauthorize the itate
Treasurer to pay 0~4~2dlraaatlyths par oaplta appcrr-
tlonment, in indepxidentdistricts or five hundrsd
(500) or mor4 sosolastlcpopulation, to the distriat
to nhioh ruoh ohlld 1s tranafierr4d1 aab in a:1 ottror
dlrtrlots, ?& oouaty auprintsnCe~t:ts, to be paid by
h&n to the masp4OtlV6 di&rlots to whloh such children
aXa tracsf6W3d~ provided,A0 trar~ref shall be mada
after august 1st."
In Sloaoub vs. Camsroa Indapssodeat So&o1 Dlstrlot,
lla Tax. 268, 288 Z3.W.1064, oertain scholasticswere dw
tracarerrsd iron &her school dietriataor tks county to the
Gaaieronfodepndent School Distrlot. TU Sear6 or school
trustsoa of the C4a4ron IndependentSchool Dlstrlot entered
an order rowiriq t2446 pupils to pay tuition at thi rat4 0r
$50.00 g&r year for high sot;001atubmts and $32.00 ror stu-
dent8 ln grades below the hi@ soho&, less tranofar money
r6oOlV80. The hrthez of thsse pugi r4iu4d t.0Ny the tul-
tion and instltu-,ed tc restrain
an a6tlcu.t the school board from
attempts to oolleat the amounts allaged to bc due. The ouurt
hold that t.&ba lndspandantschool Clstrlot could aharge tuition
to non-rbsideat aaholastlarunder Artlole 2760 or the Revis4d
Oivfl Statutes, 19111 (which article le almost lc%ntio& rith
titlole 2696, Vern3a s AnnotatedCivil Statutes) ynd in the
ooiurse0r it5 opinim said;
*It is our vleu tat the Legislature,la an-
aoting this artiole, did not intend to riquira any
indapendent sohool dlstriot in this state to 4&n-
oate a saholsatio irae oi o.hsrgeany longer thaa the
fxnds tramhwrcd rith suoh scholastla,would pap
such pupil*8 proportionat part 0r the axpans 0r
ogeratlng the sohoola or such district. In other
rords; aa Lena;as the stats apportisnzmtwil.1 opar-
ate the mhool4 OS 4n ind4p6nit4nb district, the
transrsr ppfl, whose stfrt4apportionmentis 4140
trawtsrred, ie not reciuiretd to pay tultlon. But,
when th4 aohoole oi an indepsndentdlstrlot must OOA-
tlnue their term r1t.ha::ndyraised by local tar44
levied upon proprty within suoh diistriot, then the
transrer puyil, a nonresident0r suoh distrlot,mat
py a reasonable tultlon.*
Honorable Xardlow Lane, Faso 4
Por aa808 la aoaord soo Huok vs. Fublio ?rreoSchools
0r the aity
or hiath, (c. 2. A. 1927) 290 s.3. 1llay YufbOv's,
Ugmay Dietriot Sohool Dlotrlot, (0. C. A. 1931) 98 S.3. (2d)
Thas4 oas4o wara under Artial4 2696 or the aovissd Civil
Stakes of 1925. see also the eaos or Lore v8. City 0r Dallas,
40 S&t. (2d) 20, dooldod by tbrr Sqwiao Court of ttils Stats on
Uay 16, 1931, whoroln the oourt pointed outs
azor more thaa arty ymra statutes hare beem
in 4rf44t prmlttltq tmOrOr0 iron ena rohool dls-
trlot to another, aad 8mo ooaslaoratlenmu8t be
giVSn t0 the OOAStXWtiOAOr i&O COA8titUtiolr WhiOh
ths raaotccentof these 8htute8 lmDllo4. Sin40 tho
Conatltutiaq dose not g#rmlt the taxation oi the
p+o~lo of a aohool dbtrlot r0r tho support'ofthat
diatriot, oroopt upon a vote 0r tho 40914 0r the
distrlat, it is not dobatablo that tgo Loglsl.ature
oomot oonrpel058 districtto uoo its fund* axi4
properties for the otuoatlon oi ooh4la8tlo8from
another district, wlthmt fust ooapensetion. Eon-
over, in view oi fho long ogorztlon of tkts tran6.f4r
8tatutos w b4lfave that whore a 8ohool dlttrlot
has radltios and teaoharo la bfoooa of those nooos-
sary ror it8 own aoholastioa, the 8tatO ha8 the powor
to it to 4.04opttr0a0ror0
ro.;uir0 iraol anathsr di87
triot,but only upon tho pyE4At of tea8snablo ocm-
pomation th4r4roro. . .*
As 8tatodSloaomb oase, supra, *For ysaro and
in the
year8 the State DoparWnt of XduoAlja cinderthe advfoe of
the Attorneys Genaral of thir StAt6, has ruled that thin t&i-
tiOA may bs ohargsd*. fn 8UpMt Of this SOGI BiOnAbf. it&port
of the AtttrlmeyOenoral, SSlS-1920, page 499, Vol. 383, Latter
O~lnlon p. 522, Vol. 367, Letter Opl~i~n, Page 36,.Opfnion to
Wry B. Camp, dated Juno 18, 1937, Vol. 376 Letter OQ~A~OA.
Consecuently,it my be seen that under thb author-
ity OS .%rtlolo2636, Yloaoinb vs . Cameron Independant School
Oistrlat, aad Lava vs. City of iiallae,a ro8eivlng independent
sohcml dlotrlot not only has the right, but lb is its dut to
o&loot a reasonable tuition fmn non-rosldont rohoh4 F9 08
s~ifrlolentto ooi?qensat4 tha rooolving dlotrlat for th8 rrbuea-
tion 0r tranrrerred aohola@tlo,uhaa transfer ftuxdarooeived
ara not aufllolant+
question of what oonstltutos nrdaoon-
The rarzai.aing
able viltion" was also anower4d by Chief J*ustiaoCurotcm ia
t&4 Love Gas0 aherrin he said:
Xonomble ;%~USW Lane, Pats 5
=. . . lor the sann reason a sohccl dirtriot
oamot be oaa~ellcd to render a saroloe to a 11011-
resiesnt 80h0148tio r0r less than 4 reasc5able tul-
tian fee. 3aoh &a atteqt on the part of the
b36iSl4tiU6 to thus 005ileC4tCi $hr property of its
taxoamrs would not ba a lssfiitLB%te us4 oi aoh a
It is tharefom *&a 0plnLir of this Departssnt and
yw are reopuotf~llyadvised that 4 maeivi~ Independent sob01
cibtrict may ohargo 0. ri+assnzble fmmit 40 tuitlor to a non-
resiiert soholastio transfsrred ta suoh dlstrlotfrrona oomcm
aohcol Cistriot; that in detsr&i~ a masunablo t..ltionor
oospxmatloa for the eduontion of the sotiolastio in question,
LW olezant enterlag into tha coot of the 50h0=31 syc;tem OT the
expu~?& of lts malntenanar should be exoluded; and iiaally t&t
we are in gcaseselcm of nc i4oL.oi&Laz wculd lndloats that the
pro rated oost OS fdntainizg tha Cwmron hds3adent soho
Dlstrlat, less transrar mney reoaived rsuld be umesmnable
oompensatloa or unr~sonab;Le tultlon 44 to the soholaaatl0in
g~6stliua. Ldesd, Lt waild semi that this sannar of detemln-
lug the tdtlon for the saholastlo is a dellbmkta atteqt to
follow t&a diraotiins OS the LQTS 04~4.