Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

.77!2 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I 3%. Oao. Vi;;. a0I Stata tlealtk Offlosr ~UEtin, TOM8 This will aokrIwletlg8 l?CIQ* quest wherein you ask t'oran opinlog 00‘ the fol.lcm5nng qusstlonsI "nrst, doe8 the Qmo4ssary r0r ad18L.s ' lnoluda thorn aasee whore, after ho01 at a pm- tlcnm tsra, the aut their reoords a8 to pre+lou8 eq, 8hou xl to the paribntr when employer or other outside aq~ti- Artkls 4477, V4wnon’a AMotatad Olril StatutoS, read8 tts follow8t *T&it ths Btatc Regi8wEr shall., upon rrqwJt supplp to frayproperly qualftied aQpliaent a Dr. Ueo. :.1. Cox, page 2. Wrtiiiea copy or the rcoord 31 any birth or death re@itored under &WOvi81OnS of Wile hot, for the making and certifioutfctn of whioh he shall be entitled to a f44 of fifty oents (6OQ) to be pid by the &-pllc,ent. And eny Euah aopy of the record of e birth or de&h, when propar- ly certified by tha State Reftistrar, shall be prime facie evidenoe in all oourts and plaaeo of the faota therein stated. For any searah or tha iflea end reoords when no oertlfied oopy is -de, the State Registrar Phall be entitle~d to a fee of fifty cants (50d) for eaoh hour or fraatlonal part of an hour of time of 8earcsh, said fee to be gafd by the applioant. And the State Hegiatrar shall keep a true and oorreot aooount of all tees by h3.m reoelved under thee4 provislo~~, find turn the maa over to the State Trearrurer at the oloae of eaoh month, and all such Uses shall be kept by the State !J!reasurer In a special end separate fund, to be krmm as th4 'VltdL StOti4tfo8 lhUld,' snd the 8t1~~Ul~8 80 depo8ited in tibia Fund aep be ueed far defkaylng 4X$Nlll84?J incnvrSd LB the 4BfOlW4lU!3Bt~and apea%%- tlon of t&f8 Aotg and provlde.4, further that the at4t4 hsrji8tr4rshall, upan regu4al,or any parent or gumW, eupgly, without ias, a ,?tr- tiZiaat4 United to a statem~t~~aa to ths,bte ot birth of cay ahlld when'the aam4 ahall be aeasasary for adroiaelon to aahool., or for the purpo84 oi wouring eznploymmt; and pmv5ded further that the united states a4neu4 mr44u maf obtain, withaut espmw to the State, trams- oripts or aartifi2ed copies of birth8 an4 death0 wfthcut paynmt of the fass herein preeoribad; and pruvided turthar, that the State Reglatrar 1s hereby authar%tid to snfar'lato an agrecr~asat with the United StiatearBursau of the Census to aat as Spaial 468nt tar that Bureau in aoeept- ing the use of the f'rankin(t,privilegeand blanka furniehed by that Bureau and la authorized te eat 48 disbursing aGent in o.zdar to have trensarib- ed tar that B~IWIU oapf6s of the birth an6 death aertLfi6ates filed with the State Bureau Ot. Vital Statietlaa; an4 provided that Ohe SQate Regietrar~ahall issue rree of aost to any veter- (~1, his widow, orphen,,or other desmmdantr a photostatlo aogp of any reoord Beti o#smiM 774 ‘I ibltprd by law r tbu 8sttlea+l$ 775 \ ATTORNEY GENERAL or7 TUT;: